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Let's discuss Furuya's obsession with zombies!

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Eien No

Eien No

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Before anything is said, we will all agree that the following discussion should be semi-serious and that by replying with an argument you pledge to understand anime/manga logic(which is to say the non-existence of it).

I've already accepted the fact that he's obsessed with zombies and the reason as to why doesn't have to be important or for that matter relevant, but I am honestly interested as to what other people's theories are. I mean, Chihiro finds the reainmated(or maybe just animated?) corpses of girls cute and I don't quite get how the sight of decomposing flesh can appear attractive to anyone. Sure, Rea is cute and granted, she is now a lot more "accessible" and "free", but what about when she starts deforming? Skin peeling off, body falling apart, organs spewing out - your typical zombie.

I understand the interest one might possibly have with these creatures. They are interesting, even though they creep me the fandingo out. Chihiro sees them in a different light though, almost forgetting the fact that these are dead people, brought back to life, maybe even against their will, to live as a shadow of their formal selves. How could he find that attractive?

I want to hears people's theories or even their own concerns regarding the subject matter, again, disregarding the fact that this is a manga and, by definition, logic is sometimes tossed out the window (but we all still love it).

My own theory/opinion is that Chihiro doesn't think of them as just corpses, but he sees them as a sort of different "breed" of subhuman creature. Rea is the special case amongst the zombies of course, as she, for the sake of explaining this in simple terms, is like a normal girl. He sees other zombies, human or non-human, as "pets".

Before anyone asks, I do like this manga and I hope it develops into something great, but this last chapter sort of rekindled my desire to know what's going on inside of that cat-ear haired head.




    Potato Sprout

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I think his mother is involed...

Akami Niflheim

Akami Niflheim

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Yeah! I think also that it's because his mother is involved and zombie really are interesting.. really really... XD :batoto_022:



    Potato Spud

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I'm pretty sure it has been hinted that Furuya's mom was a zombie, so he learned to love zombies because his mom was one.

Eien No

Eien No

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Could someone point this out to me? I haven't reread this in a while. I don't remember the hints of his mother being a zombie.




    Potato Sprout

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Sorry, I'm too lazy to go fishing for chapters, but I agree, there have been many hints scattered around that his grandpa resurrected his mom when he was a child, and even his little sister seems to have vague memories of it; in the anime, Chihiro has a flashback to that effect while visiting his uncle's house too.




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I think his mother is involed...

That would probably be one heck of an Oedipus Complex...

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    Potato Spud

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oh come on.. oedipus complex is norm nowadays... lol