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Anime Recommendation

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And the obvious ones being like Naruto, Bleach, One Piece, Fairy Tail, Full Metal Alchemist, etc eh?

Gungrave, Eureka Seven, Hajime No Ippo, Kekkaishi, .hack//sign, Gunslinger Girl, Samurai 7, Utawarerumono, Shakugan No Shana, Heroic's Age, Heaven's Lost Property, Full Metal Panic!, Fate/Stay Night, Phantom: Requiem for the Phantom and Ghost In The Shell.


The Epic Of X:




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Pandora hearts, K project, Hunter x hunter 2011, Claymore, Tegami Bachi, Inu x boku ss, Poyopoyo, Toriko, Ao no exorcist, D. gray man, Full metal achelmist, etc

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Monogatari Series (Bakemogatari,Nise, etc.) Inferno Cop has THE best animation you will ever see.I wonder if he will actualy watch it.

I didn't see if someone reccomeneded this one.. Stein;Gate

Uhmm that's all I have for now but I will be back with more! Maybe



Will of NGE

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I just finished watching Shiki.

I highly recommend it to tragedy/horror fans. At one point I felt sick, and every time I think of the scene I feel sick. I feel sorry for them :(


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Sakura Saluja

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Shiki is a pretty awesome anime :33
I'd also recommend HunterxHunter now since I recently discovered it ^^ oh and well maybe Ayakashi... some ppl say it's just sh*t but I quite liked it :33



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try watching the anime of mobile suit gundam(1980), the animation may not be as good as the current days, but it's rather engaging in plot and battles. 

However, if you don't like the animation than you could watch the recent ovas on "gundam unicorn" which has a lot of cool effects. 


BTW, how could any of you not mention "trigun"?

Edited by Reven, 21 February 2014 - 11:23 AM.



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07- Ghost :)


shadow, by ponies~ <3


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Will of NGE

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Neon Genesis Evangelion (ep.1-24) + End of Evangelion. It starts as your usual mecha, and then it turns into a mindfuck. You'll feel it.

NGE however, asks of you for patience when watching it, and asks you to think when it gives you time for it. Also it's worth noting that it was on an EXTREMELY low budget so it's a fuckin' miracle it was finished, and my god did the author make sure only animation suffered, though it became a part of NGE experience.

Must watch. DO NOT DISAPPOINT ME! (it's sci-fi).

This is a main menu for the DVD release.


There is a manga version, though a lot of stuff is different and it's to me... disappointing.




Code Geass, honestly... a magnificent bastard MC (like no other), lots of actions, lots of mindgames, despair event horison, death... dat ending....

Excellent animation as well, never disappointed me once. Hmmm... here, hear this.


Yes, he's the MC. He kind of... lost it here. You'll really like him :) Should be mentioned that Code Geass MC is very often compared with Kira from Death Note.

It's fantastic from start to finish.

Also, there is a manga version, though it's not NEARLY as good. Literaly.




Attack on Titan. Whichever you pick (manga or anime, it won't have any difference), it's great. It's brutal, unforgiving, NOT STUPID!, very interesting characters, great storytelling.

I don't have anything much to say, other than you'll feel despair, just as the characters.

Not scifi, supernatural, looks like 19th century stuff.

Also, it's great from the start, but it gets better and better and better as it goes on, and it's only season 2, and what season two will have it even better.




Shiki... Shiki... it starts slow, and builds up, and builds up... and builds up... and then BOOM!!! It explodes into your face and you start to question a lot of things, all the while shedding tears, feeling disgusted for the actions of the characters. I, who am usualy impervious to feels, actually at one point felt like my stomach will turn when shit started to go down.

Characters are not stupid for the sake of moving the plot, all characters (and there are tons of them) feel fleshed out, worked on, and most of all, beliavable.

Shiki does sport some extreme examples of hair styles, to the point where fanbase gave them all name.

Still, it's a dark, dark supernatural story that won't leave you feeling indifferent.

It's good from the start, but it gets better and better and better as it goes on.

Here, listen to this, you'll also see two character images.




Texhnolyze, if you're for an anime that's being called "one of the darkest anime ever made", this is it. Here's some info in the spoiler.




Guilty Crown, often called a spiritual successor to Code Geass. Animation is faaaantastic, characters are good, the story is really good, actions have concequences, there is badassery, there is sadness, there's a lot of good stuff in it. Don't miss it. Also, it's good from the start, but it gets better and better and better as it goes on.




FLCL is for when you're looking for 6 episodes of hilarious and fun and relaxing. Same people that made NGE, Kill la Kill, Gurren Lagann and other great stuff. Should be mentioned that all of their work seems to be light and entertaing stuff ever since they finished NGE. Some staff members even said that it's all like therapy for working on NGE.




Samurai Champloo is really a journey, set in times of feudal Japan, so expect samurai and slicing and stuff. Also, voice actor of Zoro from One Piece is here :D Great stuff. sweetass animation, interesting opening.




Darker Than Black. Scifi supernatural, great from start to finish. Mercs, heartless killers, assasinations, animation, soundtrack, characters, story, secrets... Watch first few episodes and judge it yourself, but it only gets better :D




Spice & Wolf, based on a light novel of the same name (unfortunetly, not finished like the light novel). Honestly, I feel in love with Spice & Wolf, it's setting, its characters, ESPECIALY its characters! The journey is very engaging, the relationship between the two MCs is fantastic, the voice acting one of the best...

And although it was canceled, the ending to the anime is quite satisfying and looks like a proper ending to those who haven't read the light novels.

It is not your typical anime either. It's set in middle ages and is about trading, with very little combat. Suprising how engaging the anime is :)




Wolf's Rain, depressing, slow paced, tragic, bittersweet... and a journey to Heaven. Lots of travel. It's set in a post-apocalypse world that's slowly falling apart.

Can't really say much because you have to watch it to get the appeal.




Edited by Will of NGE, 08 March 2014 - 01:25 AM.


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Berserk - Golden Age Arc covers 11 volumes of the manga (third of the so far released content), and it is just mindblowing. You've never seen an MC as badass as this. The characters are very engaging, the voices just right, the blood is red, the guts are red. Hell, by the time it ends you'll bathe in them (tihihihi, you poor fool, you don't know what you're getting into, tihihihi).

Seriously now. It's one of the best and most coherent animes you'll see, and you'll be left with wanting more, more MORE!!!

Golden Age Arc is three movies each 90 to 120 minutes long, giving you enough time to get to know its characters, mindsets, the world, and plenty of time to see the action and combat and horror.





Sword Art Online (Aincrad Arc) is a 14 episode arc (half of the so far released anime) set in a virtual reality fantasy MMO game. There is 11 more episodes, but seriously, stop after episode 14 lest you'll ruin everything great about the name of  Sword Art Online.

Sword Art Online is relatively warm-hearted and has its moments of joy, but there is strong sense of tragedy and it feels very bittersweet, and an underlying thought about real life and life in a virtual reality.

Wonderful animation, wonderful characters, amaizing soundtrack, good story, and be sure you'll be asking for more of Aincrad. At the end, I was sobbing and crying like a fool. It was wonderful.

Everything that is not Aincrad is taboo!




Anohana is a very feely and lovely anime about a ghost and her friends that will have you laughing happily and crying broken. It is short, so don't worry about investing a lot of time. The story is very well spread and feels just right. No unecessary content, nothing feels filler. Be ready for the feels.

Characters are relatable if you've been in a similar situation, and everyone is coping in their own way. Music is fitting, animation is solid, Menma is kawaii :3

A definite highlight is a piece of soundtrack sung by the voiceactors themselfs.




Toradora was my first happy anime. It made me feel happy. It's a romance anime that does what it sets out to do, you don't have to worry about stupid loose ends and unresolved anything. It has wonderful and fleshed out lovable characters and very cute animation style. Comedy is great as well.

You'll soon catch yourself cheering for the characters, and feeling happy or sad with them. It's not something a lot of anime pulls so well. You'll feel... engaged :)

Female MC falls under a deconstructed "Shana Clone" trope, and it's really well made.

There's also very little fanservice, and that feels great :D It's a romance anime, not trash!




Another death more likely. Set in a highschool with a cursed classroom.

It has a large cast of characters, though don't get attached to them too much.

It's bloody, it's tragic, it's sad and it is good. Nothing much else to say other than it doesn't go overboard and is a worthwhile watch that gives you what you came for. Quality. It never does what it can't do or would do bad. Another knows what it is and what its good at, and it delivers.




Devil May Cry is too cool to bother with details.




xxxxMonogatari series (Nekomonogatari, Bakemongatari, Nisemonogatari, Monogatari Series Second Season) are based on a light novels, and is quite frankly, one of the most unique animes you have EVER seen. The animation is fantastic, fluid and memorable, the characters are fantastic, the dialoges one of the best you've ever heard, did I mention that characters are fantastic?

Also, do notice how the world changes depending on which character's perspective we're seeing. It's not an action anime, but when there is action, it's fanfuckingtasting.




Death Note, definetly one of the best animes of all time by majority vote, with one of the best characters of all time by majority vote. It's a smart anime about smart people outsmarting each other in fantastic and glorious ways, it's about death, and manipulation, and corruption, and despair event horizon, and death and Deaths and... phew... real piece of work this one.

All characters are thought out and refined. The story is easily understandable, and it's just a matter of unfolding it. You'll always be on the edge of your seat, and when episodes ends you'll be blown.

Lots of memorable scenes. Animation is top of the line, voice acting is top of the line, soundtrack is great, story is great... dat anime! (that laugh at the end... bonechilling)

Those who miss out on Death Note are fools for doing so. FOOLS I TELL YOU!




Serial Experiments Lain comes from the same people that have done Texhnolyze, and it is no different in  that it is confusing and paced.

I really can't say more... it's... watch it to know it, and have patience. Buildups always lead to great things.




Edited by Will of NGE, 09 March 2014 - 11:30 PM.


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please, don´t watch this crap. better go for the other recomensations from will of NGE.


Ah, and go for this anime too:

  • Vision of escaflowne
  • Cowboy bebop
  • Space Dandy (new anime)
  • Tengen toppa Gurren lagann
  • Kill la Kill (yes, this got a lot of fan service, but the story is great)
  • Working!
  • School Rumble
  • Nichijou
  • Macross Plus
  • Claymore

You will not be dissaponinted.

Edited by Tardazor, 10 March 2014 - 05:34 AM.