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Yokoya and Kurifuji

yokoya kurifuji LGT

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    Potato Sprout

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Why do you think Yokoya is being followed by Kurifuji?

We know that Kurifuji is a member of the LGT since the first time her character's introduced but I wonder why the other dealers/hosts don't know her. They were like "who are you?",she'll mention her name then they were like "Ah, you're the one in charge of Yokoya".

Before the latest consolation/revival game, they were talking in the library and he said that it seems that she follows him 24/7.

The fake lawyer is in charge of Kanzaki Nao (like giving her the updates about upcoming matches,etc.) but it doesn't seem like she's being followed and monitored unlike Yokoya.

Is Yokoya realy that "special" or something?



    Mashed Potato

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I think they all have "followers" or "guides" (read: stalkers :P): particularly after Round 1. <shrugs> With the possible exception of Akiyama (either that, or they've got him on remote surveillance and a bit of a tether --Nao--: he gets me as becoming Mr Grumpy-Chops if he'd actively spot them... which he would, and they'd know he would and he probably knows they know he would, so gets some sense of relative freedom). :)

I think it's a mix of reasons as to why Yokoya gets the attention (for some reason, he appeals to the LGT aesthetic... or repels it... I'm never sure which <_<). And, Kurifuji does seem to have something for him... although I don't read "hots" so much as "personal fascination". :)

The LGT probably tailors the surveillance (and the strong-arm tactics) to the individual. <shrugs> They seem like that kind of gang. :)

Edited by Euodiachloris, 01 September 2012 - 09:37 PM.



~:Euo will do instead of my whole handle:~


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