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Role Play: A Miscellaneous Fantasy RP

Role Play RP

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    Baked Potato

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  • LocationSomewhere. Nowhere. Everywhere.
Dear, my fellow Role Player both new and old, Veteran and Green horns.

Before I start introducing the setting of this RP there are rules I would like to announce right now and there a potential question section at the end.

1. As if now, it one character per person this mean (no person will control 2 character at once whether they are twins, pets (limited to one), or multiple-personality disorder inhabiting one body)*this is subject to change, as the rp progressed.

2. No OP (Over Power), divine or even semi-divine character(s). No one like it when a character is over power. or during combat the character avoid being hurt and keep on dodging attacks. I reserve the rights to CK(Character(s) Kill) anyone, but I will issue 3 warning. I will ask you to revise your characters before CK them.*

3. No controlling other people characters.

4. All Batoto rules applies.

5. No killing your own characters or someone else character unless there is a reason* PM me reason

6. If you have an idea or something your are not quite sure please just PM me and I`ll give the okay or not. PM in the subject box type "RP questions" "RP ideas "RP Can I do this ?" "RP is it possible to do this" if one or more have an conjoint idea PM for before putting to action

7. You can post your character profile on this thread here:--->

8. Try to be logical. and stay in character

9. Any thing you are unclear about during an rp things in 8 font using ( ) and for question out-of-character

10. Above all Have fun.

Potential Questions
1. I cannot move on because I`m waiting for this person
Well, you can either skip or just ignore the event before you became stuck.

2. I will be busy and away for a while. (school, exams, family, trips...etc)
That is okay we all have our stuff IRL that must be attend to. Go ahead, but leave your character somewhere that will not cause other Character to be stuck. Try to notify me in advance

3. I do not think I can be in this RP anymore
That is okay for whatever the reason I wish you the best of luck and see you around.

4. How do I make my character profile
There are instruction in here: Just follow the format or use your own format

Now without further ado I will introduce the set, time era, plot.

In this world of ethereal peace, there lied 5 nations each with their own specialty
Oh-Haka Nation, The Fisherman Retreats

Nemo, The Underground City that Never Sleeps

Chi'Leon, Nihon country

Jiugen, The Nation of the Sleeping Terror

Edolena, Nation of the Guardian Core.

Aerogia, The Remanants of the Island of the Sky

Now for the Enemies

Plot: A few hundreds year has past since the Aerogia's demise. How one must band together and learn the secrets of the Enemies and how to destory the Enemies once and for all.

Sincerely your
Supreme Role Play Dictator Goddess, Lurker.

P.S The idea of having a role play is Liar I take no credits except putting it into action. And again PM for any questions or concern Just make sure it lable RP ______ <---this being questions, ideas twist in plot(s). And for now I will handle all affairs ,but noted I will asking a few people to act in my absent.