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Latest Chapter Discussion

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    Fingerling Potato

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Seeing that there are some spoilers on main page of the manga I created this, so let's discuss!

Maybe he is a precon, but what do you think what the "oddity" is?


There are 3 kind of people in this world:

1- Boring people who look at the earth and don't know the sky.
2- Dreamers who look at the sky and stumble with earth.
3- Fools who look ahead and think they see everything when they see nothing.

I'm the second one, but with the difference that I always rise when I fall.

By Exareivaj



    Fried Potato

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It appeared to me that he went through a "Deja Vu" type of time loop, repeating the scene until he could determine the root problem to be dealt with.
Always yield to temptation, it may not come your way again!

Thank you for your attention.
We now return you to your regularly scheduled manga, already in progress.



    Potato Sprout

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Based on what I've read up to so far, I have a few predictions to make...
  • Satoru's powers are specific to children (as in he only activates the power when something is going to happen to a child). Guessing that his childhood trauma caused him to become more sensitive to the bad things that happen to kids,
  • These "powers" are hereditary and his mother possesses them too. But hers are focused on her son... It could be that something else happened to him, beyond what he already remembers, that he can't recall, which caused his mother's powers to awaken... Which would explain why she's hanging around him all of a sudden (because she knows something bad might happen to him).
  • Because it appears that Satoru's powers only awakened after the incident in the past, its probable that they were triggered by his intense feelings of guilt regarding that incident.
  • His mother might be the exact same. This is all just complete conjecture, but... By exploiting her son, or at least allowing him to be exposed to danger in order to further her tv anchor career (x), something bad happened to Satoru, which afterwards caused her powers to awaken, due to her guilt for what happened. Also, it could be that her powers caused her to stop aging from that point on.
  • Also I bet that Satoru is unable to control his powers (and they are much more extensive than he himself is aware of), and the suspicious guy in the car from ch.4 is stalking him to see if he can cause Satoru to become more proficient at the psychic powers he possesses, which includes going back in time to when he was a child to prevent everything that happened because of the serial killer incident... Which would fulfill the prophecy made in the first chapter (x), as well as explain why the chapters are titled with dates (e.g. May 2006). If he were to go back to when he was a child, it would probably create a new arc that was indicated by the date he went back to.
Additionally, Satoru remembered feeling extremely disturbed by the smiling mother (x), which leads me to believe that the reason his mother may be feeling disgust for the suspicious man (x) because she recalls feeling disgust for the parents of Kayo Shinadzuki, who took the entire ordeal too smoothly for any normal parent, and the man is actually the father of Kayo Shinadzuki which is why Satoru's mother recognizes him.

Edited by BlackHayate, 21 September 2012 - 05:52 PM.



    Potato Spud

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jeeze, this latest chapter really made me cry, honestly i kinda suspected

also would like to say i like the theories posted by the guy above, though i'd be pretty damn disappointed if the author did implement the 'save every one with magic protagonist' shtick in this one, as it would basically murder the story's otherwise fairly grim mood.



    Fingerling Potato

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Whatever his powers are, I really hope he can save the girl.



    Russet Potato

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Too many big cliffhangers.. x_x He's going to kill me before the story's done



    Russet Potato

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Regardless, the updates are bad for my heart. The resolution for this series seems like it will absolutely pay off though.

Edited by omnipwnage, 22 August 2013 - 07:59 AM.




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I dont eve kno wat i reding
Fuq the fact that i have no idea what will happen next make my heart and head ouch cant keepn it up
If he kill little cancer beating girl i will becom manga kill him right now
He's so freaking creepy







    Potato Sprout

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ending is the most "happily ever after" ending ive ever read in a manga, MC gets everything, Antagonist confesses to ALL his crimes, even the ones that he couldn't possibly have been convicted for. MC even gets the gurl. Hope this super clean wrap-up means that author is making a starting a new manga soon.



    Potato Sprout

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ending is the most "happily ever after" ending ive ever read in a manga, MC gets everything, Antagonist confesses to ALL his crimes, even the ones that he couldn't possibly have been convicted for. MC even gets the gurl. Hope this super clean wrap-up means that author is making a starting a new manga soon.


Still felt INCREDIBLY BITTERSWEET since he still lost 15+ years of his life and all his friends and family(especially his mom) had to go through the emotional difficulty of whether he'd wake up from his coma or not and the villain went unhindered for those years still committing his crimes. Him and the other girl not hooking up also bothers me since so MUCH was put into building that relationship that them not ending up together is a MASSIVE let down. I was expecting a rerun to set things right in the past.