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Avatar: The Legend of Korra

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Buttock Follicle

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Srsly dubby LIVESTREAM ~_~

Sleepy Ash

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    Fried Potato

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^normally i'd say something about off topic image spamming but those gifs are pretty sweet

So i was watching the second season of avatar today because I somehow missed it entirely long story short I noticed something interesting

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    Russet Potato

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:blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :o :o :o :o :o !!!!!!!!!!!

None of the emotes on this site have a dramatic jaw-dropping effect, so that's about the closest I can get to my actual reaction. Wow. Damn. I need to start watching Korra again.



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Yeah, foxy, I've been really suspicious about Amon. He is clearly "special", but I'm not sure if he can energybend. Whenever Aang energybent, he spent a LOT of focus and held the subject in a certain way. Amon holds his guys differently and finishes WAY too quickly. It's relevant that one must have an "unbending spirit" in order to properly energybend someone else. This means Amon has to fight with the other person spiritually, which he doesn't seem to do.
Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri



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oohh.. sakii, i hope that streamlining link you gave works for me...

i had hard time last time cause i got blocks...

standing by..!!!!

...m y a l t e r e g o...

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Buttock Follicle

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i just wanted to say that because i like his name

@anni, http://www.ustream.tv/channel/korralations also work but that livestream one is higher q

Sleepy Ash

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So i was watching the second season of avatar today because I somehow missed it entirely long story short I noticed something interesting

Wow, pretty sure most people would either miss the connection for completely forget that!




    Fried Potato

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Yeah, foxy, I've been really suspicious about Amon. He is clearly "special", but I'm not sure if he can energybend. Whenever Aang energybent, he spent a LOT of focus and held the subject in a certain way. Amon holds his guys differently and finishes WAY too quickly. It's relevant that one must have an "unbending spirit" in order to properly energybend someone else. This means Amon has to fight with the other person spiritually, which he doesn't seem to do.

usually I hate characters that identify themselves by wearing a mask because it by definition makes them interchangable, but it seems like Amon's going for more of a superhero vibe. It's easy to see him only as a scary antagonist because he's a scary motherfucker, but he's not like the world will end in fire lord ozai. He's the leader of a movement, and the hero of his own story. For christssakes he's projecting an image of progress and equality, even if it is forced equality
It's possible and extremely likely that he has ulterior motives, but so far he doesn't have the old "personal vendetta against the avatar" motive. He had a chance to kill korra and deliberately didn't take it. Unless he's trying to force her into the avatar state first?
I found it odd that the ship that captured chief beifong turned around so suddenly, like it was their mission to get her specifically. if it was just "she fucked with our shit" they would have continued pursuing tenzen who also fucked lots of their shit, if it was "pursuing important leaders in republic city" she wouldn't be relevant enough to capture. Maybe its just cartoon villain "let them get away for next episode", I don't know.

Sleepy Ash

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The ship turning around might have been because of the damage done to it. Yeah it was minor but when your flying it's best not to take chances. So they took what they were able to before leaving. Kinda like settling for second place instead of going all or nothing for first.




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Probably, but if you look at the result, now they don't have anyone left who can realistically take down the airships. Amon could have been targeting metalbenders, but we don't know how widespread that style is (has everyman earthbender bolin done it yet?)

Sleepy Ash

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I think metal bending something they have to train in. The training speeds up the learning process but there I guess there are naturally talented people that could just up and learn it like Toph.




    Voice to the Voiceless

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I found it odd that the ship that captured chief beifong turned around so suddenly, like it was their mission to get her specifically. if it was just "she fucked with our shit" they would have continued pursuing tenzen who also fucked lots of their shit, if it was "pursuing important leaders in republic city" she wouldn't be relevant enough to capture. Maybe its just cartoon villain "let them get away for next episode", I don't know.

Really? Lin is the daughter of Toph Beifong, strongest earthbender of her generation, mentor to Avatar Aang, inventor of metalbending, and founder of the police force. I think Lin is a symbol of the old guard, pretty much the essence of everything that Amon hates -- bending, power, prestige from old nobility and nepotism, (taking over the chief position from her mother).

And she's pretty powerful too. Though, on a sidenote, I feel like the masters of TLA were much stronger than masters in Korra. Masters in TLA were summoning tidal waves and earth quakes. Masters in Korra get electrocuted by non-benders.
Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri Yuri

Sleepy Ash

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ROFL! I love that last part you mentioned Trebor!

Edited by Matrias, 23 June 2012 - 12:52 PM.




    Russet Potato

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Anyone here, who started shipping Suko's grandson with Korra for no apparent reason? *O*

Oh and Bolin's earthbending was really weak. >_> I hope the bending will improve in LoK. :/

Edited by Arae., 23 June 2012 - 10:08 PM.




    Fingerling Potato

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To me, I don't think LoK's bending will ever get to the level of TLA.

And when does the show air on the East Coast? Don't wanna miss a moment of it :3
Last time I tried to be a peeping tom...

Ohhhh I am not good with females



    Sweet Potato

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To me, I don't think LoK's bending will ever get to the level of TLA.

And when does the show air on the East Coast? Don't wanna miss a moment of it :3

What, the US east coast? 9 am on saturdays on Nick, if you've got NickToons they show some replays on Sunday at 6pm and 9pm (eastern time) also.

Edited by svines85, 23 June 2012 - 11:21 PM.




    Fried Potato

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Really? Lin is the daughter of Toph Beifong, strongest earthbender of her generation, mentor to Avatar Aang, inventor of metalbending, and founder of the police force. I think Lin is a symbol of the old guard, pretty much the essence of everything that Amon hates -- bending, power, prestige from old nobility and nepotism, (taking over the chief position from her mother).

And she's pretty powerful too. Though, on a sidenote, I feel like the masters of TLA were much stronger than masters in Korra. Masters in TLA were summoning tidal waves and earth quakes. Masters in Korra get electrocuted by non-benders.

that still doesn't explain why the equalists would prioritize her over tenzen, the best explanation I can think of is the arms advantage from taking out all the big metalbenders. I'm deliberately trying to avoid the "amon hates avatars and everyone they ever loved" because that's tarrock's job, and amon doesn't seem like the kind of military leader that acts on emotion even though those are all fine reasons to hate Lin

plus the masters in korra get electrocuted until they pass out like 3 times an episode that shit adds up man



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Just watched the ep 11-12. Great ending.
No one wants to be a slave. But if you do, please email me, because I'm looking for a few good slaves.



    Sweet Potato

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Yeah, it was great wasn't it?
