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Mangafox Operation

mangafox operation illegal

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    Potato Sprout

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I am not sure if this is the right place to post this but I have recently learned that MangaFox is illegal and apparently is making a lot of money from the scanlators. I would like to know how is it then that they are still operating and why hasn't any Japanese manga companies sue them?

Thank you

A little about myself: My name is Kevin and based in Bangkok. Recently got interest in reading mangas and learnt about mangafox so just been wondering about the above.



    Russet Potato

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Disclaimer: What is below is an opinion and hypothesis and is only based on my guesses.

I'm no expert, but I think it's because Japanese companies can't really track down the exact entity responsible for Mangafox and it's satellite sites. It's sort of similar to how if copyrighted material appears on YouTube, companies can request it to be removed, and it usually will be because Google is a very identifiable and accountable company.

However, scanlations are technically not "exact" replications of the original, so on legal grounds it is already muddy. If anything, the act of scanlating itself is as questionable as the act of hosting it, making the question "is it better to eliminate the source rather than the output?" a question as well. Moreoever, since Mangafox recently moved to a .me domain, it is less accountable because it is no longer "based" in the US. Apparently the .me domain is for Montenegro, and good luck to any Japanese companies wishing to sue the hard to track and ambiguous company behind Mangafox with a domain in a tiny foreign country.


The Best Bagels

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Hellion Twins

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NOEZ thread.


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Wrong place & duplicate of many threads. See above linked thread.