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A story from your country

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    Fried Potato

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Food from your country is a story from your country :).

It's called "stoofvlees" here. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbonade_flamande
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Xbox User

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My country was split into two parts then was united under the tyrannical rule that is communism. My family escaped the day before Saigon fell. But its not all bad. We still got awesome food like eggrolls and pho (pronounced fah). Vietnam for the win!

Edited by Xbox User, 22 January 2012 - 09:07 AM.

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    Russet Potato

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Okay… France.

Long history. Lots of dynasties and wars with the neighbors… until paf! French Revolution in 1789. Louis XVI is guillotined. (That’s what happens when escape plan fails) Suddenly it becomes a republic. Terror: “everyone” gets their head cut. It calms a bit, then comes Napoleon. Fights wars, writes laws, is imprisoned in Elba, makes a 100days comeback to finally lose in Waterloo. Then restauration, which doesn’t work out. From then on, republics. Yes, with a s. WWI. WWII. Joining of the group which would later become the EU (forgot the name). Algeria war. May 68. Etc.

Will do Germany later.

Edited by Autumn, 22 January 2012 - 09:30 AM.

*Ninja'd since... 2011*

Also... can't seem to do calculations properly


"Les sanglots longs des violons de l'automne blessent mon coeur d'une langueur monotone" (Paul Verlaine)

-> if you're bored and don't know french, you can always try to (google-)TL this^^

Buttock Follicle

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We have cuddly koalas and poisonous brown snake n.n



    Fried Potato

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this is satisfying.

I hope they understand that I really understand that they don't understand

Oh Sky.




    Fried Potato

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We have some crazy shizzle about stealing a tree :)
"Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive." Howard Thurman

"Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow." Albert Einstein

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    Fried Potato

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We have some crazy shizzle about stealing a tree :)


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    Fried Potato

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at the back of my mind, i think i wanna try that :/

 яαιηвσω яσ¢кѕ ヾ(◍’౪`◍)ノ゙| SlhbZiq.gif



    Russet Potato

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Our entire history can be summed up with the Treaty of Waitangi.


Waitangi day is coming tomorrow Monday 6th Feb...^^ It was signed then.

Guest_Mad Hatter_von_Kartoffel

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Portugueses... DEM PORTUGUESES.



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A man went along the way then fell down in a constraction hole then he died

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    Baked Potato

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Despite our country being part of Asia, calling us asian (ethnicity-wise, not geography-wise) would be a bit inaccurate. Technically speaking, we're Pacific Islanders with a mixture of East Asian, Hispanic and Western (mostly American) cultures. I think we're more closely related to Hawaiians than East Asians (though there's certainly a fair amount of their blood running through our veins.)

Spanish occupation of our country is common knowledge, but we were also once this close to being a colony of both Britain and Germany. There was actually a brief period in the 1700's when the Brits occupied our capital.

We have the rather embarrassing achievement of killing the man credited for being the first to circumnavigate the world.

We have a slightly denser concentration of the world's scum in here compared to other countries. (Or maybe I just watch too much news.)

But what this country lack in its people, it more than makes up for its natural beauty. Seriously, if get past the scorching heat, the Philippines is really a sight to behold.

Well, that's all the trivia I got atm. You've already had more than enough from Katzen and Ada anyway.

Oh, and Thread Necromancy FTW.



    Russet Potato

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I love my country and it's rich history too! Greece is a beautiful country and has a long past.
Our ancestors were so great that we find it difficult to surpass them or even be as good as them.

At the beginning (BC), Greece was an assemblage of smaller cities-countries (like Athens, Sparta, Korinthos etc). They would always have wars against each other but they managed to unite whenever an enemy would appear to threaten them. A lot of great philosophers, scientists, politicians, artists lived then and formed their theories/philosophies (of course they had their slaves to do the every day chores so they could calmly just focus on their studies).

Then a macedonian king named Philippos wanted to unite all the greek tribes and form Greece. He started working on his dream and he made it come true along with his son Alexander (the great). Alexander the great went a little further and wanted to conquer other countries too. At the end he reached India. Then he died at 32.

At 146 BC we were conquered by the Romans and became part of the Roman Empire. The Empire was divided to west and east and then the Byzantine Empire (East) was formed. At 1453 AD the capital (Contantinople/Istanbul) fell to the Turkish and soon all of Greece followed. For 400 years we were under the Turkish domination and at 1821 AD the Greek revolution started. There after our history kind of follows the rest of the worlds (with the World Wars and a dictatorship which we overcame).

I hope that we will overcome the economic crisis we are now facing too! Sorry for the long entry (I didn't want to ommit any of these)




    Russet Potato

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lets see ... this character is well known by all


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Hinanawi Tenshi

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The quick summary that I heard from.... about our countryヽ(´ー`)┌

We live in igloos, ride polar bears, and say "eh" alot.

Oh ya, we like maple syrup.

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    Baked Potato

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We have a caste system which is epicly stupid as weil as some issues with pakistan, also epicly stupid. and corruption. lets not forget corruption^^
oh and there are monkeys on the roads! and i remember an elephant walking down my street when i was younger ;D

but where i live now has beaches, lotsa sun to get sunburnt in, kangaroos and strange looking constructions like the opera house ;D



    Mashed Potato

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Corruption, Pollution, and some fake gold on top of a monument.




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Used to be Great Britain, now it's just Britain (or at least it should be)~




    Fingerling Potato

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Australia has the highest concentration of poisonous animals in the world.

And yet, there is a mandatory requirement of field studies and camps at least four times in our schooling days.

So to put it frankly, it's a miracle I haven't died yet xD
Just kidding~ :P

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방 철 용! 우리가 결혼하자!



    Fried Potato

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Hmm ... nothing interesting that I'm aware of has happened in australia ...

Is my sig too small now?