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Batoto will be closing permanently

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    Potato Spud

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Thank you very much for hard work! I loved this site! Though I haven't been on lately. Well, I hope you have a wonderful and lovely life! <3



    Potato Sprout

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Thank you.



    Potato Sprout

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Wow... this is one of my home opening pages in my browser... has been for years. Its very sad to see it end and has been an amazing run. I wish you all the best in the future. Good luck and god speed. 



    Potato Sprout

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Oh my. I think bato.to is the best site for reading manga for the whole time. â€‹So, it's a thousand pities... But, anyway, thank you for everething! You did your best!



    Potato Sprout

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oh well.

Melty Cheese

Melty Cheese

    Potato Sprout

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My first and only post.


Thank you for the years of manga discovery you have provided on this site. I remember when I first found it, manga's were receiving huge watermarks unless they were read here. once i followed the watermarks i never left. after 5 years i decided to make an account so that i could save my follows because there were just to many great things to keep track of on my own. i don't like making accounts for lots of sites but i liked the philosophy behind this sites creation which made me trust it.


When i first read the news of closure i was shocked and stopped reading my manga for a couple days, but i can't give it up yet. i hope there is a successor to the fine work you have provided to us. this site should never been your life and i wish you had a protege to help you keep it going so that you didn't put you life on hold. Good luck with your future endeavors.



    Potato Sprout

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First of all thank you for everything 

But this makes me really sad .

I am reading manga for 10 years since I was 13 years old and I started using bato for the last 6 years .

I really love this site.

When I got stressed from School or now from work I would read some manga and relax for half an hour.

Please think about it you are giving up the best manga Streaming Service.

If you just restructre your work,for example you can get assistants , that will help you overcome your problems .

Please dont stop, work around your Problems

I love this site and community even if I never commented



    Potato Sprout

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thanks for the service, devinitely gonna miss this site... any sugestion for other alternative?



    Potato Sprout

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Thankx for your hard work, yeah first and last post



    Potato Sprout

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Thanks for your hard work over these years.

Manga peon

Manga peon

    Potato Sprout

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Thanks for all the hard work. Now, supposing that I am a no lifer who is prepared to take over or start a new site something like batoto just to make sure that there would still be manga around to read, what are all the challenges I can expect to face?



    Potato Sprout

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I just joined yesterday to save some manga but goddammit I'm getting emotional. It's like the end of a manga (lol)

I want to Thank you, sincerely, from the bottom of my heart for whatever you've done for us. I'm so sorry you had to face all that alone. 

I will pray that 2018 will be a happy, healthy, satisfying year for you. I'm legit in tears now. THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR ALL YOUR HARDWORK. 



    Potato Sprout

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So... first and last post for me too. Just wanted to say thank you for everything, this site was helping me a lot struggling through life.



    Potato Sprout

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first and last post for me too...


thank you for everything. Hope you get wonderful life.

this is sad news. Batoto always my best choice for reading online.



    Potato Sprout

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<---never donated, adblock on, stolen laptop, neighbors wifi, mommas house, stolen solar panels, stolen sun, solar energy, stolen water wheel, neigbors river, stolen hydroelectric plant, stolen phone, stolen charging phone with electricity, shower in bathroom sink, stolen food from cafeteria, stolen hamster, stolen hamster wheel, kinetic energy, free entertainment. TriHard



Thank you, for all these years, take care

Edited by theycallmehaz, 15 January 2018 - 11:13 AM.



    Potato Sprout

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  • LocationOn the way to buy Jump....
So long, so long and thanks for all the fish... I mean manga



    Potato Sprout

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Long time reader, first time poster. Just wanted to say thanks for all of your efforts. I found some really great mangas through Batoto. Will miss you greatly.



    Fingerling Potato

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Publicly available to who?


Publicly available to ad farm sites? Publicly available to anyone who can torrent 6+ Terrabytes? Publicly available to anyone who says they want to maintain the site? 


One of the reasons that Batoto was great was: image resolution and lack of site watermarks. Can you guarantee that whoever picks up the assets uploaded here won't then watermark, lower resolution, and turn the whole thing into an easier to maintain ad-click farm?


Would you only give the assets to someone who would guarantee this? How would they guarantee it, exactly? If it turned out not to be true, what recourse would you have?


And would the Scanlators be happy to have the whole thing available for random public use when there are no such guarantees? Most of the early Scanlation groups hated aggregators like Mangafox for image quality. Here, they could upload knowing that the image would be unaltered. 


I'm not trying to argue for the sake of argument. I'm trying to point out that it really does not seem that simple at all to me. These are all questions I would have if I were grumpy. He clearly trusts his admin team. But ... trusting random helpful strangers who he's never worked with and has possibly never even heard of to do the hard work or to do the right thing with the database? 


I'm not sure I would.

I hope some day you can make up your mind whether to be the "voice of reason" who can dismiss any argument you don't want to answer as "not... that simple", or who can assert that there's no need to answer arguments because you already know that the answer is simple (in your favor, by coincidence).


Since you seem perfectly capable of creating indefensible positions to take apart, I trust that you no longer need me as your coatrack to hang them on.

You can send it to our suggestion box:



I admire your candor. I personally think it's valuable regardless, but current trends and the law of supply and demand have removed all doubt.



Edited by arimareiji, 15 January 2018 - 12:37 PM.



    Fried Potato

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Farewell, potatoes! It was a wild ride.



    Potato Sprout

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I've just joined this place,but otsukaresama. thank you for your hard work!