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Batoto will be closing permanently

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    Potato Sprout

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Thx for the hardwork to the staff, and the owner of the bato.to site, it was amazing i can read many mangas here .. already lurking for about 5 years++ .. this is the best sources of quality manga for me .. but now we must say goodbye ..


Really appreciated all the times,hardwork that you keep poured into this site .. we are mostly just a free reader so i don't need to complain about anything, but i hope maybe someday Bato.to will rise again :)



    Potato Sprout

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Thanks for the good content. Take care~



    Potato Sprout

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My first time ever to post but I think a big thank you is in order for all the hard work you've done throughout the years. The fan in me is sad to see the site go since it has been a great source of manga, keeping me busy and engaged for hours on end, reading popular stories and lesser-known gems. I've spent many hours lost in several worlds. I did not realize to what extent you had to sacrifice to give all of us this experience so for that you have our thanks. Get some well-deserved rest. Job well done



    Potato Sprout

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A thousand times thank you for all your efforts!



    Potato Sprout

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My time here was short, but I sincerely thank you for all your efforts and wish you luck in your future endeavors :)



    Potato Sprout

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I'm gonna miss this site a lot. I check it and read through everything I've missed at least three times a week. It will be shame that there isn't a place for translation groups to conglomerate their updates anymore. Even so, Thank you for your hard work thusfar in the creation of my favorite website Grumpy, and I wish you the best in your future endeavors. 


*Pours out a 40 and plays live and let die*

I don't suppose adding a captcha to access the image servers would alleviate your traffic concerns, however?



    Potato Sprout

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Welp, this is my first and last post. I've been here for about a year and this site was always great. Thank you.



    Potato Sprout

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Thank you and good bye you will be missed.





    Potato Sprout

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Never made an account for the site but I’ve always used it. Now that it’s all coming to an end, I made and account and wanted to say thanks for all that you’ve done.



    Potato Sprout

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Man, my first and last post. How time goes so fast, I joined here in 2011 when this site was still a baby. So sad to see it gone but I understand life must go on. Good bye Grumpy, Batoto.
You are a big hero in manga community. We will always remember your name.

Good luck and enjoy your life!



    Potato Sprout

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I'm sorry to see this go. First #lurk many years ago, then this.  It's a sad time.  I stopped lurking to say this, and I wish you well in future endeavors.



    Potato Sprout

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WHAT? I just created an account and then when I click the activation link this is the thread that I see first 😢..why are you leaving?..anyways I'm reading manga before here and when I came back reading this site is now saying goodbye..so sad 😭..(why are they always leaving me)..but you know I thank you from the bottom of my heart for this wonderful site and hope it will be revive someday.

Please allow me to say:

Good luck in your next journey and thank you for everything BATOTO! 😉

Edited by peerlessricamae, 13 January 2018 - 04:34 AM.



    Potato Sprout

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Thanks for everything this has been my favorite site to read manga since i started to read manga goodbye and good luck in the memory of Samurai Champloo (get get up walking, sleeping, keep on moving slowly good morning and good sunshine)



    Potato Sprout

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I have finally decided to make my only post here days after learning the news as I wanted to let my emotions normalize. I have been lurking here from the start. I have drifted off over the past few years although I do come back once in a while. The news came as quite a surprise as I did not expect it.


Firstly, I would like to thank you, the staff and contributors. You have provided an invaluable place for many people to just enjoy manga/manhua/manhwa while respecting all the parties involved. Next, I must admit that I did not consider the huge effort and sacrifice that you had made to let this site run. You certainly deserve to get a good rest and vacation.


Your reasons for this choice is understandable but you should have never let it get this far. You seem to be treating it as a real baby, I doubt that a normal person could have lasted 7 months doing what you did and you lasted 7 years. Your physical and mental health as well as real life relations should not have been sacrificed for this site. You should have spoken out eariler and gottem help. You seem to want to be in control of most aspects but that is unneccessary. It also seems that you are too much of a perfectionist, ensuring the site is up 24/7 is good but not woth the price you had to pay, to quote poster "arimareiji" (#1108) -- A site which is reliably up only 12 hours a day, and sometimes goes down for a week, might draw a lot of complaints. Pardon my French, but to the complainers I personally would say "So f$@%ing what? Get over it, find a way to help fix it or leave." Such a site would bring far more good into the world than a site that's up 0 hours a day, 365 days a year.


I do not know if you will read this post, but thank you for everything and have a good rest, you have made a huge impact and brought enjoyment to many. I wish you the best and may you find success in future endeavours, however I hope you will learn and grow from this so that such a regrettable end does not come again, learn to trust and rely more on the community you have helped to build, do not shoulder so much responsibility that you had to suffer. Communicate early about issues so that others can help brain-storm the solutions.



    Potato Sprout

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Thank you so much for running this site. It has been a pleasure to read and I really respect that you always honored the wishes of the groups and kept standards for appropriate content and that it has been so obviously a reputable place to be. I'm sorry that it has become a source of stress for you and wish you many relaxing days. If you come to Los Angeles, please send a letter for contacting you to "<real life address removed>" (deliberately using snail here). I would like to at least take you to dinner and some of our local sights. A small recompense for the enjoyment this site has given me over the years.

Best wishes, Ilex

Edited by Trebor, 14 January 2018 - 01:04 AM.



    Potato Sprout

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I found this site after *nemanga was shut down and I have been a member for quite a while. I had the honor of uploading a few chapters but eventually more qualified members of the community did that and I was generally satisfied with the experience this website offers. Thank you so much for your efforts and good luck on your future endeavors.

Edited by meaxn, 13 January 2018 - 07:20 AM.



    Potato Sprout

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Thanks for everything. I wish you all the best for the future.

Lazy Mister Rabbit

Lazy Mister Rabbit


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Thanks for everything



    Potato Sprout

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Thanks for everything



    Potato Sprout

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Holy crap, I never posted in the forums but wanted to express my gratitude. Batoto has been instrumental in developing my taste in manga and other asian comics. Although I was always a comichead getting access to so many new comics was a dream come true. Also I really appreciate the ethical high ground taken by the site. Thanks for all the hard work, you done good.

I sincerely hope Batoto the name lives on in popular culture and becomes synonymous with ethical comic book fans/fansites across the globe some day.