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Batoto will be closing permanently

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    Potato Sprout

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  • LocationBerlin, Germany

Thank you!





    Potato Sprout

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Damn. I've been here forever. It's sad to think how manga reading and scanlating will be once batoto is gone. So long and thanks!



    Potato Sprout

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So Long, and Thanks for All The Fish



    Fingerling Potato

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Main site is still up for now, at

8:15pm Friday in Kiritimati.

3:15pm Friday in Tokyo.

6:15am Friday in London.

12:15am Friday in Dallas.

10:15pm Thursday in Los Angeles.

8:15pm Thursday in Honolulu.

6:15pm Thursday in Baker Island.




    Potato Sprout

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Thx for all. I hope we see us again



    Potato Sprout

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thanks you!

and bye everyone



    Potato Sprout

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Thanks batoto. It's been fun. Farewell.

Manga_Man 420

Manga_Man 420

    Potato Sprout

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Thank you Bato.to! 



    Potato Sprout

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last post!!



    Potato Sprout

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Thank you and Farewell. Good luck with your future endeavors!



    Potato Sprout

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Its been fun. See you around.

Wenn du lange in einen Abgrund blickst,

blickt der Abgrund auch in dich hinein.




    Potato Sprout

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It's the second time I comment here.
Well, I could say this is goodbye to you, batoto, and me. Please take some rest, and take care. Actually before seeing the announcement, I've already made up my mind to stay away from both whole smartphone and internet things for some long time and when I see the announcement, I think I will do it at the same time this site completely goes down. Like, yeah... when I realized my life have been trapped in this artificial world, I shut myself from social life, did not do any improvement and just staaaaaaring into my smartphone and notebook screen. It sure is convenient, it made my life easier. Internet and this stupid machine (my smartphone) have mooostly anything I want. Through it, I can freely read manga without even bought it, I can easily order food by it, I can purchase anything without going an inch from my room, etc. Lol, somehow it's like I'm decieving myself that I'm having fun and I'm okay but actually not. My life have become dull, I'm just bored of anything already but didn't have enough courage to leave this easy and convenient but fake life. Yeah, I know that the first step always hard and frightening, I worried so much about the troubles might have come when I'm leaving my comfort zone but I don't want this become routine, I don't want to waste any time more than this, so, I have to put it to the end. I need to live my life fullestly, enjoy, and be grateful of it. So, I just wanna say this to you: Let's take some little detour and set a new journey. I hope from stopping at doing something, we can see something new and widen our world. Goodbye :)



    Potato Spud

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It's been a blast everyone, Take care.



    Potato Sprout

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Thank you Batoto. You will be missed.



    Potato Sprout

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It's past midnight and currently the 19th, looks like it was all a joke... I wish at least. I'll truly miss this site, goodbye, and I hope everything goes well for you as well.



    Potato Sprout

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it is also past midnight here and this is my second time ever posting here but this site is my favorite really sad to see it go. good bye and good luck to everyone here i wish the the best for all of you who were involved with this site as well as the many reader who also love the site



    Potato Sprout

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Thank you for all the good reads.



    Potato Sprout

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    Potato Sprout

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  • LocationFrance, Toulouse FTW !

I've been off of mangas in general for the past 2 years now and the fact that batoto is closing down surprisingly didn't hurt me that bad.


I am happy that you're finally choosing a life that doesn't require your constant attention, you've contributed enough to the scanlation world (as did the moderators, scanlators and donators). I won't say that I lost a few years due to batoto but it is undeniable that I have procrastinated endless hours here. I'm just sorry that to fuel my procrastination you had to dedicate your life to maintaining this big baby.

But thanks to you, I have been able to shed tears in front of beautiful stories, participate in the scanlating world and thus give some substance to my life at a time where I was down there.


Thank you and live well on the behalf of all the readers that loved batoto.



    Potato Sprout

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Thank you, Bato.to!