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Batoto will be closing permanently

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    Potato Sprout

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If anybody is interested i made a small addon for backuping manga list.



    Potato Sprout

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Thanks for everything Grumpy. Thanks Batoto. I dont like farewells. So, I will rather say: Cya later people!



    Potato Spud

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Wwith the Spectre of Meltdown haunting me the demise of this oasis of heart will be painfull. A weekly dosis of happy feelings is vanishing into the depths of the hyperspace...


What happened to "The interned does not forget"?

There are two types of people in this world, good and bad. The good
sleep better, but the bad seem to enjoy the waking hours much more.
-- Woody Allen



    Potato Sprout

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Maybe Bato.to will be saved the same way Nyaa was saved
By someone making an alternative of the website



    Potato Sprout

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My first and last post.

Bato was the best site, well designed and pleasure to use.

After today, all other sites will be compared to, but probably never live up to what Bato has achieved.


Fair well Grumpy and staff, thanks for everything.





Two things I've learned over the years being here.

If Deathtoll scantilates it, it must be good..

Even if its not that good, PervySageChuck's comments will make it hilarious :)



    Fingerling Potato

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If anybody is interested i made a small addon for backuping manga list.

I don't know if your addon performs the same function, but I'd recommend to everyone: Go through your list and bookmark the pages of the groups that have given you the manga you loved. The increasingly-censored commercial search engines (Google, etc) can NOT be relied on to help you find them afterward.


Until I did that, I had the mis-impression that there weren't so many. I owe gratitude to a LOT of groups present and past, perhaps with some overlapping members but I imagine there's been a lot of turnover. Scanlating is a nearly-thankless job, and it seems to burn through people like a brush fire.


To all the scanlators who have kept the manga community alive with their generosity: Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. m(_._)m


(And I hope that by some lucky chance, as little of your work as possible will be lost after today.)



    Potato Sprout

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thanks for all of your hard work over the years!

this site certainly will be a site to be remembered in my life :")

take care of yourself, you've well earned it



    Potato Sprout

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Thank you



    Potato Spud

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Although this is a loss, I completely understand and support both your departure and you deciding to not just give away Batoto to someone else.


Thanks for those seven years, I hope you sleep better from now on.



    Potato Sprout

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Thanks a lot for making a really amazing site to read at. I wish you all the best in life and finally some sound sleep and good rest.



    Potato Sprout

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Thanks for everything! It's truly been one of my light's in life for as long it's been up.


I've found and discovered a lot of beatiful manga here. Most often reading them here to enjoy the translations, buying the real japanese "for studies" (my justification for packing my bags full with manga whenever I travel to japan, hehe).


The forums has also been good. Helpful, positive and respectful, hope you all stay that way! :)





    Potato Sprout

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See you guys!

Thanks for all the fun.


Stay wide.



    Potato Sprout

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gg lads it was a good run



    Potato Sprout

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Thank you for everything



    Potato Sprout

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Thanks very much for you help over the past years eventhough i was not here anyways.
But i can see that the site is a very good website that takes alot of time to manage as I am in the web developing business as well.
Anyways I appreciate the effort you have done over the past 7 years. And while it is really sad for me to see the website closing as I really understand the amount of time you and everyone in the development team spent in making and maintaining it, I am also cheering you on to enjoy your life more like you wished and I reached the conclusion that Batoto should not be hogging you from the fun you want to have and experience.

So eventhough we have not met and I am not an old member here , I truly thank you and respect you from the bottom of my heart for making Batoto come to life.


May your life be as enjoyable a you want.



    Potato Spud

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Sincerely thanks for all the hard work over all these years

Edited by pokeroots, 19 January 2018 - 12:00 AM.



    Potato Spud

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12:00am GMT Fri 19th Jan....



    Potato Sprout

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thanks for everything

its been fun while it lasted



    Potato Sprout

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Thank you for your work in making and maintaning this site until now and good luck in your future endevers.




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12:00am GMT Fri 19th Jan....


And they're still excepting uploads.  :huh:

"So round, so firm, so fully packed." - Daffy Duck, not talking about what you probably think he's talking about.