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Batoto will be closing permanently

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    Potato Sprout

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Well, it's understandable.


It's just sad, really sad. Honestly, i don't think i ever feel like this when a site closed, but this just real.


Anyway, best of luck to you guys!.



    Potato Sprout

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I´m really sad, but thank you and goodbye



    Potato Sprout

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Aw man... Thanks for everything, this site was the best.

I relied heavily on Batoto to keep track of multiple manga, to know when they get updated and all, now I supposed I'll have to stop reading manga, since series that weren't on here, I often forget they exist and by the time I remember, there's like 20 new chapters and I don't even remember anything of it.

Is there even another sites that offers similar functionality of Batoto? If not, we can only hope that it will be reborn, kind of like how Nyaa.se was reborn into Nyaa.si.

Edited by TetraSky, 08 January 2018 - 04:40 AM.



    Potato Sprout

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Wow. I must say I did not expect this, even though if I tought about it I would know it would eventually come. Batoto has been a huge part of my life ever since it was created. For the last 7 years the first tab on my browser was always reserved for batoto. I am sad, but I am happy that at least you will get your well earned rest.


As always, in life everything changes, nothing is everlasting, we will hopefully adapt.


Now I will go cry in the corner. (Btw is it weird that I actually cried for this site but didn't cry when a relative died?)

Edited by Charobnjak, 08 January 2018 - 05:08 AM.



    Potato Sprout

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All of a sudden I have no home to return to.



    Potato Sprout

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Thank you. This site, and all the amazing people contributing to it, provided happiness and an escape on some of my worst days in recent memory. I always enjoyed my time here, and have discovered so many amazing stories thanks to you. I wish you the best in your path forward, and hope that you experience the same level of joy as your efforts have given me. Know you have made a positive difference in people's lives as you go on. Farewell (**vv**)7777


 A bathing bug.

What would be left of our tragedies if an insect were to present us his?

-Emile M. Cioran



    Potato Sprout

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Always referred to Batoto when it to came to quality manga reading online.
Cheers for all the good years and kudos for having gone through the bad times!
Thank you so much, may your path forward be even better.



    Fingerling Potato

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Thanks for everything that we experienced in this site and believe us when we say we love this site and it will forever be a large part of our lives.


I hope there is someone who will carry the torch so us moths will fly there from now on.



    Potato Sprout

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Dang, that's a drag. I really don't know of any better sites for manga.



    Potato Spud

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this is hitting me hard man, like after doing my jobs. i'll happy to check this site for my followed manga and its already my daily/hourly routine. ugh 

i hope admin gets better life, GL next

and hope staff would make a successor from this site



    Russet Potato

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This site will be left to the wayback machine ;-;


Social Media: Facebook Twitter Discord Instagram

Mangadex Profile: https://mangadex.org/user/1304/justnatsuki


Challenge: Try to find out the secret under this spoiler.





    Potato Spud

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Making witty comments passed a lot of time for me, a shame to see this site go.

Seeing my 17k likes disappear will be a bummer, but if the site is causing such a burden then I suppose its for the best.

Gonna take a while to bookmark my 500+ manga follows elsewhere




    Potato Sprout

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welp, this is my first, and probably only post on this site, but thanks for everything in the last couple years that i have used this site, and i hope u have a nice one from now on. 



    Potato Sprout

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Thank you for your hard work and good luck on your future endeavors but damn i'm gonna miss this site and its organization i hope someone creates a similar to this one to continue the work the staff put into even if i lose all my lists :D



    Fingerling Potato

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You busted your ass giving good folk a place to go. Get some well-deserved sleep, bud.



    Potato Sprout

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I've been a member for a VERY long time - and just want to say thanks for all the hard work. Being on call for a week already feels shitty for me - to have that feeling for 7 years... as you are saying definitely give yourself a break/vacation. By page 25 I'm not sure which mods that are backing up the data will read this, but if you need some DB help (if you are going to try and make another version of the site) please PM me. Not sure how much my skillset will help depending on the tech being used, but if there's anything I can do so that all of this data can be brought back I want to assist.



    Potato Sprout

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Well. You've made some good points. It's not entirely unreasonable that you're doing this, and at least you told us. You're allowing other people to take up the reins, and that's the best we can ask for in this situation. Good luck doing whatever it is you're doing after this.



    Potato Sprout

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If Batoto closes then manga is dead. There is no replacement for this website. Many groups depend on Batoto to host the manga they translate. Batoto's nearest equivalent, mangaupdates.com removed their links to translation groups. Mangaupdates doesn't host anything either. This website is how people find those groups websites. That is if they even have websites. Also Batoto is the only way to find good quality old releases. This means that if this website goes down then it takes the manga community with it.



    Potato Sprout

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Site going down on my bday. 


Thanks for all your hard work over the years. Enjoy your well deserved rest.





    Fingerling Potato

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Been around batoto for more than 6 years, this is a very sad news indeed...


Thank you for everything and good luck!