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Extended TL Notes: Chapter 19

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    Potato Spud

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So with this latest chapter, you probably have an idea of what I'm going to talk about already. Let's not skirt around it.


Prostitution In Japan


Now, strictly speaking, paying for sexual intercourse with someone in Japan is still illegal. Despite this, however, there is a thriving sexual industry based on services that can offer everything just short of actual intercourse itself. You've probably seen the term "Love hotel" at some point or another if you've watched enough anime or read enough manga, which is more or less a more officially-sanctioned "no-tell motel" that used to be more prevalent in the states. I'll leave a link here to the full page for Prostitution in Japan on Wikipedia here, but I'll touch more specifically here on the types of services that were mentioned in this chapter.


Soapland (Soap)


Soaplands first emerged after prostitution was initially outlawed in Japan, in 1958. Originally called "Turkish baths," the name was changed after pressure from Turkey, with soapland being the name that would win out instead. On the surface, it is simply a place where men can go to have themselves washed by a woman. Of course, this typically entails far more than just a simple wash, but the establishments are careful to take measures to keep themselves as clean as possible (heh). Girls are not technically employed by the soaplands; the owners are renting rooms to the girls. The customer will be charged by the owner a fee for the bathing, but anything after that is only between the customer and the girl, which she takes the profit from.


Fashion-health massage (Health)


These are a type of massage parlor that offer a range of sexual services to customers, again stopping just short of intercourse. With their name "Health clubs" it can be a bit misleading to foreigners, as those two words together obviously do not hold the same connotation in the States or elsewhere as it does in Japan. Typically there will be some indication of what the girls there look like, along with possibly some graphics indicating the types of services offered.


Image Club


This is technically mentioned by Maru in the chapter when he's discussing the swimsuit play, but I translated it that way to save space. They're more or less a type of fashion health club, but offering a lot more themed fantasy-type scenarios (schoolgirls, offices, train carriages, you get the idea). They're typically more centered around oral sex, but some offer additional services such as picture-taking, taking home panties, etc.


Anything Else?






Hope you all enjoyed this very informative lesson. Catch ya next week.