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Chapter discussion for Hatsukoi Zombie

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    Baked Potato

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     Why does someone have to dress like a girl to replace Misao? And why does it have to be Misaos costume? If it was the bear custome, then people would have no idea it wasn't Misao, otherwise one can see it's Ibusuki just by looking.


     Who bends down like that, ever, boy or girl dressed conservatively or not.  If you are reaching for something on the floor, you bend your legs. Besides, only someone with incredibly flexibility could even manage to touch the floor while keeping their legs perfectly straight. It would take effort to bend down like that, even for someone with decent flexibility, not something you accidentally do.


     And why do they even go along with Misao. To be nice? She's been awful to them. They do whatever she says, like because it's easier than dealing with what... nagging? And this flower arrangement thing, essentially it's Misao getting credit for someone elses work, so cheating. Isn't cheating for Misao going too far for her? Especially considering how she treats, well everyone. She's got almost no redeeming qualities to her personality. So her most of all, they can say, people get sick during competitions sometimes, we will not help you cheat.


     And the comics really brushing off Misao drugging them, it's obvious she drugged them, and placed them in a vase.  Granted she didn't intentionally almost kill them with it, but she did just leave them unconscious without supervision with them being unable to protect themselves being unconscious. The comic even goes out of its way to avoid saying "drugged" or something like that (something funny in the tea indeed) much less deal with it like its a serious matter.  I just think the humor would work a bit better if it all wasn't so extreme. Subdued humor can be the funniest sometimes instead of just frantic absurd extremes.


     Yeah, and those judges giving prizes in flower arrangement based on which high schoolers turned them on the most. OMG

"It's a little disappointing. Maybe it's worth runner up" -> hot girl on girl action (sounds worse than I mean it)-> "These guys win for sure!"

     Well flower arrangement contest is a must absurd japanese thing. The amount of obsession japanese have for "flower arrangement" outside of florist profession is astounding.  And a contest with it is of course going to be utterly subjective. So I suppose which contestants you find sexyist is just as good a standard as any other, nope, still wrong.


     It seems to me that this comic is getting more and more extreme and frantic as they seemingly run out of ideas.

Edited by truepurple, 23 September 2017 - 10:34 AM.