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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles

Contributor Status Requested

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    Potato Sprout

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I'm [N], typesetter for Beika Street Irregulars, the team taking over Detective Conan after Irregular Scans shut down. I'd like to request contributor status on the grounds that the team hasn't changed at all - the only real change in the staff was Gent's departure. It just so happened that Gent was also our founder and uploader, which means that we had to rename our group and choose a new uploader.


I haven't been credited in past IS uploads because I simply proofread Yunnie's translations, but you can ask her, Serinox, and Wonderer for confirmation should you need it - they're all credited both in past releases and in the chapter I just uploaded. For further evidence, you should be able to visit Yunnie's blog, where a bunch of releases mention my name, the BSI Scans blog, which lists me under members, or the DC discord, where everyone will confirm what I've said.


We're expecting the next chapter to drop within a day or two, so it'd be appreciated if this request could be handled ASAP.



- [N]


P.s.: Yes, I have read and understood the rules and am aware of how the process works.

Edited by Not-N, 22 August 2017 - 04:09 PM.

[N] / NEURO / Not N / Not Neuro / ?
Steam Username: 9696261
Reddit Username: Not-Neuro
Discord: <@126473945787531264>
I love Yunnie.



    Potato Sprout

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This is Yunnie, the translator.

I confirm what [N] said.

Brandan White

Brandan White

    Potato Sprout

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I'd like to request contributor status because I'm admin of Scanlation Group(Earth's Utopia)



    Potato Sprout

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I'd like to request contributor status because I'm admin of Scanlation Group(Earth's Utopia)


You accidentally posted in our thread instead of creating a new one. 

[N] / NEURO / Not N / Not Neuro / ?
Steam Username: 9696261
Reddit Username: Not-Neuro
Discord: <@126473945787531264>
I love Yunnie.

Brandan White

Brandan White

    Potato Sprout

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sorry, i didn't read the rules :(



    Lief, Loev, Caek.

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Apart from someone messing up on submitting their application, everything checks out. You're approved!
