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Beastars Chapter discussions

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    Baked Potato

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    Ch 43,  I see in comments talk about him ruining things by bringing up that he got somewhat close to eating her that first time he encountered her (well, it would have never happened with his character, but that he was the one who trapped her like a predator about to eat her)  Someone else said rightly that it was because he doesn't want to go on with her without her knowing.  That is right IMO.


    But there is also another two reasons similar to each other. He WANTS to put the breaks on this, he feels it's too fast, maybe he worries she might do something only out of the gratitude of having her live saved by him at risk of his own. Also, he's scared of himself, scared of both his desire to mate with her, and eat her, and how both feelings can get mixed up. He's warning her, 'this is the kind of fire you might feed, be careful'. Especially after a adrenaline soaked battle to the death just a bit earlier, he is then alone with her and both temptations.


    I really like how this is breaking out of tropes. Normally a secret like this in a comic wouldn't be revealed till super latter (unless this is going to be a short lived comic, which would suck)  And sex and stuff just doesn't happen and isn't frankly discussed. Using the trope sense of the many comics I've read, I could not have predicted where they are now, which is nice. I expect they won't have sex, but that's my comic trope sense and plot sense speaking, (especially with the den mother having a cow thinking they are doing sexual things, makes it seem all the more like that's exactly what won't happen) it could be nice if I am wrong.

Edited by truepurple, 03 August 2017 - 07:34 PM.



    Potato Sprout

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I think the first one is the most probably, also I don't think the manga is going to end in less than 60 or 80 chapters, there is the Louis and Juno plots, Legosi said he's going to protect Louis against predators (which is ironic, because of what happened in ch24), and Juno might try to separate him and Haru, and the most important one who's the killer in the first chapter? (my bet is that it was one of Legosi's friends in the canine dorm)



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As I said in another thread, the killer might be Juno. Though I feel less strongly about that than before, she's still the only candidate the story has given us. Alternatively, the killer could be someone who's none of the introduced characters. As I've also said before, this isn't a murder mystery story. The murder from the beginning so far has been setting, and it could continue to remain settings, some individual no one knows, maybe not even part of the school, could have done it. Making the settings of danger, of carnivores pushing back against no meat rules,  and pushing back against equality between carnivores and herbivores.


BTW, I am flabbergasted that Louisi killed himself like that, I did not take him to be such a weak and crazy person at all. Sure, it breaks tropes and is unpredictable, but it also just doesn't make sense to me, I don't like it. Well, we don't know he's dead for sure, probably not if we go by plot sense (since he's such a key character as a romantic rival to protagonist and antagonizing him to not hold himself back), in that case, it might be considered even more absurd.

Edited by truepurple, 25 July 2017 - 10:33 PM.



    Potato Sprout

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Yeah, I don't think he's dead and if he is that was a weak ass way to kill one of the main characters, I don't like Louis either, but is kinda interesting, the ptsd that haunts him may be the reason why he acts like that, I mean the guy literally was rise as live stock, and after that, he had to act as if he's the son of really powerful family, but deep inside he is still afraid of carnivores and most certainly hates them, also why nobody no noticed that Louis is not in his room?



    Potato Sprout

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Yeah, I don't think he's dead and if he is that was a weak ass way to kill one of the main characters, I don't like Louis either, but is kinda interesting, the ptsd that haunts him may be the reason why he acts like that, I mean the guy literally was rise as live stock, and after that, he had to act as if he's the son of really powerful family, but deep inside he is still afraid of carnivores and most certainly hates them, also why nobody no noticed that Louis is not in his room?


IIRC Louis pretty much has his own quarters all to himself. He mentioned in a previous chapter that he could not turn up to class for six months and nobody would care, because he has that much power and standing in the school that he gets to do virtually what he wants. Also, everybody assumes that somebody who seems as assured and self-sufficient as he does (which has been discussed too) would be fine on his own.


It's when he still hasn't shown up on the day of the Meteor Festival that people start wondering when he's going to turn up. Most likely, once Legosi gets wind of this, he's going to want to do something about it but will be too busy getting in trouble with the Matron trying to awkwardly explain how he didn't have sex with Haru and being utterly unconvincing LOL



    Baked Potato

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*light bulb*   Louisi could be faking his own death, or having killed himself, or put himself in mortal danger (like he had a knife up his sleeve and decided he was going to try to kill all the carnivores with only a knife or something, to make up for what happened that day he was rescued) for Lagosi, because he sees Lagosi as being able to do what he can not.


    He was not able to stand up to the lion mayor, at least not at first, not even to save his beloveds life. If he's to be a beaster worthy of/able to save the herbivores, he needs more backbone. He thought he had it, the strength to stand up when standing up was necessary.  Lagosi shamed Louisi with his actions, now Loiusi both needs to prove himself to himself and I think he's trying to force the shy Lagosi onto center stage, the guy with carnivores strength and backbone when it really matters, but a herbivores sensibilities and sympathies.


    So if Louisi is still alive, he will probably be hiding out till after he's proven himself to himself, and forced Lagosi onto center stage.


What do you guys think of that theory?


     And I think what Juno wants Lagosi  and the rabbit to see, will not be, or just be, a announcement that she is going to run for beaster, but something horrible, terroristic like. Her and her compatriots are going to to some sort of attack during the carnival to make some kind of political statement. Well that's one thought, but that last page of ch45 puts it in doubt. So maybe she has romantic like traps ready for Lagosi?  Either way,  Juno simply doesn't see Lagosi for who he really is, how he's so much more like the rabbit girl than like her.

Edited by truepurple, 04 August 2017 - 05:21 AM.



    Potato Sprout

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Yeah, it is a good theory, it is possible, also in the contrary, Louis might want to make legosi suffer by moving him to the actors team, or even telling people what happened, that Legosi rescued a rabbit student but hiding the whole truth so legosi can become a beastar and then try to make him fail just to feel better, who knows we need more info. :c

I hope you are right about Louis helping legosi though



    Baked Potato

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     Well it's more likely for Louisi to help Legosi than it is for him to sabotage him. Just consider everything that has happened up to this point, how Louisi regularly chastises Legosi for being too timid, reaches out to him. Every action of Louisi to Legosi and words about Legosi to others says to me, "I respect you".  And if it was some super long con game setting him up to become beastar so then to make him fall, why Legosi? That level of complicated dedicated grudge would have to be for someone you truly hate from the bottom of your heart, and not just because he's a carnivore, which seems like near half the species are carnivores.


     Of course all this is dependent on Louisi being alive, which I want for no other reason than him giving himself as a meal to a bunch of gangster carnivores is the most insanely stupid way to die ever, and the story needs him. On the flip side, I generally hate when authors pull character survival out of their ass after pretty much telling us that this character is dead. Like a cliff hanger panel where someones falling off a ledge and the other persons hand clearly isn't reaching, and next chapter, it reaches easily. Either way sucks, but again, the former sucks worse, so he needs to survive.



    Potato Sprout

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Ugh I hate when they pull the "oh you though he was dead, ups he pulled something out of his ass and saved himself or this character that has no motive or anything to be here saved him", about Juno she might do something to legosi like trying to force him to have sex with her so he can be hers, also what is Juno's secret? Everyone in the drama club has a special experience right?, Every time she gets close to a herbivore she had thought "calm yourself" like she could go crazy or something, maybe she has already tasted meat? I want to know what legosi thinks about Juno we didn't had a single thought from legosi while Juno was trying to make his move in the infirmary



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It seems clear to me, Legosi thinks Juno is a nice girl, the end. He clearly has no feelings for her, Juno herself picked up on that well before she knew of rabbit girl, despite her clear powers of convincing herself of whatever she wants. And Legosi doesn't have a suspicious mind and keeps to himself, so he probably doesn't have a clue of Junos machinations.


What is Junos secret? I think she's the only known candidate for being the killer from the beginning, she is probably involved with a underground extremist carnivore power group. She probably has a sad story where she was mistreated by herbivores as a child.



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In chapter 46, when they got interrupted by the spotlight, I literally LOL. Not sure why I found it so funny, but I really did. 


     Did Juno really manage to see what was happening between them and get the spotlight on them on the spot? I don't know, it would be hard for her to see behind the crowds and manage to get the spotlight so fast. Besides, she couldn't just say, put the spotlight on him now! The spotlight thing had to have been planned. That's part of why the other crew gave him time off, they planned to put the spotlight on him behind his back, spearheaded by Juno, but easily supported by everyone else since most everyone respects Legosi, So it must just be coincidence. I mean I'm sure she meant to tie up his time and separate him from Haru, but that particular timing was probably coincidence.


     I wonder if Juno even wanted the spotlght to be on  them at such a time. I mean for others to see Legosi kneeling down in front of Haru in a way that must have appeared intimate to others too, Juno probably wouldn't want people to see that. She probably would have wished for them to get to the spotlight thing sooner if she had her way.


    It would be amazing if Legosi said no to the spotlight in a firm way. But my plot sense and sense of Legosis casual go with the flow personality suggests otherwise.


   Also, the timing of Louisi disappearing and making a opening for Juno... Sure, we know Louisi went there like he was making a choice. But Maybe Juno got ahold of Louisi's weakness and threatened him with something to get him out of the way.

Edited by truepurple, 17 August 2017 - 10:26 PM.



    Baked Potato

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     ch60, the one attacking Legosi is the new goat boy. I thought it was him even before he began the attack at the end of the chapter before. Notice how the attack began with a head motion like pushing curved horns into him. And then used a foot stomp. Goat boy is someone with special training and insider knowledge that the person who finds the culprit becomes the next beaster for the school, gained (even if the training task was hired out) probably from a insider of the counsel who is his benefactor; probably the person who suggested it be the person who finds the culprit in the first place, that hamster? I don't feel like trying to find it and look it up right now.


     Legosi is suspected of being the perpetrator himself for some reason, which is the reason for the attack. Maybe a test, but even if only to capture, he must know that to handle such a powerful being as Legosi, with battle scars to prove experience, he must take him by surprise and weaken him.