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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles

Extended TL Notes: Chapter 4

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    Potato Spud

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  • 26 posts

Boy, things are really starting to get going in the story, aren't they? Like Chapter 2,  Chapter 4 just has a few references, so let's get to it.


240 Million Eyes - Hiromi Go

Pulled from a blogpost about the song:


"Released in February 1984, "Ni-Oku Yon-Sen-Man no Hitomi" is translated as "240 Million Eyes". Written by Masao Urino(売野雅勇) and composed by Daisuke Inoue(井上大輔), the title is a parody on a 1952 short novel titled "Ni-Juu-Shi no Hitomi"(二十四の瞳...24 Eyes). Go's magnum opus refers to the 120 million people living in exotic Japan. The song was actually penned as the final campaign song for the former Japan National Railways (before it started becoming the privatized Japan Railways in 1987). The campaign's name? What else....Exotic Japan."

(Link to Post)


And the song in full:


Couldn't find any English articles on the band, but from what I can get from the Japanese Wikipedia page for them, they're a Japanese rock band formed back in 1992.


(Link to Japanese Article)


And the song in full:

A5 Beef


As it turns out, there's really way more info than I was ready for regarding beef. So I'll just leave this link to a very informative article discussing the differences between different types of beef and how it's graded.


(Link to Article)


Anything Else?


Getting tickled at the urinal is approximately 1000x more unacceptable than making eye contact. That's a real sourced fact, believe me.




That's all from me today, look out for Chapter 5 tomorrow!