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So, I need help understanding what the title of Beastar really means

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    Potato Sprout

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They say it's an important title that makes an animal stand out among others and that can bring union between prey and predators. Okay.

But what is the real importance of it?

I mean, is Beastar a title that has nation or local iimprotance? Are only animals from their school allowed be Beastars? Are there other Beastars from toehr schools? Why do they talk like only their school can have a Beastar? Do they have a national contest to see which person will become a Beastar?

Is their nation just that city?

fire emblem

fire emblem

    Potato Sprout

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(i could be wrong but) from my understanding a beastar is a local figure for each city/state they come from. as for what they are i guess they could be described as an outside figure trying to bring peace to a group, sort of like a person who earned a nobel peace prize for their efforts.

Edited by fire emblem, 03 July 2017 - 07:16 PM.



    Potato Sprout

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(i could be wrong but) from my understanding a beastar is a local figure for each city/state they come from. as for what they are i guess they could be described as an outside figure trying to bring peace to a group, sort of like a person who earned a nobel peace prize for their efforts.

So it's just a local thing? Like some sort of "Honorary mayor"

fire emblem

fire emblem

    Potato Sprout

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maybe? or you could look at it as a group negotiator. Or if yu look at it from an animalistic point of view an alpha keeping he peace. maybe.



    Baked Potato

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My impression of it is like the position of the Queen of england. Her position has real benefits, but lacking in direct power. Still, people listen to her. I haven't seen evidence of there being more than one position of Beastar, but maybe like Fire emblem said.