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I can't remember the name of a manga. Can anyone help?


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    Potato Sprout

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I'll try to be as clear as possible and hopefully someone knows the manga I've been trying to find for a long time now.

The main characters are high school, maybe middle school age. The MC is a guy and there is also a girl who is pretty important. The girl comes from an extremely old, rich and powerful family. They are part of a group that act like mercenaries.

I only remember two arcs.
One of them involves them being hired to protect a terminaly I'll girl in a a hospital. Eventually they fail and the girl ends up dying. Before she died she says that she also hired the people who were trying to kill her. She said living while being sick and knowing she wouldn't get better was too much for her. But she also felt that she shouldn't just kill herself. So she decided to hire a team to kill her and a team to defend her. Therefore the decision wouldn't be hers and she could feel she gave living a chance.

The next arc focused on the girl on the team's family. It turns out her family has some sick traditions. This included incest to keep the wealth, or whatever, in the family. She was basically born into a family where she would have to marry her brother.

I just can't remember the name of this manga and I've wanted to find it again for so long. Thanks to anyone who took the time to read this.

Edited by ROTFLMAOMAGNETS, 17 May 2017 - 08:07 AM.
moved from GD


"We chase memories that have long since passed us.

Hoping, that when caught,

They'll accept us and we can erase the wear we've gained chasing them."

- Amaterasu93