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Satou's Past

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    Potato Spud

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Now that the manga showed the slight flashbacks of Satou's past, we can start talking about it.


Is it a memory from Satou's life?

A game based on that memory? So Rhapsody world is an amalgam of previous games created by Satou?

Who is the mysterious childhood friend?


-Remember do not use the WN as reference because the manga its based on the LN and also the WN its very spoilerish in certain aspects.



    Potato Sprout

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I haven't read the LN or WN, so I'll make a shot in the dark.


From the first chapter, it sounds like Suzuki always uses Satou as a character name when debugging, so as Suzuki's OC, Satou's life experiences would include the events of all of Suzuki's games. Suzuki would've used things from real life as inspiration for his games, so when "recalling" Satou's memories, Suzuki would've conflated it with bits of his own life.


It's probably too simple to be right, but I feel like Suzuki's real-life occupation is going to be relevant somehow, since they brought it up again.



    Potato Sprout

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I'll point it out, since it might be important that the colour of the hair and eyes differed from the childhood friend that Satou knew, and it was mentioned that simple reincarnation is not enough to satisfy the needs.


Suzuki would've used things from real life as inspiration for his games, so when "recalling" Satou's memories, Suzuki would've conflated it with bits of his own life.


That is quite unlikely to happen, as Suzuki Ichirou was a rather 'do as told' programmer. Although I can't deny the possibility, as we don't know anything about the games he created while not working, but likely that they would follow a certain pattern, dictated by other games, as is the norm.


Can't really say much until we get a more fleshed out flashback, but that's unlikely to happen any time soon. I'm more inclined to say that a few different realities meshed together and Satou got the feedback there. Possibly? Unlikely. Ah the mystery, it's killin' me.

Edited by HeikeR, 05 April 2017 - 04:10 PM.

Heike R.



    Potato Sprout

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This world is base on his to last works an most part of them. In L/N there some new chapter that show an fast flashback about Suzuki and some kind type of priest or god in his childhood.