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No such thing as love at first sight, author treats love and lust as the same thing.

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    Potato Spud

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Your last post gets very close to what I've been trying to convey. You asked me lots of questions, but id like to try my hand at asking you one and I hope that my question will demystify my stance. Ill also answer the question, so how I would respond to it is clear.



Lets say you meet an old man in real life, he is the great grandfather of an acquaintance and your meeting him for the first time with a group of friends. Someone is the group asks how he met his wife of 60 years.

He responds with a grand story of how it was love at first sight. He saw her while at a park, but she vanished before he could say anything. Later he saw her again at a grocery store, her image burned in his mind, went right up to her and told her his feelings. She decided to give him a chance and arranged at date. They have been together ever since. 



You suddenly feel compelled to chime in because reasons... What do you say about his story?



My answer:

Now in my mind, because of how I see love as a clear bond, most likely(99.898% chance[made up]), developed over several weeks or months based on my understanding of the science. I could debate him on the time table of his love, but more then likely it would be impossible for even him or me to know the exact moment his relationship started fitting definition. I believe his story to be rather unlikely by definition. However, under full cognitive dissonance, what I say is.


"Wow, that is really great that you fell in love like that..."


I reaffirm is story as if its true.

Socially, I think its the right thing to do, I have no way of refuting his time table with evidence to his unique situation no matter how unlikely and I rather like to think it true no matter how unlikely.

I think one thing, but say something complete different then what I believe likely. Your absolutely right that it causes a wishy-washy definition. However, beyond science I believe in a social and moral correctness I rather like respecting.


What is it that you say to this man though?



    Baked Potato

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   Social etiquette and niceties are a completely different topic. What do you do when someone doesn't know the earth is spherical, and starts seriously arguing for flat earth? (check youtube, fair amount more believe this than is reasonable) You can argue with them, ignore them/noncommittal, agree with them. Depends on your relationship to the person in question, your personality, and whether you have a stake in their favor with you; none of which changes whether the earth is flat or sphere. So what does it matter what you or I would tell the old man?


   Bound means connection, means closeness. Addiction- the other word you used, also means closeness. But one can love without being close(I don't just mean physically close), and be close without loving. You can love someone and desire nothing from them, not companionship or anything else; and desire much from someone without loving them. I am not saying that chemicals aren't involved in bonding, but the mind is also involved, and a bond still is a separate thing from love. Just like soil and a pot, they are related, but not the same at all. Bonds help lead one to love, and love can create bonds; but not the same.


   I will try to define my definition of love. Please keep in mind I have more than one because I believe it comes in many forms. Also, words are clumsy when it comes to such complex subjects, I am left without any fitting ones, so I have to make due.


Layers of complexity.


   imagine data as a singular point one dimension of space time theory. A dot, many dots.  A number. Negative value would be false data



  is when you connect the dots of data, lines. 2d flat space. A plus sign. Negative value would be lies.



  when you can pull knowledge together, know what to use, how to use it, what to discard. Wisdom is more than the sum of it's parts.This is 3d space, the world in which we know. Wisdom is more fully understanding the world. A multiplication. Negative value is willful ignorance, fear allowed to have it's way,  a hard headed inability to face existence as it is.


   True Love, (true as compared to and differentiate from the other loose usages of "love" in common vernacular like "I love icecream")

When a network of wisdom allow you to see the big picture, 4d space, maybe 5+d space. A exponent. Too complex for the conscious mind to grasp, but you may catch glimpses of it.


   In more practical terms, True Love is understanding the value of sentience, each mind, each existence, has value, and their complexity has value. If you can grasp that and believe it, you have grasped True Love. You may just know the value of one mind, a wife, a offspring, a close friend, or you may be one of the rare individuals that can grasp it more generically for many people, even people you don't know, it is a burden that few can bear in full.


  I am not a religious person. I question whether there is such a thing as a soul, but if there is such a thing as a soul. I believe it would be structured like how I described complexity, made out of things just like that.


  Furthermore, I believe hate is a negative value, not just that, a exponential negative value. Just like love being a 4d space, hate would be -4d, would be -x to the power of minus -y.  Hate can come from love because both are such dense artificial structures, Imagine the most intricate structure ever mad, and then imagine it collapsing in on itself,. creating a black hole, a hole in space time that eats up all the complexity of a conscious mind. Such soul would disappear without the structure of brain holding it together. Hate is a poison for our souls, if we have souls. Otherwise hate is just a poison for our consciousness's. So if you can, make sure you build your complexity in a solid, stable, structure.


P.S. I am not necessarily a believer in Einsteins concept of space time and matter energy equivalency, and definitely not one who believes in other dimensions, but it is convenient for describing my theories.

Edited by truepurple, 11 April 2017 - 08:25 AM.



    Potato Sprout

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First love can exist in a fictional setting even if you don't believe it can exist in the real world.

Edited by VanQ, 19 April 2017 - 07:26 AM.



    Fingerling Potato

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Oh, truepurple is back.
Why are you still reading this series if the author supposedly violates all you believe in?
If the story is so enjoyable, why does it matter if the author shares your worldview or not?



    Potato Sprout

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Guys... Remember that the story is starting... So I am expecting a BIG plot twist related to that.. The MCs are calling them Love Zombies, but... There is an official name about that?

Edited by DrkZero, 07 August 2017 - 06:05 AM.