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Unable to upload chapter (said unable to load plugin)

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    Potato Sprout

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Hi can someone help me. 


I have no clue what happened. I was able to upload fine up til 2 days ago, and I have not done anything to my web browser (I use google chrome) 

but today I am getting this "unable to load plugin" problem at where I'm suppose to click to upload a file.


Can anyone help?


I include a screenshot of the issue (sorry I cannot attach the file here either, cannot load plugin)


EDIT: I temporarily troubleshoot my own problem by using another browser to upload, but I use chrome by default and it's not working. 
​EDIT 2: Never mind, using other browser doesn't work either (I tried firefox and Microsoft edge, it upload 100% but then will give me HTTP ERROR 524). 2z6wf9k.jpg

Edited by motokare, 15 December 2016 - 03:02 PM.



    Equine non grata

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Plugin = flash player. Does other stuff on teh internets relying on flash work for you (like youtube vids with &nohtml5=1 or &nohtml5=True added to the url)? Anything that could break or interfere with it comes to mind?




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    Baked Potato

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Microsoft pushed out a flash security update on Dec. 14.



    Potato Sprout

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Plugin = flash player. Does other stuff on teh internets relying on flash work for you (like youtube vids with &nohtml5=1 or &nohtml5=True added to the url)? Anything that could break or interfere with it comes to mind?

Yes, after seeing your reply i went and check and flash stuff doesn't work. On some tech site, it said to go to content setting on chrome and tick enable flash sites. I did that and restarted browser, but it is still not working in chrome.



    Equine non grata

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Just to be sure, have you tried clicking on the "couldn't load plugin" message? Any "allow for this site/for now" prompt or maybe some flash-related icon/notice bar appearing near the address bar when you do it (or you not noticing it being there all this time)?




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    Potato Sprout

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Just to be sure, have you tried clicking on the "couldn't load plugin" message? Any "allow for this site/for now" prompt or maybe some flash-related icon/notice bar appearing near the address bar when you do it (or you not noticing it being there all this time)?


Yes i did click on it and it's just greyed out and nothing happened. I went to download firefox afterwards and firefox did what you mentioned, it will ask me to "allow for this site" and I am able to upload using firefox. 

However I'm comfortable using chrome and do I really have to browser to be able to upload every time? is there a way to fix this? T^T



    Equine non grata

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Add the following parameter to the command line of your Chrome shortcut: --allow-outdated-plugins

^See if it helps, would mean that your chrome is set to completely block outdated plugins and considers your flash outdated.

Apparently can also be permanently set via editing the registry if you don't need this feature:


Forcing an update or reinstalling flash might also be worth trying, maybe your current installation got corrupted or sth and doesn't identify itself properly?


Or you could google a bit about chrome + flash issues and trying solutions for similar-sounding problems.

Edited by OMGWTFBBQPONIES, 16 December 2016 - 12:04 AM.




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    Potato Sprout

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^See if it helps, would mean that your chrome is set to completely block outdated plugins and considers your flash outdated.

Apparently can also be permanently set via editing the registry if you don't need this feature:


Forcing an update or reinstalling flash might also be worth trying, maybe your current installation got corrupted or sth and doesn't identify itself properly?


Or you could google a bit about chrome + flash issues and trying solutions for similar-sounding problems.


What do you mean by that allow updated plugin thingy? Where do I go to find such options? Sorry, I'm not very high tech with computer stuff. 



    Equine non grata

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Create a shortcut to chrome launcher, right click on it, go to preferences or whatever it is called in english/your language,  and add a space and then "--allow-outdated-plugins" (without quotation marks) at the end after the path.


Example: "C:\(...)\chrome.exe" --allow-outdated-plugins

or just C:\(...)\chrome.exe --allow-outdated-plugins if there are no quotation marks present around the path.

For registry editing, launch regedit, navigate to the place registry hive/path from the link direct you to, see if there's "AllowOutdatedPlugins" there, double click it and change to 1. If it's missing, it will probably work if you add it manually (right click -> new -> pick dword value type -> name it AllowOutdatedPlugins -> set value to 1)

That's all assuming you're on windows. No idea about mac/linux.




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    Discord King

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More likely, since Chrome has built-in flash and doesn't use the one Firefox uses, this doesn't have to do with outdated plugins. Or even if it does, a simpler solution would probably be to follow the steps outlined here: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/6258784in order.

My words are my own, and do not represent Batoto in any way, shape, or form unless otherwise stated in the post itself ^.^



    Potato Sprout

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More likely, since Chrome has built-in flash and doesn't use the one Firefox uses, this doesn't have to do with outdated plugins. Or even if it does, a simpler solution would probably be to follow the steps outlined here: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/6258784in order.


Thank you. That fixed it for me.