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[RPG] Rise of the Goblin Nation

re:monster character posts role-play mature

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Unbelievably Majestic

Unbelievably Majestic

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"Wow." Frisk said in the loudest 'quiet voice' anyone had ever managed to produce.


This room was amazing! Armour and weapons were spread around as decoration. Potentially deadly decoration. That was the best kind! And that was not to mention the many bits of animals and monsters and all sort of things Frisk had no idea about. He licked a couple of the trophies. They tasted like violence and malice. Somehow he managed not to knock any of them over or anything. Well, not many of them. But he set them back straight like nothing had happened. He definitely got everything back where it was meant to be. He was fairly sure. In fact, he was certain. After a moments look at the scene he knew for a fact it was exactly as it had been before he messed it all up. He was as certain as he was drunk. And anyway, it looked better now so whoever owned this amazing room should be grateful for his decorative talents.

Still, even with all those trophies to lick and armour to look at his own face in, Frisk spied something more exciting than any of them. There was a monster on the bed. Frisk's new friend passed him his knife, the fun looking sharp one that had killed another goblin in the tavern earlier. Frisk grinned a wide grin. "Wow." He said again, his vocabulary was clearly as vast as the ocean. He'd never held a knife before. Not a proper one. Just his tiny stabber from the Horned Rabbits. This thing was much nicer.

"Cut him open and take his heart," His new friend said, interrupting his little moment of awe. "With it, we can make at least four mugs of the special drink we both like so much. Four! Two for me, and two for you! With that many, we can play an all-new game."

Frisk's eyes widened and his jaw dropped. "Four? Lots! Mmmm." He looked at the dagger in his hand and smiled. "I eat monster too? Yes." Frisk answered his own question. He then walked in a somewhat wonky line over to the monster on the bed and stood in front of it. It was weird. It had weird skin. It looked soft. "Gimmie that." Frisk said
aiming a short finger at the monsters chest with a drunken casualness. He then tried to make a stab at where he had pointed. No fuss, no muss, he was going straight after that heart. Alcohol awaited. Alcohol and games. Alcohol and games and a new monster to eat. Frisk was hungry for all three.


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The Illuminati

The Illuminati

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Goblin Brix
Brix the Terrormite Slayer, and soon to be 'Slayer of All', followed Vexx the Fair as she lead him through the goblin village. Being a day older now, Brix had a newfound appreciation for her black, leather outfit. It was cut in all the right places and left little to his imagination -- and Brix wasn't the only on. The cobbled path was littered with males and females both who all stopped to enjoy the sight of the gorgeous Vexx as she wiggled along.


Equally as lovely as Vexx was Brix's shiny, new armor. He had the option of either something light, something heavy, or something in between. In between sounded good, so he picked that over the other two. Looking at his horned rabbit armor once again, Brix still wasn't disappointed with his choice. His armor was decorated with little, metal buttons and different colored strips, and bits of fur -- it was beautiful. It was a mitch-match and a hodge-podge of nick-nacks that just matched his personality so perfectly.

Mocharr had also given him some leather strips so he could now wear his latest trophy -- a shattered human skull he had found in the abandoned, human village -- around his right arm like a shield. She had even made some small repairs to his new dagger. It was still pretty worn, but Mocharr had made it straighter now and given it a new, sharper edge. Considering his small size though, the dagger actually looked more like a long sword. Brix had to pass on the shoes though. He preferred the feeling of the ground beneath his feet, and his toe-claws were just too long and sharp. Maybe later he'd get an axe and clip them.

Either way, Brix was happy with his new equipment. He didn't think it was necessary to thank Fluffy though. The old goblin had payed for everything, but Brix knew he would have eventually earned the money to buy the gear himself. So if anything, Brix should have been mad with Grandpa for messing with his path to power and glory. The struggle is what gives Brix his strength. Without it Brix would only end up weak and tiny.

Luckily for Grandpa though, Brix had found it in his tiny heart to forgive him. Vexx was happy with his gift, so Brix was in a forgiving mood as a result. Vexx had eaten the whole terrormite head and looked like she was hungry for more. Brix imagined that it meant his gift was the best out of all the others who had given her gifts before him. It didn't mean she was his woman yet, but Brix was definitely on the right path.

Resting his clawed hand on his new coin purse, another treasure Brix had found in the destroyed village, Brix thought about the 4,247 gold pieces he had in there and what he was going to do with them. Well, he tried to but he was still too tired to think clearly. Right now, Brix was only concerned with finding a place to rest his head. Running up to Vexx, Brix -- who was now only half her size -- asked where they were headed and Vexx pointed to her house, which was right in front of them, without looking at him.

Her hut looked like most of the other, upperclass buildings in the goblin village -- a mix of goblin architecture and dwarven plumbing. Inside however, was an all new world. Brix stepped eagerly inside this hallowed and sacred place, admiring the animal hides that decorated the walls and floors, the magical candles that filled the air with a sweet, pleasant scent, and the large table, covered in candles and horned skulls that looked very demonic. But what really caught Brix's attention, was Vexx's bed. It was large, covered in furs, and seemed to be calling him to come over and have a nap.

"Go on," Vexx told him, catching his gaze. "It won't bite."

Not needing to be told twice, Brix made sure his feet were clean before he dived on top of the covers. While his back enjoyed the softness and his skin enjoyed the tickles, Vexx bound his arms and legs in iron shackles. Reaching for her leather whip, Vexx explained what would happen is Brix didn't tell her all his secrets. Brix just giggled excitedly.

Goblin Brix

Frisk stumbled and swayed forward with all the ferociousness and intimidation of a human toddler learning to walk for the first time. First Frisk tripped over his feet, then he fell sideways, as if gravity had suddenly switched sides, then he just crawled for a bit while No-Name slapped his palm against his head. When he finally reached the human, the young man just put his foot on Frisk's head and shoved him away. Frisk would have to sober up fast if he was serious about securing this kill.

“It's all about Power."
"Grabbing it. Keeping it. Using It."
"Power is our currency, our DNA... Our God.”
"We control the World."
"We provide the blueprint. And we give the Instructions."

Unbelievably Majestic

Unbelievably Majestic

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Frisk's drunk and contented grin had quickly turned into a snarl as he lay on the floor. This weird monster had decided not to give him it's heart. And it then pushed his face with it's foot. This was outrageous. Frisk clambered back to his feet as the monster skittered back atop the bed. A low growl rumbled in his throat. This drink, as magnificent as it was, had really put a damper on Frisk's hunting skills. That would never have happened before he drank the magical drink. He was too... wibbly. Too foggy. He needed sharp.

Frisk dropped his horned-rabbit skin pouch to the floor. It landed with a dull thud and a whiff of spoiled meat upon the floor. The skin unfurled itself slightly and The Rock peered out of the top appraisingly. Frisk cracked his neck and bared his teeth, anger was sharpening him up. Focusing his vision. Directing him to one purpose. To kill. He took an almost steady step forward, but it still felt wrong. He was still off. He needed to be sharper. He needed sharp. He looked down at the dagger in his hand. Sharp like the dagger. He placed the blade against the meat on his arm and dragged it slowly. The pain brought reality into sharp focus. In the depths of the anger and pain Frisk felt, he found his sharpness. He took a steady step forward and found himself pleased, he was focused enough that it was like he hadn't drank anything at all. His low rumbling growl continued as he stalked forward towards the monster, his grimace becoming a grin with each sturdy step. "Gimmie." He said, "Now." The blade flashed as he lunged at the monster atop the bed.


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The Illuminati

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Rise of the Goblin Nation


Chapter Two: The Kingdom of Ebonvale


Atlos City
The Kingdom of Ebonvale is a beautiful, fertile land of rolling green countryside, magnificent cities, wheat fields and blossoming flowers. Her people are viewed as a bit grim by their neighbors but this is perhaps to be expected, given their never-ending war against the treacherous Elves, marauding Goblins, savage Pirates and other, less intelligent threats. Every year the people of Ebonvale shed blood to defend their land from the vicious non-humans that prowl their borders.

Atlos is the largest city in the kingdom of Ebonvale -- best known for it's beautiful architecture, numerous libraries, and bountiful shops. Because it is where many noble families make their home, Atlos City tends to receive the largest number of visitors and has become the cultural heart of Ebonvale. This is where your adventure begins...

It's CS making time again! This time, you'll be making a human:
- Human characters will either start off as a prisoner of Atlos, or as one of it's citizens.
- Human characters can choose between one of three social classes: Nobles, Commoners, or The Homeless.
- Human characters must pick one of the following jobs: Swordsman, Mage, Archer, Merchant, Thief or Acolyte (Priest).

“It's all about Power."
"Grabbing it. Keeping it. Using It."
"Power is our currency, our DNA... Our God.”
"We control the World."
"We provide the blueprint. And we give the Instructions."

The Illuminati

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Red Creek
Red Creek is the southernmost province of Atlos City, so named after the legend of the three wives who killed their husband and left his corpse hanging over a river, turning the water blood-red for three days. Red Creek is led by Mayor Wellings and is constantly attacked by bandits and monsters. On rare occasions goblins have manage to reach the village, but most of the time they are held back by the guards stationed at the local garrison.

"Hey, you! You finally awake yet?" Shay heard a woman yell before a sharp, stinging sensation pierced his side. "I want another story!"

"If you somehow let him take that stick from you," a stern voice said ominously. "I'll take you over my knee and disciple you myself. Now leave the prisoner alone, before you end up like his last victim."

"But he said he was innocent," the woman protested. "Said he found him like that, just lying there."

"And you believed him? By the gods... it's a small wonder you're still a virgin."


"ENOUGH!" Isabela Asvianna bellowed as she rode up on her horse. "Everyone and their dead mother can hear you! This is goblin territory, or have you so quickly forgotten your duties? Now shut your mouths and open your eyes!"

"Yes, Mi'lady!"

"Yes, Mi'lady..."

Satisfied that her subordinates had been properly chastised, Isabela rode on, not bothering to make eye-contact with the prisoners as she rode passed their carriage. Whatever their crimes, whether they be innocent or guilty, the fact remained that the prison in Atlos City was overcrowded and miners in Red Creek were in short supply. It was time to put the 'fat' to work for the betterment of the kingdom, and humanity as a whole.

"A bit harsh, wouldn't you say Mi'lady?" The commander of the local guard, Collin, asked quietly once Isabela's horse had caught up to his at the head of the processions.

"They need to learn or else it will be their heads next time. Sadly their brains seem to be stuck firmly in their asses, so they'll be back to gossiping in no time."

"Hey, hey!" Anna-Marie whispered as she rode closer to the prison carriage, once Isabela was out of earshot. "So is it true what they say, did you almost kill a man for a petty trinket? And what's with that one?" She asked, nodding towards Ebb. "What's his story?"



"Yes!" The name-less goblin screamed as Frisk and the human fought for their lives. "Yes yes yes yes!"

Though bigger and stronger, the human was still chained to King's bed by his right ankle, limiting his mobility and ability to fight back against Frisk's deadly assault. It didn't hurt that the dagger No-name had given to Frisk was also poisoned, slowly making the human weaker with every cut.

"Yes!! Good good good good good!! Kill the vile intruder! He does not belong here amongst us. Kill! Kill! Kill!!"

When the deed was finally done, No-name produced a black, ram-horn goblet from his endless pouch of wonders and gathered what he could of the human's blood, before drinking it all. With the ritual complete, No-name ranked up into a Black Troll.

"You've served me well, Little One," No-name said to Frisk. "Now I'll give you your reward -- a swift death! King can never know I tricked you into killing her lover -- and she never will!"


Edited by The Illuminati, 02 April 2017 - 04:12 PM.

“It's all about Power."
"Grabbing it. Keeping it. Using It."
"Power is our currency, our DNA... Our God.”
"We control the World."
"We provide the blueprint. And we give the Instructions."

Unbelievably Majestic

Unbelievably Majestic

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Off to Red Creek. To the mines. Shay shuddered, remembering his old home in Ironhaul. That had been a mining village too. He really didn't want to go to another one. Not after what had happened.  At the very least he hoped this one was better protected. Then again, everyone always feels like they're protected well enough right up until that very final moment when they discover that they aren't.

"So is it true what they say, did you almost kill a man for a petty trinket?" A woman asked, bringing Shay out of his memories. He barked out a laugh.

"Haha, of course it's not true. Look at me," Shay gestured to his scarred face. "Do I look like I win many fights? No, no, no. I fight with money and agreements far better than with steel. Not to mention that Mr. Niks is twice the size of me, mean, and, more often than not, drunk. So he's liable to smash a mug into the side of your head if you annoy him at the wrong moment. He thought he had me beat because of this. And, quite frankly, he did." He held his open hands up with a resigned chuckle. "For the time being at least he had me beat. But I was content to wait. I've seen men like Mr. Niks time and time again. He came to me because he was desperate. He got in trouble more times than he could handle and so he need me to bail him out. People like him are repeat customers. That's why I didn't need to assault the man." Shay sat and tapped out a little rhythm with his fingers as he thought for a moment. He didn't like the idea of telling on other peoples crimes, but he supposed nothing would come of it if he mentioned something off hand in this situation. Not like they'd be rushing back and arresting people based on the casual word of a prisoner. He cleared his throat.


"Okay so, just so you can get a better picture... Mr. Niks had stolen a uhh... rather sizable amount of money from the sort of guy you don't want to steal a small amount of money from, no more names than that, but that's why he needed my help. I know the man he stole from, you see? So I offered my help in return for that, what did you call it... that 'petty trinket'. A pretty accurate description. It was just an old silver bracelet, not all that expensive, but it was pretty enough. I figured that some unfortunate poor gentleman, as is often my client-base, may come to me looking for such a thing as a gift. Maybe I'd find some other use for it. Either way I made him a fair deal, I return what he stole with an apology on his behalf and smooth things over with the person he'd stolen from. In return I got that bracelet. Both parties were pleased, or so I thought, until he refused to pay me." Shay tossed his hands into the air with an exasperated sigh. "But, as I said, people like him are repeat customers. He'll be back. Except next time he won't get a fair deal from me. Next time he'll be desperate once again, desperate enough that whatever meager deal I offer him he'll be forced to take. Next time it would be a written contract, because obviously he is not a man of his word, and if he broke it I would get the law involved. You can bet that bracelet would have been part of it too. You see? I didn't need to hurt him physically. Because down the like I would get what was mine and more. He broke the deal. Not me. And he would have regretted it sooner or later, my money was on sooner. But then I encountered him in that alley. I assume he got drunk and started a fight with the wrong person. Regardless, I saw my chance to take what was owed, and I took it. Obviously that didn't turn out so well." Shay settled back comfortably with a casual smirk. He knew exactly how long he'd dragged that out for. She had said she wanted a story when she poked him awake with that stick. Since Shay enjoyed telling stories he hadn't stuck to just the pure details. "As for this fine gentleman," Shay gestured at the large, scarred man who was shackled nearby. "His story isn't mine to tell." He said cryptically, despite the fact he didn't even know so much as the mans name.


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Unbelievably Majestic

Unbelievably Majestic

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  • LocationRiding the back of the Great A'tuin.


Frisk had done it! He had defeated the monster. It had been tough work, but fun. He licked some of the blood off of his hand. It was good. It had a different twang to the Horned-Rabbits' blood. And was much nicer than Lulu's goblin blood. He stepped back in, jumping in celebration as his nice friend moved forward and began busying himself collecting up the blood. Frisk followed suit and grabbed his pouch of spoiled horned-rabbit meat off the floor. With a massive grin Frisk stood back and watched as his friend began preparing for the new game.

Step one of the game appeared to be about drinking the monsters' blood from a big old horn of some kind. At least Frisk assumed so, because that's what friendly older goblin did, and obviously this was all part of the next new and exciting game. The game of four whole drinks! Frisk was excited! He was also very surprised. He was surprised because his friendly older goblin friend, and mentor of good times and friendship, transformed into something else before his very eyes. Something big. Big, brawny and with skin as dark as night. It was definitely awesome, but also surprising and a little scary. Frisk took a couple steps back away from the bed in awe so as to take in his friends full new appearance. He was so big it was hard to see all of him up close. "Woah!" Frisk yelled loudly.

"You've served me well, Little One," The larger version of his friend said. Frisk grinned toothily up at him. "Now I'll give you your reward -- a swift death! King can never know I tricked you into killing her lover -- and she never will!"


So this was the new game! A chase! Frisk span and took off running, a wide smile upon his face... Wait. That wasn't right. If he was playing the game, he may as well do it right. He ran as fast as his little legs could take him back towards the door, screaming and hollering now in pretend fear. "Oh no!" He shouted as he ran. "He done a kill! He killed a monster! Ooooh nooooo!" It was quite an unconvincing tone of voice. He wondered briefly where the four drinks of magic drink came into this game. Probably when he escaped. Oh! That was it! He probably had to run to the tavern! Frisk was a clever one indeed to have worked out such a thing. With a finish line in his mind, Frisk continued running as fast as he could. 


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The Illuminati

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On The Road to Red Creek
"Aww, isn't that sweet!" Commander Collin gushed as he looked over his shoulder at Anne-Marie and Shay, who were busy chatting away. Isabela didn't share his opinion however, and was just about to turn her horse around and drag Anne-Marie to the front of the caravan by her ear when the commander suddenly stopped her. "Hey now, there's no harm in a bit of casual banter, is there."

"Commander," Isabela replied with a sigh and a frown. "Your lack of common sense is quite appalling."

"Yes, well... but now that you mention it, my mother used to say the same thing," the commander replied after a thoughtful pause. "She's dead now, gods preserve her."

"Then the gods are truly merciful indeed," Isabela stated flatly.

"H-hey now! There's no need for talk like that."

"Did I hurt your feelings, commander -- all one of them?"

"Well, if we're going to be like that, then allow me to tell you exactly what I think of you and you're...!"

"Mi-lady?! If I may," one of the guardsman barked as they quickly rode up from behind, cutting Collin's retort short. Isabela nodded her head slightly to indicate that the man had her permission to continue speaking to her. With no one to talk to now, Commander Collin was forced to settle for making faces behind his subordinate's back. "My name is Ser Laures, Mi-lady. I served your uncle faithfully many years ago -- before I met my lovely wife. The day I saw my Elibeth, I had little choice but to stay by her side from then on, which meant leaving your uncles employ. But it was worth it, and now we're expecting out first child."


The story, though sappy, still brought a small smile to Isabela's face. Emboldened by this gesture, Ser Laures sat straighter in his saddle as he regaled her with another romantic story. Ser Laures was a large man, almost seven feet in height and heavily muscled, with a balding head and a modest, full beard and green eyes. Commander Collin on the other hand, was a much smaller man with delicate, almost femine features -- a direct result of his elven heritage. The elf-blooded commander had blond hair, hazel eyes, pointed ears and a well-manicured goatee.

"Well, if we're all making nice and introductions and such," another guardsman spoke up as he too broke rank and ordered his horse to ride up on Isabela's left. "If I may, my lady?"

"You may."

"Name's Davos -- just Davos, my lady. I ain't no fancy knight or none such nonsense. Was a career criminal back in Atlos when I was younger, you see. So one day I try to snatch this pretty, little purse off this fancy fop of a noble -- no offense, my lady -- but he didn't like that none too much, and so decides then and there to have his guards take my hand as payment for the offense. But wouldn't you know it, the commander here rides up like a knight in shining armor..."

"Stop, you're making me blush!"

"...and saves my hide by suggesting to the lord that it would be far worse of a punishment if I were to spend the rest of my life fighting monsters in the swamps. And now here I am, a proud member of the Red Creek Militia."

"As well you should be, Davos-just Davos" Isabela added once the tale had ended. "You were a petty criminal before, now you have a chance to make something more of yourself. Or do you regret your situation?"

"Normally? Perhaps. But I've seen what these monsters can do first hand. When I was younger you see, before I moved to the city, they attacked my village deep in the forest, not too far from here. Made me an orphan that day -- and a coward. I was forced to run away as they killed my da and raped my sweet, old mum. And all I did was cry like a newborn babe, I did. That day has haunted me ever since, it has. And now, after all this time, the gods have finally given me a chance at revenge. I may not be a trained soldier like ser knight there, but I'll do my part to see these beasts destroyed." Isabela smiled broadly and seductively, charming most of the men present.

"That's good to hear," she said warmly. "If only more of our kind understood the threat, and the sacrifices needed to halt the goblin's return."

"Aren't you being a bit over-dramatic, my lady?" Collin spoke up. "I mean, the goblins and their allies were destroyed and scattered almost twenty years ago. The only thing that remains of them now are marauding warbands, capable only of attacking isolated farms and stealing mouldy bread and cheese -- no offense, Davos."

"Offense taken, commander."

"You're just like all the others," Isabela replied with yet another frown. "You have to bear witness to their cruelty to understand why it is so important that we stamp out every, last trace of them."

"You're speaking of Wilvale, aren't you?" Davos almost whispered. "What was it like? I've heard stories, but..."

"It was worse -- whatever you've heard, it was far worse."

Anne-Marie was practically lounging against her poor horse's neck as she listened to the fascinating and seductive story of a young man's life gone wrong. It was oh so terribly romantic. Sensing this perhaps, her long time friend and recent fiance, Vicus, decided to finally put an end to her obsession with the prisoners by taking the reins of her horse and leading her away.


"That's quite enough," Vicus said in a stern voice. "I'm not going to sit here and let you cuck me with some street rat, who imagines himself a merchant prince in the rough." Anne-Marie objected but not too loudly, slightly excited by Vicus' sudden jealously.

"I... oh no!" Anne-Marie gasped loudly, pointed somewhere over Vicus' shoulder. Vicus turned immediately with his hand on a hidden, blade.

"Look there!" one of the guardsmen shouted.

"Poor sods," whispered another.

"That just seems so excessive," Commander Collin replied finally.

The corpses of five adventurers were nailed to the branches of a tall, dead tree by their wrists. Around their necks were signs, written in goblish, warning others to stay away. Little remained of the bodies now, with some even missing their legs and most of their torsos. While everyone else stopped to stare, Isabela kept riding along.

"Aren't we going to take them down?" Commander Collin asked with a frown of his own now.

"Why," Isabela asked rhetorically. "They're already dead, and we need to get these supplies back to the village. If you want to stop and dismantle a warning sign this close to goblin territory as the sun is setting, feel free to do so -- alone."

No-name covered the distance between him and Frisk in one leap, smashing down with both fists and crushing the floor boards beneath his hands. Looking between his fists, fingers and splinters, No-name slowly realized that Frisk had already slipped through the front door and slammed it behind him. Enraged, No-name leapt to the door and began beating on the door frame with his massive fists, aiming for the door knob but missing each time as he cracked and splintered the door frame instead. Frustrated, No-name suddenly turned the door knob and watched as it slowly swung away from him. Pinching the bridge of his nose for a moment, No-name leapt down the stairs, landing on the fence below, and immediately regretted his decision as he now lay in a broken heap on the ground. Now No-name was really mad.

“It's all about Power."
"Grabbing it. Keeping it. Using It."
"Power is our currency, our DNA... Our God.”
"We control the World."
"We provide the blueprint. And we give the Instructions."



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With her reply, Akta gave Rend her first 'task'. It would probably be best to sum all of this up as a 'Trial' to see if she had what it took to be taught. Obviously one just couldn't waste their time teaching an idiot who wouldn't amount to much and Akta didn't seem like the type to simply take on anyone with a (fake) sob story or for free, anyways. After that, she was tasked with going to Mocharr's to pick up an axe to aid in her mission. Which was quite convenient since she planned to go there to pick up her new armor and weapons anyways.


Having nodded in affirmation to the order, Rend made her way out of the temple and onward to Mocharr's shop. When she arrived, she took a brief glance around the shop before walking up towards the counter to speak with Mocharr. Once Mocharr was free, Rend relayed what Akta told her about the Axe. While she was curious about whether her things were ready or not, Rend decided to hold off on bringing that up. After all, one must never get impatient, especially with an Orc.




Edited by I-Am-X, 04 April 2017 - 04:40 PM.


The Epic Of X:


Malevolent Reverie

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As he came to his senses he found himself handcuffed. He could feel energy inside his moving cell, energy that wasn't his own. Slowly, the chatter wafted in his ears. Humans had captured him. This meant that he was unlucky, what will he say to his mother should he ever escape. He who couldn't find a worthy death on the battlefield. 


Perhaps, he was a bit carried away. His new staff was certainly powerful but it was also draining, he had overestimated himself & underestimated his weapon. A crucial miscalculation that led to his current predicament. Maybe, he'll get a chance to correct his mistake or he'd have to slumber in the mine for the rest of his life. Not too bad of a choice, had he hurried back who knew what mood his mother would be in. Mar'dah wasn't a woman of mercy, she was kind but fierce & she always had high expectations from everyone. She was the clan-mother, the most knowledgeable in his settlement. Even the chief respected her voice.


He caught the last bit of the dreamy human he had by his side. He quietly listened as the woman passed them as he had sated her query.


"So where are we heading?" he finally said breaking the brief silence with his gruff voice. "I didn't know there were this many survivors?" he said before waiting for the answer of his cellmate.


Howard Ebb


Edited by Malevolent Reverie, 04 April 2017 - 02:14 PM.



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It was another long day at work and another long day dealing with idiots. Sometimes she wonders if she should've pick another profession, Morrigan sighed as she glanced at the other guards in the caravan and slowly shifted her posture on her horse and slightly adjusted her helm. Some might say 'oh, being a part of the guards is an honorable profession. It's a step towards better things!' or something idiotic like that but that's not what she meant. In truth, she was no guardsman and 'ordinarily' one of her ilk wasn't exactly supposed to be involved in this caravan. You're probably wondering about that 'ordinarily' bit, so let me explain. Morrigan was a hostess, yes, that's right, a hostess at a local tavern in Atlos City.


Well, 'technically' she was one anyways. Again, I'll explain. See, on the surface she was a hostess but in truth, she was a good ole thief. Not exactly the run of the mill pick-pocket you'd find every now and then on the streets of the city but a genuine thief who slips in where they're unwanted and takes whats not theirs. And Morrigan was quite a good one, she has survived this long hasn't she? Anyways, the next question on the docket would probably be 'What's a 'thief' doing playing guardsman in a caravan?' The answer is quite simple, money. Though, you're probably looking for a less vague answer with more details so here it is. See, it dates back a couple days ago and involves a quite chatty knight.


This 'knight' himself isn't entirely important so there's no need to know anything about him. Point being, he visited the tavern a lot and was one of those drunks that never shut up once he got drinking. Normally it's annoying and makes you want to slug them but other times, especially cases like these, good intel occasionally drops. It's kind of funny that it's usually these high up people who tend to spill the beans more than those on the bottom of the ladder do. Anyways, whenever he came he'd always bother one of the new girls, same one every time, and make her sit with him. Given the position he held, it'd be kind of troublesome to refuse him given the potential trouble he may bring to the girl or the establishment, you know how these kind of things go sometimes.


Besides, the time the guy usually drops by was during the places down times so they could afford to 'loan' out a hostess. Anyways, carrying on with the story, every time he came he was always stressed out about something but this particular day he was unusually stressed and in quite a foul mood. After he got a few drinks in him, he started talking. Apparently there was going to be this caravan heading to Red Creek in a few days to offload some of the overflowing Atlos City prison population to put them to work in the mines. The source of his frustration and anger eventually came soon after and was revealed to be directed at the one chosen to lead such caravan. This person in question was revealed to be none other then the hero of Wilvale herself, Lady Isabela Asvianna of the Cirilla household, in other words. nobility. And he especially didn't like Isabela, her personality didn't exactly make things easier.


Like many other noble houses, the Cirilla house was on the receiving end to much animosity from those lesser in status. Though, the Cirilla's in particular were despised even among the other noble families. You see, the Cirilla's weren't always nobility, once long ago, they were once just another family of commoners. The period of time in question was the dark ages back when monsters freely roamed the land laying claim and killing everything they came across. One might say 'But aren't they doing so now?' and they'd be correct but it wasn't called the 'Dark Ages' for no reason you know, it was much much worse back then. Anyways, the head of the family was captain of the lord's guard for the ruling lord of the area.


To speed things up a bit, the local lord was a prominent shithead and when an army of werewolves attacked, the coward fled, not even taking his mistresses along with him. And well, the captain eventually took everything as his own and soon the Cirilla's became the new stewards of the land and were given nobility for their actions and been that way 'till this day. Despite becoming nobles, the older, longer standing noble families still see them as commoners who were simply being given special treatment. Morrigan always thought it was idiotic because, well, every noble family was once, in time, started off as common. Be it 10 years ago, 100 or even beyond 1000, no one was special from the beginning. Unless you were born a god. Morrigan laughed to herself.


Normally she'd probably draw attention to herself but at the time Commander Collin's, of the guards, idiocy was the subject of discussion at hand and thus no suspicion was directed her way. Anyways, to conclude her inner monologue, Morrigan eventually slipped something into the knight at the taverns drinks on the day before they rode out, stripped him of his things and dumped him out in some unknown place ways from the city. Luckily, the knight had the same build as her, she was quite tall herself, and was able to fit into his armor. Another question you might have is, 'wouldn't she get discovered right away?' Again, it's a simple answer, no. By the time the knight in question comes to, which will be awhile because she fed him quite the nasty substance, one that she had few in number mind you, that will keep him out for 10 or so hours, it'll take him sometime to get back to the capital to report it.


Also, in the tavern he was never seen with her so if anyone gets suspected, it'll be the new girl, the scapegoat this time. And quite thankfully, the 'hero' didn't exactly look upon them too highly, so as long as they did their jobs, she didn't really care who they were and thus Morrigan never had to take off her helm. She could also disguise her voice a little, so unless someone got close and investigated, she was in the clear. Now, as to why the 'thief' was here. Given the 'hero' is who she is, she has quite the number of enemies lurking about and not just amongst her fellow humans. Goblins, humans, elves and other non-human beings have a deep grudge, basically all the scum out there wants to put her in her place. Which would mean they'd want revenge, yes?


To put it simply, Morrigan took the information she received from the knight and sold it to various different parties, most of which weren't human. Here's where you'd ask, 'I thought humans wouldn't cooperate with monsters/anyone non-human' and that's where Morrigan would have a stupid look ready for you because to her, it didn't matter if you were human or not, as long as you had money, you were ok in her books. I'm sure you'd be wondering why she'd join the caravan if she already sold the information and the answer is easy, extra profit. Not only could she loot from the village they were heading to, but also the guards. Plenty of different ways to make money. Glancing at some of the woman amongst the caravan, Morrigan thought with a cold grin forming underneath the helm.


Plenty of ways.




Edited by I-Am-X, 04 April 2017 - 06:57 PM.


The Epic Of X:


The Illuminati

The Illuminati

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Going through her supplies, Mocharr quickly found the item Rend needed -- a simple, copper mining pick. All of Mocharr's mining picks were enchanted with Akta's magic to help the user find the rare metals they needed. In this case, the copper mining pick was attuned to presence of copper ores, and would react whenever Rend was near a large enough source of the metal. From there, it was just a simple question of digging for it.

Mocharr had also finished preparing the other items Rend had ordered earlier that morning: the skin of the Fey Wolverine skin was now a beautiful set of leather armor, and the Fey Wolverine's leg was now a fine pair of short swords. Mocharr had somehow managed to get Wargo to make them before he, King, and the rest of King's raiding party left to go attack a nearby village.


Despite his haste, the items looked like they had taken a century to craft and would last twice as long -- maybe. As Mocharr had explained before, the items were basically free but Rend did owe her for the mining pick -- which had a price tag of only 24 gp. With that done, it looked like Rend was finally ready to head off into the forest.

"So where are we heading?" Ebb finally muttered, breaking the brief silence caused by the two lovers. "I didn't know there were this many survivors?"

"Survivors?" Scratch asked, one of Ebb and Shay's other 'cellmates' in the barred carriage. "Just how hard did they hit you, friend. We're from the city prison, Atlos City. And now we're heading to Red Creek to work the mines there -- and fill whatever else that needs filling. Hopefully some ladies, if you catch my meaning." Scratch was lounging against the bars of the carriage with his eyes closed and his iron-clasped hands resting in his lap. Like most of the other prisoners in the carriage, Scratch was covered in filth and wore little more than a pants and shirt to protect his modesty.

"Damn these nobles!" Neck cursed, another prisoner. "They can't do this... you can't do this to us!"

"Shut up!" One of the guards shouted, kicking at the bars to force Neck away from them.

"We have rights! You can't do this to us!!"

"It's already done," Scratch replied calmly. "Best to make the most of this new opportunity."

"Bastards," Neck cursed again. "Do you know where you're taking us?! People die there and go missing in the night all the time. This is a death sentence!" That was when the caravan came across the crucified corpses of what they could only assume were adventurers. "Oh gods, you see!" Neck ranted. "We're going to die out here. The goblins are going to get us for sure! No no no! This can't be happening. This isn't happening!"

 "There is no glory in this!" Ser Laures muttered under his breathe as he drew the sign of his patron god across his chest before touching his fingers to his forehead. "Mi-lady please, this is foolish and reckless. We should evacuate Red Creek, not seek to defend it."

"Is that fear I hear in your voice, Ser Laures?" Commander Collin teased.

"I-I'm no coward..!"

"Funny, you sound like a coward to me."

"I," Ser Laures forced through gritted teeth. "Am simply trying to save lives. You do not see me fleeing in terror, do you?"

“It's all about Power."
"Grabbing it. Keeping it. Using It."
"Power is our currency, our DNA... Our God.”
"We control the World."
"We provide the blueprint. And we give the Instructions."

Unbelievably Majestic

Unbelievably Majestic

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With a thunderous racket the gigantic body now belonging to Frisk's friendly new friend came crashing down in front of him. He looked around to see the huge form splayed out amidst broken bits of the fence he had earlier needed to climb over. He'd really gotten big. Frisk barked out a laugh at the sight of him clawing himself back to his feet. Ooops! Frisk wiped away his grin. He'd forgotten the game for a second there. Gotten caught up in the moment. But it was rude to break out of the game before it was done. "Ooooh, aaaaaahhh, help! He killed a bad monster! How naughty of him!" Frisk yelled sarcastically, at least he would have if he knew what sarcasm was. Instead he yelled it idiotically, and followed it up with a little squeal, as he swung around the long way, giving his friend a wide berth as he continued running down towards the tavern.


Pin Jacket


Edited by Unbelievably Majestic, 16 April 2017 - 11:18 AM.

Malevolent Reverie

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A small smile crept on his visage as another captive answered his query. 'Red Creek'! he thought to himself. It was the town near to his encampment. Surely, there will be a chance to see his brethren when he finally reaches there. Another captive meanwhile yapped at the threats that this new place presented. For Ebb it was liking travelling back home, even better as he had no threat to be attacked by human patrols on the way.


When his kin had decided to raid the village, they had gambled on the distance & the density of guard profile that the place had. He hoped they suffered minimal causalities, that would make Mar'dah proud. A gasp brought him out of his thoughts as one of his companions showed his dismay of the situation they were in. They all saw the sight of the four adventurers nailed to a tree. 


He threw back on his trip up to remember this but couldn't recall. Maybe it was an adventuring party that met up with his raiding squad as they were retreating. His kin weren't particularly known to leave a fight & judging by the looks of it, this one was pretty straightforward. 


He only wished that he had his infernal book at the moments. His mana had restored to his former reserves, he could have easily made four ghouls out of this prime lot.


Missed opportunities.


Maybe his luck will change at Red Creek.


Mark Ebber




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Internally, she wasn't all that pleased that she had to waste her own money for such a low-grade tool. After all, you'd think it'd be already prepared before hand but Rend gave up and decided it couldn't be helped. Besides, it was probably some kind of business ploy between the two. With a sigh, she moved on from the mining pick and examined her new gear and weapons. Well, at least there was something she could be glad about as her new leather armor and short swords were well made. With this she was properly ready for hunting.


Before it was more about her wiles and using her sl---minions but now she had actual armor and weapons. Don't get her wrong, she still plans to use others and what not, just now that she was prepared for whatever now. Speaking of which, she'll need to round up some more meat sh---comrades for the trip ahead. This time she'll look for two, just in-case they should meet this 'Giant Spider' and it feels hungry. After all, if one (or two) needs to die so the rest (Rend) lives, well, Rend definitely wouldn't be one of them that's for sure.


Thanking Mocharr for her good work, Rend bid her farewell as she left the shop. One needs to stay on good terms with ones they do business with, after all. It doesn't fare well to get on their bad side. Except for that ugly shopkeep from before, he doesn't count. With her business at Mocharr's done, Rend went around the village and picked up (abducted) the two dumbest goblins she could find with her usual shtick.  Broom and Diaper. Names as stupid as they were, and quite fitting. Broom looked like one, he was slightly taller then the average goblin, Rend was still a bit taller, and not exactly meaty.


And Diaper.....well, he smelled like one. Personally, she'd appreciate it if the Giant Spider or any creature really, ate him or just kill him and dump him so they wouldn't have to smell him for any longer. Though, with that stench of his, maybe he'd act as good monster repellent and allow them to collect more. Anyways, with the minions collected, it was time to set out and gather the necessary herbs before her second task. First will be the black cohosh and the embereyes soon after. With that decided, she lead them onward.




Edited by I-Am-X, 03 May 2017 - 01:12 PM.


The Epic Of X:


The Illuminati

The Illuminati

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Rend: Day 2
The mystical forest where Fluffy's goblin clan have made their home is a wooded region populated largely by wild monsters and borders on the city of Atlos in the north. Human bandits also make their home in the forbidden forest, regularly attacking travelers in the area. The great forest is also home and the heart of power for the High Elves, beings who have increasingly withdraw from advancing mortal civilization. In recent years, human settlers have come to dark woods from the west and founded villages and missions dedicated to the worship of their gods throughout the forests, further straining relations between the humans and elves...

It was midday by the time Rend and her team of Expendables made their way to the spot Akta had described to Rend earlier that day. Along they way, they easily dispatched many of the horned rabbits that had come across their path. Where they were now, the trees were several times taller than any of they had ever seen before, with golden rays of light reflecting off large, red leaves. This was were the Fae Lights lived. From a distance, they looked like floating orbs of glowing light but up close however, they were mostly jagged teeth and savage claws. Climbing up a small, grassy knoll, Rend and her crew found a group of three fae lights. They currently hovering and dancing in the still air, making a sound like music that they frequently used to lure foolish humans to their deaths. Just behind them were some of the black cohosh that Rend needed.

Just broad stokes of what you can expect. Feel free to either take your time and kill the horned rabbits (counts as your first encounter), or jump forward and fight the fae lights (second encounter). The fae lights are either blue or white in color and give off a faint, humming sound -- almost like children laughing.


Frisk: Day 2
Picking himself swiftly up out of the rubble, No-name looked around and saw the little goblin screaming and causing a ruckus. Throwing himself forward, he caught Frisk by his ankle and quickly raised him high over his head, as if to swallow him like a tiny fish. "No more running for you!" No-name said hungrily and angrily, as drool seeped from his open maw like a river of putrescence. As if in reply, King greeted No-name by sticking her thumb into his left eye, gouging out the organ from his black skull.

"Didn't I tell you not to show your ugly face here again?" she asked calmly. "Now you're even bigger and even uglier. And even less wanted... what happened to my fence, did you break it with your ugly? And what's that smell. Smells like... human blood. Did you touch my human?"

Not waiting for a reply, King knocked No-name to the ground and then chopped off his left hand with her greataxe before heading up the stairs towards her room. The other warriors of her guild quickly started kicking and punching No-name with reckless abandon and glee, despite the majority of them still being goblins and thus much smaller than him. No-name was already caught however, so a swift death was the best he could hope for now. When King returned, she ordered her warriors to take Frisk and No-name back to her bar while she took her human pet to see Akta. He was still alive and so there was a small chance to save him. Back at the bar, Frisk was questioned about his involvement and relation to No-name...

And so begins the trial of Frisk.

Dar: Day 3
After a peaceful and restful evening, Dar and Mocharr, Akta and a few of her apprentices had an interesting breakfast filled with conversation, cooked meat, vegetables and fruit, and some minerals with magical properties. After breakfast, Dar thought about her options and what she should do next. Now that she was three days old, she was officially an adult now and ready to make her mark on the world. Compared to Mocharr, Dar's head only reached as high as Mocharr's shoulders, which meant she was very tall for a goblin -- or perhaps that Mocharr was short for an orc? These were all very good things to think about...

OOC: Mocharr's Options
- Speak to Mocharr, Akta or some of Akta's apprentices.
===>> If Dar wants to speak to Rend, you'll need to ask X.

- Explore the village and speak to some of the other NPCs.

- Head off into the forest to hunt.


“It's all about Power."
"Grabbing it. Keeping it. Using It."
"Power is our currency, our DNA... Our God.”
"We control the World."
"We provide the blueprint. And we give the Instructions."

Unbelievably Majestic

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Frisk sat on a stool in the bar, surrounded by curious and demanding people of all types. Goblins, hob-goblins, a couple of things Frisk hadn't seen before that he suspected were alive, but may have just been crude, hay-filled, cushions of some kind. They wanted to know how he knew the unnamed friendly older goblin who had recently become a friendly older... Frisk didn't even know what.

"We're friends!" Frisk said simply wit
h a grin. "So first I was in here." He explained, gesturing around the tavern. "And he asked me to tell him a story. So I did told him the best one. My story. He liked it so he didn't stab me. Then he took food from him," Frisk pointed at the dead goblin his new friend had killed earlier. "And he gave it to me! That made us friends! I like food. It's good. So i ate that. And we played the coin game. Drank magic drink. Wobbled about. Then went on adventure up the stairs for to get more drink." Frisk smiled wide. "It was amazing! Much very good room! I want it. Lots of stuff to touch and taste. Then there was a monster! I killed it!" He pulled the knife from his rabbit skin sack, it was still bloody. "Look! I killed the monster with this. And the knife was good present. Then my friend drank the monster blood and got really big and tall. After that we were played chase game until you ruined it." Frisks lower lip curled into a sulking pout. "I wanted to win."


Pin Jacke


Malevolent Reverie

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After being invited into the temple by Mocharr & introduced to Akta what followed was a short feast. With a variety of fruits & cooked meats to sample, the inner glutton of Dar surfaced, though she remained within bounds & behaved like she was taught by Mocharr. After listening most of what everyone was talking about, Dar realized how inexperienced she was & how little she knew. Surely, with time & constant company of these wise folk she can learn much more.


Tired from working in the forge for the first time, she retired with Mocharr's permission & like the day before was surprised when she woke up. She had almost made up the size difference with Mocharr, though the orc was still a full head taller & almost twice her size in musculature. She wasn't as imposing as she had seemed two days ago. Rather Dar wondered whether she felt a motherly aura emanate from her. Maybe it was just her radiant skin. Despite the labors of the forge, there was a tenderness in her expressions or maybe Dar was lucky to bring out that side of her teacher.


With new found confidence in her size, she approached her teacher's friend & if luck permitted; her other teacher.


"Akta-san!" she said politely, waiting for the Medusa to see her way.


"Teacher said that you could teach Dar to heal herself!" she started once she thought she had the Medusa's attention.


"Would you be kind enough to do so? Dar would be very thankful." she stated, hoping for a reply.



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Wandering through the forest on their search for some fresh black cohosh, they've encountered dozens of the usual horned rabbits but still have yet to come across their target herb. Still though, through the many battles with the rabbits they not only got some food in them but also battle experience for the younger, dumber goblins. And with that experience came confidence that they can handle whatever. They were being naive and just, well, stupid but this also works in her favor because the more confident and relaxed they became with their 'prowess' the easier it becomes to move them to her will.


By the time they come across a foe worthy of being wary against, their overconfidence will allow Rend to use them effectively as shields, complete her objective and leave the situation without harm. It was the reason she recruited them after all, young and stupid goblins like them are all the same. They get all arrogant from simple displays of power and misjudge their capabilities and try to act higher than their actual station in life. As much as goblins and their way of life disgusts her, shes quite thankful there's abundance of idiots like that to serve her needs.


Back to the matter at hand, the battles with the rabbits also gave them plenty of materials that they could potentially sell to Mocharr (and possibly recover the amount wasted on that axe), so it was an added bonus. Horned rabbit has become a common meal for the goblins but Rend isn't complaining, their blood made for a decent drink and their meat was still filling. Though, with that said, she'd still like to try something else for a change. In the battles, she had the 2 idiots fight them head on and distract them while she struck from behind or the sides and dealing the final blow.


The foes were weak but that won't change her tactics, to come this far and to get where she needed to go, she needs to get through it with as little damage taken as possible. Though, it really doesn't matter how much damage the others take it. After all, they basically belong to her and are hers to do whatever she wanted, whether they're aware of it or not. Slavery errr minionship was a wonderful thing, wasn't it? Anyways, after plundering the rabbits for all they were worth, they moved onward to their goal. Soon they've entered a part of the forest that had a bit bigger trees than they were used to. By this point, it was already midday and just when they thought it was going to take even longer, they've found their target, the black cohosh.


However, blocking their paths were strange orbs of lights making an equally strange sound that sounded like music. Upon further inspection, these 'lights' were adorned with jagged teeth and claws but it seems that Broom and Diaper were too stupid to notice that fact. With their appearance and the sound they were making (along with the fights from earlier), they thought it was just another simple victory. Well, regardless of whether they die here or live, it's a win for her, so the result doesn't really matter. To this effect, she stroked their egos a bit more and had them charge in, sticks and stones a blazing.


Just like with before, she let them get these strange balls of light attention while she appeared behind them like a shadow, using the idiot duos grunts and sounds of battle to cover her approach. Gutting one with both of her short-swords, she turned towards the others and prepared to strike.




Edited by I-Am-X, 03 May 2017 - 10:59 PM.


The Epic Of X:


The Illuminati

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Frisk: Day 2
Once King was gone, Baphoof stepped forward to take charge of the interrogation and torture. He was a short goblin with a bald head and long, greying hair around his ears, with bind, milky white eyes. What really stood out about him though, was the fact that his lips had been split-in-two a few years ago by a rival's axe. Now 'Baphoof' was the only sound he could make whenever he tried to say his own name. When Baphoof asked Frisk to explain himself, the older goblin quickly realized that Frisk was just too stupid to be guilty.



"Very well," Baphoof declared loudly, so all present could hear his words and understand their meaning. "Clearly, you are a fool and thus too stupid to convict of the crimes you have been accused! That said, we still have to kill you -- before your foolery can spread and infect us all with your madness. Kill him!!" But just then...

"Enough! I am a god now, and will not be treated this way any longer!!" It was No-name. With King gone, he had suddenly lost his cowardice and found his courage, deciding in his great wisdow that now was the perfect time to make his grand escape. "Taste my power you cretins, and I shall taste your fear!"

That was when the red jewel stuck firmly in the middle of No-name's chest became a blinding beacon of red light. Covering their eyes, the goblins then all reached for their weapons to strike down the traitor -- but it was already too late. Once the light had dimmed and then faded completely from their eyes, they all saw that No-name was now gone. In his place however, was a wondrous, new world that none of them had ever seen before. No-name hadn't blinded them and then ran off, he had sent them to somewhere else.

Explore this new area. Whatever acid-trip adventure you come up with will be just fine.

Dar: Day 3
"Before I can teach you anything," Akta said to Dar, basically repeating what she had said to Rend the day before. "We must first nurture the spark sleeping within you by immersing you in magic. Your first task will be to bring me 10x black cohosh roots and 5x embereyes seeds."

"The black cohosh is about twice your size with a long, smooth stem. The leaves are large and sharp, usually arranged in sets of three around the stem. The flowers are white and have no petals. They also have a distinctly sweet, fetid smell that attracts flies, gnats, and beetles. You only need the roots, but I won't scold you if you decide to bring the rest of the plant. They can be found almost anywhere in the forest."

"Embereyes on the other hand, only grow where fire has scorched the earth. To the west, deep within the forest, you will find an abandoned, human village. We destroyed it many years ago and set fire to the remains. You should find them growing there. Embereyes have a circular arrangement of large, thick, fleshy, red leaves. Not only that, but they glow and radiate warmth. Be careful, when in the heart of the forest, or else you will end up as a spider's dinner. Giant spider dwell within the heart of the forest. If you get caught in their webs, you will never escape."

"Your second task will be to bring me back a log capable of producing a wand. Only a minority of trees can produce wand quality wood, and it takes years of experience to tell which ones have this gift. Luckily for you however, I know where such a tree is. Head down the mountain, keeping the waterfall on your left, until you reach the sea. There you will find a large stone that I have blessed. You will know the stone by the circle in it's belly. Touch the stone and the magic inside will lead you to the second- and third stones. Touch all three and the garden will be revealed to you. Speak to Mocharr and she will give you an axe to harvest the wood -- do not kill the tree. Just bring me back a branch."

Black Cohosh



Rend: Day 2
Rend's loot:
- 6x Complete Horned Rabbit Pelts (= 18x Rawhide Leather Pieces)
- 3x Horned Rabbit Skulls + 3x Horned Rabbit Horns + 5x Horned Rabbit Spines + 20x Horned Rabbit Leg Bones (= 31x Medium Animal Bones (Bone)
- 10x Tiny Fangs
- 3x Bone Chips
- 4x Tiny Claws
- 25x Slabs of Horned Rabbit Meat

Battle Outcome:
- One of Rend's minions was gravely injured by the fey lights.

Edited by The Illuminati, 17 July 2017 - 01:15 PM.

“It's all about Power."
"Grabbing it. Keeping it. Using It."
"Power is our currency, our DNA... Our God.”
"We control the World."
"We provide the blueprint. And we give the Instructions."