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[RPG] Rise of the Goblin Nation

re:monster character posts role-play mature

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Unbelievably Majestic

Unbelievably Majestic

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Maybe it was something in the air. Or a sound he didn't realized he had heard. Perhaps it was just that he was on high alert, trying to stealthily hunt down any creatures. What ever it was, it gave Frisk a familiar feeling. Like maybe, just maybe, there was something behind him. And, perhaps, he should take a look. So he turned around. Lo and behold, he was right. There was a horned rabbit behind him again, and t
his rabbit looked just as hungry as the last one. How did they keep finding him? One day he would learn their secrets. For now it was simply time to fight.


Feeling emboldened by his second layer of skin Frisk decided to try a different tactic this time. He grinned a pointy grin and ran at the furry little monster. Remembering his killing blow on the previous rabbit he made an attempt to punch it hard in the side of the head. Perhaps the side of their head was a weakpoint? It had worked last time at any rate. It was worth a try. The only difference was that this time Frisk had placed the short half of horned rabbit horn between two of his fingers, point out, to try and give his punchy-punch a bit of pointy-point. He didn't know if it would be better or worse than a normal punch, but he was riding high after his last victory and felt brave enough to try.


Stapts 'n' crunch.



The Illuminati

The Illuminati

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GM Update: Lulu
As Lulu made her way back to the cave, using a stick as a cane, she was suddenly stopped by the stare of another creature. She didn't know what it was, but it was big and black. At first she thought it was some sort of bear or dire wolf, but then the creature stood up on two legs and walked towards her like a goblin. But it wasn't a goblin, it was almost four times her height -- twice the size of any of the adults she had seen previously.

As it drew closer to her, Lulu slowly realized that whatever it was, it was actually wearing the skin of the beast. The creature underneath the fur had brown skin and yellow, slit-like eyes. And around it's waist, it wore two axes.

Standing very near to her now, the creature knelt slowly before raising one of the dead wolf's paws to her face, wiping it -- and the rest of her -- clean of blood.

"They can not know what you are," the creature growled more than said. "Not yet. Or else they will kill you before you are ready. Now go. Find Akta. And mind your words." That would be his first and only warning to her.

GM Update: Frisk
The horned rabbit took Frisk's attack head-on, and showed no signs of pain. Instead it bared it's teeth in a bloody, one-eyed smile, as it cocked it's head to the side and slapped Frisk across the face with it's horn, knocking him down.

Small Horned Rabbit 1 HP

Frisk 1 HP

GM Update: Miniboss
The Fey Wolverine slittered quietly through the forest, aroused by the deluge of blood in the air -- a clear sign that it was once again goblin hunting season.

Every few month, a new generation of goblins were born and immediately sent into the forest to prove themselves. For predators like the fey wolverines and yellow vipers, this was the time of year when they could feast like kings. And this particular wolverine was about to begin that feast.

Creeping up behind Rend, the fey wolverine lunged forward, snapping a branch in two as it did so, giving Rend just enough time to dodge.

"No matter," it thought to itself. "She will be mine in the end."

Hearing the commotion, Brix, Dar, Bayaal, and Fii also joined the battle. Seeing them all, the wolverine giggled to itself and decided it would play with them for a bit.

Fey Wolverine 27 HP, 1 DMG

Brix 2 HP, 2 DMG
Dar 3 HP, 2 DMG
Bayaal 2 HP, 2 DMG
Fii 3 HP, 1 DMG
Rend 3 HP, 2 DMG

“It's all about Power."
"Grabbing it. Keeping it. Using It."
"Power is our currency, our DNA... Our God.”
"We control the World."
"We provide the blueprint. And we give the Instructions."



    Fingerling Potato

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With horn in hand, Lulu stood her ground and remained silent as she was wiped down. She was experiencing a combination of fear and curiosity, causing her to feel some sort of ambivalence. The massive goblin was definitely intimidating, but the wolf pelt that he donned had certainly piqued Lulu's interest. Both his voice and demeanor were serious as he mentioned something regarding Lulu's true nature and an individual named Atka. However, Lulu's attention wasn't all that focused on the words being imparted to her. Although she did hear a few key words, Lulu was too preoccupied with the paw that was being dabbed unto her body, doing her best in keeping her eyes on it. Despite the mood of their current situation, Lulu couldn't help but attempt to gnaw on it.
For now, the reason on why she needed to see Atka was probably the least of her priorities. Right now, her goal was the wolf paw. It was warm, comforting, and release an alluring musky odor. Unfortunately, as soon as Lulu tried to sink her teeth into it, it was gone along with the massive goblin who wore it. Lulu felt nothing but disappointment.
Although fatigued and heartbroken, Lulu still had a full stomach. This gave her enough energy to retrace her steps and wander back to their home, the goblin village hidden by a wall of water. After her little encounter with the wolf pelt and quick swim in the cavern river, Lulu found herself to be squeaky clean; not an ounce of blood was left on her. Feeling refreshed and good as new, Lulu proceeded to do what she did best. Her appetite might have been satiated, but her curiosity? I think not.


Like any good newborn, Lulu needed to explore every nook an cranny her eyes could lay upon. Her first stop was a random hut. What she would discover in it? Let's find out.
Lulu's Info


Edited by Juro, 03 November 2016 - 12:48 PM.

Unbelievably Majestic

Unbelievably Majestic

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This was bad. It turns out that rabbits don't have a one hit kill weak-point on the side of their head, and now Frisk was down on the floor groaning. He'd taken another hit and really didn't feel too good about it. He didn't know if he could take another like that. This was one of those life or death situations. It was either him or the rabbit. Who would be the victor? Frisk, Frisk decided, would be the victor. Though perhaps it was just wishful thinking. He scrabbled back to his feet and looked at the rabbit, meeting it's eyes with an equal fury. There may not be a weak spot on the side of it's head, but there was still a side of it's head on the side of it's head! That was good enough for Frisk! He ran at the thing at tried to hit it in the face once more. See you in hell, Rabbit!


Sapts 'n' crunch.




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As Rend wandered through the forest, her stroll was interrupted by the snapping sound of a branch or two. Swiftly turning around, she could see some hulky thing lunging towards her. Thanks to the fact it cared more about devouring its food right away instead of trying to be stealthy about it, she easily had time to dodge it and get out of the way. Just as she glared at it, slowly reaching her hand down for one of the horns tucked in her waistband, a bunch of goblins came stumbling out from the bushes. Goblins....


While plenty of potential meat shields have indeed arrived at the scene, the problem was that she couldn't use them. Well, she couldn't be obvious about it, especially considering there's bound to be some that might survive this encounter and if there were more than 1 it would be stupid to think she could take a pack of them. Unless they were seriously wounded first.... In any case, she couldn't afford to have her true self pop out in front of this many goblins. Stupid as they might be, when in a pack, it could get ugly, more than they already are anyways. Looks like 'Dong' will have to wait his turn to be useful. Or Does he?


Rend kept a close eye on the other goblins and the moment she sees a goblin move in to attack, or just get near the monster, she'll make her own move. Of course, she'll use that or any goblin thats nearby as a shield. Attack and promptly flee and let another kindly take the hit. After all, this is a dangerous foe. Though, she had to make it look unintentional as to not raise suspicion. Unlike last time, where she pretended to be a bubbly girl that heaped on the compliments, this time she needed to change things up. She'll just have to make sure people think of her as a coward. Well, given the opponent it wouldn't take much to convince them.


With her plan decided, she waits to put her plan into action putting on the best 'scared face' she can manage. Though, to others it might look like she was constipated instead. Whatever works.




The Epic Of X:


Diabolical Rhapsody

Diabolical Rhapsody

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Dar followed after Brixx as soon as they finished their fill. She was content, the rabbit was bigger than her and they had received some interesting baubles and weapons from it. Plus, she had skinned the beast well following Brixx's example and she was quite proud of that. Brixx wrapped the larger fur around him as he led the way. They had kept to the bushes well and had avoided clear paths.


Their teamwork was slowly getting better but they needed more time to improve on it. As soon as they came up to a bush leading to a clearing, they saw a scene unfold before them. Brixx coolly kept down his fur as he observed he massive monster stalk the goblin. On a closer look, Dar recognized the goblin. She was one of the sharper ones, she remembered. She had opinions on everything and had prompted Fluffy so share his wisdom.


They both watched the dance of the prey and predator as they clung to the foliage, waiting for a moment to exploit their ad advantage. Another pair had come out from the other side, she didn't remember the masked one, but she knew of the goblin that flanked him. Dar gripped her bloody stone tightly, it was time to test her arm again. She jus had to wait for the beast's distraction. As soon as it bared its razor sharp fangs at Rend, she let loose on her target. 




Atleast she'd get a good hit. Brixx meanwhile, seemed rather calm. It was a bit unnatural to see him like this, but perhaps he had a better idea.



If you have the time: 


The Illuminati

The Illuminati

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Dar was a wonder with the shard of stone. Brix didn't really think she was paying him any attention when he did it first, but it seemed like she was. And now with her help, things went twice as fast.

Now their bellies were almost full. Almost. Brix could tell. They still had space for something more. So they packed up and went hunting for more food. They had a lot of stuff too. Brix wondered what they could make with all this stuff. Or maybe they could sell them instead? Or maybe someone in town could use them to make even better stuff!

There were so many options. Vexx would know for sure what to do next. Oh, that's right. Brix still needed something to impress her with. All of a sudden, the thing appeared.

En eet waz show pritty!!!


As soon as Brix saw it, he just knew. This was the trophy he was looking for. He tried to stay calm and cool, but he was just bubbling inside with pure, chocolate joy. Getting rid of all of the hides, Brix waited just long enough for the beast not to eat Rend before hopping out of the brush. He could have tried sneaking around, but that wasn't how Brix liked to fight.

This was how Brix liked to fight!

The tiny goblin he rushed forward, towards the beast as Dar pelted it with a stone. The big, angry beast swung at Brix, so Brix slid under it's claw, driving the rabbit's horn deep into the beast's paw.


GM Update: Lulu
Despite being on the verge of death, Lulu decided to go for a refreshing swim before stumbling through the goblin village, as if she were still at the peak of goblin fitness. Apparently the little cannibal hadn't realized that she was going to die from her wounds, if she didn't seek medical or magical attention.

She also hadn't considered that there were others like her, those goblins who enjoyed the occassional goblin sandwich every now and then. Or that, in her weakend condition, she would start attracting them to her, making their mouths water and their bellies growl. From there they'd start surrounding her. Pushing her. Pulling her. Biting and clawing at her flesh as the group of monsters slipped into a feeding frenzy.

It happened more often than most would think, for such was life in the caves. It wasn't just enough to survive here, you had to be strong too. Because down here, you either ate or were eaten.

Luckily for Lulu, Akta -- the woman she was told to go and see -- saw return to the village and took pity on the little goblin. Leaving her temple, Akta approached Lulu from behind and took her prisoner with the tentacles on her head -- the result of her being a subspecies.

Not only were her tentacles strong enough to hold a day-old goblin, but they also had the ability to ooze a toxin that could either paralyze or put someone to sleep. In this case, Lulu was quickly sedated to allow the doctor to work her magic on her.


GM Update: Frisk
Frisk ran at the rabbit with all his might..! But the rabbit was already dead. Frisk had won.

Small Horned Rabbit 0 HP

Frisk 1 HP

“It's all about Power."
"Grabbing it. Keeping it. Using It."
"Power is our currency, our DNA... Our God.”
"We control the World."
"We provide the blueprint. And we give the Instructions."



    Fingerling Potato

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Bayaal and Fii

As Bayaal and Fii finished their prep and headed deeper into the forest, a sudden sound rang into their ears. Immediately, Fii took off running in that direction and Bayaal followed. "What are we doing? Why are we running so fast? What the heck was that noise? Fii, don't let me talk to myself." She didn't answer but Bayaal was worried. He was concerned about what was going on. Fii instinctively moved towards the sounds and Bayaal followed. He wanted to know what she sensed. He focused on the sound. He listened hard to try and pick up the situation.

He could hear fighting and....a goblin? His scared feet hurried toward the sound after Fii. With his mask on, he knew he could face anything. Fii just told him.

As The two made it to the battle, they saw other goblins in the area. Fii ran in with her rocks and threw one at the eye of the beast. Meanwhile, Bayaal went after the knee of the wolf as another goblin drove a rabbit horn into the beast's paw. He was trying to hinder its movements. Then he would quickly duck out of sight much like Fii did.





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Goblin Lark

- House Keeping


The old grandpa returns! (You know, the one who might or might not have mistaken Lark as a boy and named her after the sound of puke). And man did he shed some of his well-earned wisdom to the young and foolish souls. First he told them something about the illegible book, saying things about how he's surprised that Lark had taken an interest on such topic and whatnot. And then he told them that the black twirly thingy is good for your health when eaten or drunk with tea. And the fire-stone-y round things are what you'd call a seed, and it will restore your health when eaten.


But the question remains - what is tea? What is seed? Are they food? More importantly, are they delicious? Why won't he tell them the most important thing of 'em all? Surely he's hiding something from them? Maybe he fears that Lark's a threat for his rule in the future?! Such cunning old man..


Thus, with her newfound (yet limited) knowledge, Lark began to distribute her wealth to the party. She gave her long time (sort of) friend Poop an astounding gift of [Knife x1, Femur Bone Club x1, Minor Healing Potion x1, Black Cohosh x1]. Then, for the two new friends, Biggs and Wedge, she gave a slightly less impressive gift of [Humerus Bone Club x1, Fork x1, Black Cohosh x1] each.


This leaves her with 2 knives, 2 forks, 2 spoons, a mystery book, 2 black cohosh, 2 embereyes, 1 minor healing potion, 1 minor health regen potion, and two pairs of curved ribs. A bit too much for her to carry at once, it seems. Thus she decided to equip herself with [Knife x2, Black Cohosh x1, Minor Healing Potion x1, Minor Heath Regen Potion x1]. The rest of the riches, she decided to keep in her bag, and under her blanket. You know, for safekeeping and such.


Not the Embereyes though. She did not trust that one; those small, round, shiny, flame-y little things. You can never trust the prettiest ones. Or something.


Thus, she decided to bury them instead, and to spite 'em even further, pee on it as well! And for whatever sake, stick two ribs as a marker/ cage around the place she buried them on. You know, to stop them from escaping and whatnot. Such great insight! As expected of a future military genius! Oh mighty is she!


Satisfied, Lark decided to lead her small team and head out for a hunt. Then, after realizing that four gobs in a party are way too rowdy and excessive, she decided to split up. Poop will be taking Wedge, the loudest of the gang, with him; while Lark will hunt with Biggs, the bigger yet calmer of the two new recruits. It's not like she does not want to be with Poop. No, it's more that she cannot trust the two new guys to hunt on their own and not run with her things just yet. Poop will understand. It's not like she's betraying him for another man, right? Right?



Insider's Intel:


Unbelievably Majestic

Unbelievably Majestic

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Frisk charged the rabbit with anger and a burning passion, which was all he had left at this point, only to find that the thing was already dead. He stood there, fist raised for a moment, unsure of what to do, then he punched it in the face anyway. When the thing fell down he proceeded with the usual course of events. Skinning, snacking, removing the bones. He was really rather full at this point, having devoured his way through almost all of the first rabbit by himself, so he only had the occasional bite or two, just to savour the taste of victory. Really he just wanted to take the thing back to the cave. Then he could save it for that mythical thing he'd heard of that was known as 'tomorrow', if such a thing ever came, and then he wouldn't need to hunt again! It was perfect! He could spend the whole day looking for more of those flowers and leaves that were tasty with the meat!

And so, after totally not at all attempting, and subsequently failing, to drag the corpse back in one piece, Frisk had the genius idea of only bringing the meat back. Doing what he could Frisk removed most of the less tasty internal organs and as many of the bones as he could. From there he pouched the good meat up into a parcel, more of a terrible bag, made by wrapping them in the rabbit's own hide. This was much more transportable than if he were to try and bring the whole corpse back to the cave. Which, of course, he knew without ever even attempting to carry the whole thing back. Because he would have looked silly trying that. It was obviously not going to work. That's why he didn't try.

Frisk, referred to by some as Frisk the Genius, proceeded to then make his way back towards the cave.

Okay, I admit it, he's only referred to as Frisk the Genius by one person. Not 'by some' as previously stated. And I admit that said person may not count as a person. Said person is infact, not human. In actual fact they are not even what many would consider to be a 'living being'. It's a rock.


Sapt 'n' crunch.


Diabolical Rhapsody

Diabolical Rhapsody

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Dar watched as Brixx the Handsome went in charging without a care in the world, she just couldn't help but marvel at his courageousness. The ashen one was certainly ballsy. He slid under the giant wolverine as it tried to stomp on him much like the giant rabbit that they had killed before. As his large horn impaled the front paw, two more goblins came charging from the foliage on the other side. 


She recognized the masked one as the wimpy one from earlier, seeing how he flung himself on the hunter's backleg made Dar change her opinion of him. Certainly, she can't be left behind by every goblin of her age. First Brixx, then Frisk and now the masked one.


She gripped onto the bloodied rock that she had used to finish off the rabbit and flung it with all her might towards the open jaws of the wolverine. She noticed that the goblin that was originally the target was suspiciously holding back, but she ignored it. If they managed to survive, it would mean less meat for her. After all the strong had the right to eat first, atleast that's the understanding between Brixx the Handsome and herself.


She hoped that Brixx would survive.





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    Fingerling Potato

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The odds were in Lulu’s favor as she was about to sink her teeth into the delectable morsel that dangled in front of her; it was helpless and stood no chance against the seasoned newborn hunter. However, Lulu had made a grave mistake; she blinked. It may have only been a fraction of a second, but it gave the sly wolf paw enough time to escape. Lulu’s inexperience caused her a fine meal.


She mourned her loss for a brief moment, but her intermittent inability to concentrate immediately took over. The recent events that had took place were merely a fleeting memory in her head as her eyes quickly moved from one side to the other. Lulu was trying to make sense of what she was apparently doing all alone in the middle of the forest. Her stomach was full, so she had no business left there. It was time to nap. Her journey back to their village was long and gruesome. Actually, it wasn’t; it was quite boring. Nothing happened and she peacefully waddled back to their cave. The end. 


Nah, just kidding. We continue the tale of the ravenous Lulu from where we last left of. She had crossed the wall of water that hid their goblin haven from the many who wished to caused them harm and those who found goblins to be a delicacy. Such fiendish foes. Immersing herself in the not-so-tepid waters of the cavern river, Lulu had realized that she was actually quite fatigued. Well, why wouldn’t she be? She killed three other goblins. It would have been strange if she remained unscathed. It would have been nice if Lulu had realized that earlier, but alas, not everyone had that kind of intelligence. When you thought things couldn’t get worse, they did. Surrounding our young heroine were several other goblins whose mouths were watering at the sight of such a delicious and vulnerable prey. What kind of monsters would choose to devour their own kind? Heresy I say! Heresy!


Was this how the epic tale of Lulu was going to end? To choose between drowning to her death or to be feasted on by her brethren? Oh woe was her indeed. The frigid currents had overwhelmed her body; it was as if they were wrapping themselves around her in a weird tentacle-like way. Her body became numb and her vision became dim. It was finally time, death was knocking on her door. All she had to do was let her in. Right before she lost consciousness, she felt an immense yet comforting presence coming from behind her. The only thing she saw was a silhouette. “Fraarararar?” she tried to mumble before passing out. Sadly, her last words were only gargling noises as water rushed into her mouth.


Lulu's Info


Edited by Juro, 06 November 2016 - 01:40 PM.

The Illuminati

The Illuminati

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GM Update: Frisk and Lulu
Upon returning to the village, Frisk noticed Lulu being taken away by a strange, new creature. The creature basically six times taller than Frisk, with a shapely figure and skin that looked like it was cut from living stone. And instead of hair, she wore a crown of wriggling tentacles -- this was how she had chosen to transport Lulu, by holding her captive in her hair.

OOC: Frisk can either follow the two, or head back to the nursery.

GM Update: Lark and Biggs
The two goblins roamed around the forest when they suddenly heard a noise coming from one of the bushes nearby. Inside they found three horned rabbits scavenging for food.

Medium Horned Rabbit 3 HP, 1 DMG
Small Horned Rabbit 3 HP, 1 DMG
Small Horned Rabbit 3 HP, 1 DMG

Lark 3 HP, 2 DMG
Biggs 3 HP, 1DMG

OOC: Sneak attacks deal +1 DMG.

GM Update: Miniboss
The fey wolverine smiled as it swung at Brix, his eyes already moving back to Rend, but the sneaky goblin somehow managed to slip under the wolverine's attack and counter by slashing open his paw with some sort of weapon.

Taken aback by the sliver of pain, the beast let his guard down just long enough for Bayaal, Dar and Fii to land equally annoying attacks of their own. Furious, the wolverine lashed out by slapping Bayaal aside with his tail as the goblin tried to retreat to the safety of his partner.

Fey Wolverine 20 HP

Brix 2 HP
Dar 3 HP
Bayaal 1 HP
Fii 3 HP
Rend 3 HP

OOC: DR, you posted twice this round. So I'll have to ask you to wait until after the next update to post another attack.

Edited by The Illuminati, 07 November 2016 - 12:55 PM.

“It's all about Power."
"Grabbing it. Keeping it. Using It."
"Power is our currency, our DNA... Our God.”
"We control the World."
"We provide the blueprint. And we give the Instructions."



    Mashed Potato

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After the other goblins made their moves, it was time for her to move. She couldn't use the dumb goblin with the helmet, with him being flicked away, so she had to make do with the other ones. However, she did make note of the condition he was in, figuring it might be useful to her. Deciding to go with Brix as her meat shield, Rend charged in, wielding one of the small-horned rabbit horns, and took advantage of the other goblins attacks and thrusted the horn at the wolverines throat.


Hopefully by striking the throat, or jamming it under it's jaws, she can avoid being eaten. But in any case, a swift attack was best so she can get away before it was too late. To make it all appear natural, she acted like a madwoman and ran after her attack, falling on purpose near Brix before 'accidentally' kicking him in the legs in a panic as she was getting up and ran past him. Outwardly, she appeared frightened but inwardly, she was grinning.




The Epic Of X:


Unbelievably Majestic

Unbelievably Majestic

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Frisk made it back to the cave without incident. He had grabbed a couple of random leaves and such as he went, tossing them into his bag of meat. But he didn't go as crazy as he had before, he wasn't going out of his way to find them, he simply grabbed some if he passed them. He was much too injured to go out of his way for leaves. No. No matter how much he wanted them he resisted, mostly, and went straight back to the cave. All in all it was actually fairly dull. Frisk even started to get bored at one point. He defeated this by eating a leaf. He couldn't be two things at once. So once he was eating, he couldn't be bored. No problems.


But it was as he entered the cave that things got really interesting. You see, when Frisk entered the cave and took a good look around at the place he was calling home, for now at least, he noticed Lulu being carried off by a strange, weird, tentacle-y thing. A brand new creature. Something he had never seen. And it was in the cave! The thing was huge, and by huge I mean it was at least as tall as Frisk, maybe even a little bit taller, he'd have to get closer to know for sure. It was humanoid and green, it looked like it had torn itself out of the cave wall and just started walking around. Presumably it was walking around so that it could capture little goblins like Lulu, who was tangled up in a whole mess of tentacle hair.


Frisk had to see where this was going. There was no way he didn't. A fellow survivor of The Hoppy Legs of Doom was being carried away by something else. Something that also seemed Doomy. Perhaps this would lead to another classic escapade in which Frisk and Lulu earn another story to tell around the campfire, and in mead halls across the land. Another legend may well be born today. Frisk would be damned if he wasn't going to be part of it. He followed after them stealthily, or at least as stealthily as an idiot goblin in a rabbit fur hoodie could. The rabbit skin full of meat didn't help the general effort either, and that's not to mention his injuries, but there was no way he'd leave his hunting spoils behind. He had to show off what he'd caught to The Rock later. He'd be super proud of him.


Capt 'n' crunch.




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Goblin Lark

- Bunn(t)y Hunter


With hope in her heart, and sharp pointy knives in her hands, Lark & Co. set out into the wilderness. Away from the safety of "home", Lark first felt a little bit uneasy. That is, of course, before her curiosity sets in, and the tone of her timid "...what's that?" took a complete turn into an excited "Ooo! What's that?!" every time she encountered something new. Along the way, she snacked on multiple kind of colourful flowers, vibrant green shrubs, and sometimes even the bark of the great trees surrounding her. Some tastes pretty well, though most of them are either pretty bland or downright bitter. And all this only made her even hungrier. Hungry to taste a lot more different kinds of food, that is.


Then, a brisk pace later, she and Biggs heard something from the nearby bushes. Faint rustlings, as if they were whispering to them, "C'mere! I've got something good in store for ye!". Naturally, being the curious gob that she is, Lark stealthily crept towards it. And there she saw it, three fat ho-, err, rabbits (to be fair they ARE the size of a horse in a young goblin's eyes! Hmph!) eating scraps of.. things.. from the ground. And boy oh boy, how do they look appetizing! Those firm, voluptuous thighs; the well-developed breasts; the chubby cheeks. Man!


There is a catch, however. Horns. These rabbits have 'em. And that means, these guys are not as meek and defenseless as they initially look. And being a hunter, it is neither desirable nor fun to not take things into accounts and become the prey's prey instead. Thus, seeing that she is outnumbered and out-horned, the best course of action would be..




Thus, with her eyes set on the prize, and her trusty knife held in stabbing position; Lark lunged from her hiding spot towards the biggest rabbit of them all with unbridled fury. She aimed to ride the beast's back and stab it to death before it could retaliate, hoping for a clean one-shot-kill to start the battle. And without as much as a pause, Biggs then appeared on the other startled rabbit's side and smashed its back with his trusty bone club.


And that, my friend, is how Lark's first wild hunt started.



Insider's Intel:


The Illuminati

The Illuminati

    Fried Potato

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Damn!!!” Brix thought as the masked goblin, Bayaal, was sent flying.

In response, Brix quickly reached for his pouch. His idea was to take it, ad then toss it to Fii so she could use the medical herbs inside to help heal Bayaal. It was something he had happily discovered while tasting some of the various plants scattered throughout the forest. Instead however, Brix was knocked off his feet by the other goblin, Rend, as she tried to retreat after making her first attack of the fight.

”What the..?!” Brix thought to himself as the earth and sky momentarily swapped places with each other, before landing on his head.

In the collision, Brix's pouch was knocked from his hand, sending the contents flying. Now everything was scattered everywhere. It wasn’t what he had hoped for, but at least the stuff was still there for who ever wanted to use them to heal up -- with some added dirt, for spice. Regardless, it was now up to Fii or Dar to try and figure out what he had been trying to do before he was knocked over. On the bright side however, that left only him in the immediate area to tackle with the beast. Now not only would he have a great trophy to give Vexx, but he could honestly say that he alone stood against the mighty beast.

Reaching for anything he could grab, Brix ripped some grass loose from the ground and swung the impromptu projectile at the fey wolverine.

GM Update:
- The pouch spilled 3x Black Cohosh (Effect: Gain +1 HP every (combat) round.) and 2x Embereyes (Effect: Gain +2 HP instantly.) onto the ground.
- Healing costs a combat round/turn.
- Helping someone heal, costs you a turn too.

GM Update: Frisk and Lulu

Frisk followed Akta and Lulu until they reached Akta’s temple, a circular shelter that looked like it was crafted from earth, stone and plants. Inside the temple was a grass lawn, various objects made from either clay or stone, and a tree. The leaves of the tree glowed with a faint light, while the tree itself was surrounded by curved pillars, with strange runes carved into the floor.

The tree was the first thing Lulu saw when she came to. Looking herself over, she realized that her wounds had been tended to and bandaged up. By tomorrow, she’d likely be as good as new. Her captor however was nowhere to be found, likely off looking for a new victim.

GM Update: Lark and Biggs
Lark’s aim was true and poor her steed buckled easily beneath the goblin's weight, falling dead to the ground. Biggs wasn’t as lucky however as the rabbit retaliated quickly, thumping him in the chest with it’s hind feet. Before Lark could offer him some assistance, she too was knocked down by the third rabbit, who looked pretty upset.

Medium Horned Rabbit 0 HP
Small Horned Rabbit 1 HP
Small Horned Rabbit 3 HP

Lark 2 HP
Biggs 2 HP

Edited by The Illuminati, 17 November 2016 - 05:41 PM.

“It's all about Power."
"Grabbing it. Keeping it. Using It."
"Power is our currency, our DNA... Our God.”
"We control the World."
"We provide the blueprint. And we give the Instructions."



    Fried Potato

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Goblin Lark
- Bunn(t)y Hunter
It seems that Karma does exist in this world. Shortly after she pounced and killed the first, biggest rabbit; she too, was pounced on by the rabbit's less-dead comrade. Now that she was pushed off the high ground and was pinned down instead, things does look kinda grave on her part.

Now I don't know if this is allowed, but since by going round-robin it'll go as
"Lark attacks the bunny, leaving it at 1 HP, and the bunny retaliates and left Lark with 1 HP before lark made the final move and killed it",
I am planning to shortcut it into one post XD 

Thankfully, she still had her trusty knife in her hands. Quickly recovering, she made a wide slash at the death bunny's neck. With a splattering sound, blood gushes out of it and onto Lark's face. She had thought that the attack had killed the bunny, but it seemed that the beast still had some juice in it, and stomped violently at Lark's chest a couple of times before Lark was forced to stab it again with her knife, this time twisting the serrated blade while it's still embedded on the monster fluff's chest.


"Stay dead!!" Lark prayed from the bottom of her heart. Because, well, if it doesn't.. She's gonna die instead, isn't it?
Insider's Intel:


Edited by Faye, 10 November 2016 - 02:49 PM.



    Fingerling Potato

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Bayaal and Fii

Fii watched Bayaal get wasted from up high on a tree. Luckily, she had been moving about the entire time, trying to stay hidden and attack only when the chance was ripe. Her shrewd thinking kept her safe, for the most part.

Out of the side of her eye, she saw the another familiar goblin drop a bunch of green stuff on the ground. It seemed like he tried to reach for them anyway. Maybe those green things could help Bayaal. They look like food.

Bayaal had rolled out of the way and behid some bushes. He was taking himself out of the fight just long enough to gather his composure. Then he saw Fii head towards the flower goblin. He wasn't sure what why until he saw the plants. He began to crawl towards Fii.

Fii darted to the plants and grabbed a few. She then quickly hid herself to find Bayaal. She scanned for her partner as the battle commenced. He wasn't where he fell, at least she knew he was moving. She then looked over to find Bayaal crawling towards Brix, the flower goblin. She waited for him to get closer and pulled him into a bush and shoved some of those plants into his mouth. [color="red"]"Shut up and eat."[/red] she told him quietly.

Bayaal and Fii


The Illuminati

The Illuminati

    Fried Potato

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  • LocationSint Maarten, Kingdom of the Netherlands
GM Update: Miniboss
After knocking Bayaal away, the fey wolverine was then struck across the lower jaw by Rend. Glaring his teeth at her, she quickly fled the area, leaving Brix to throw grass pies at him. Annoyed by this, the wolverine slammed his claws into Brix, smashing him into the ground and trapping him there as it tried to bite off his head.

Fey Wolverine 14 HP

Brix 1 HP
Dar 3 HP
Bayaal 1 HP
Fii 3 HP
Rend 3 HP

Edited by The Illuminati, 12 November 2016 - 11:57 AM.

“It's all about Power."
"Grabbing it. Keeping it. Using It."
"Power is our currency, our DNA... Our God.”
"We control the World."
"We provide the blueprint. And we give the Instructions."