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[OOCD] Rise of the Goblin Nation

re:monster ooc discussions role-play mature

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The Illuminati

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Yes, that's it exactly. So by the time our goblins starting entering into human territory, they'll have all of their memories back and will be looking to get some revenge.

“It's all about Power."
"Grabbing it. Keeping it. Using It."
"Power is our currency, our DNA... Our God.”
"We control the World."
"We provide the blueprint. And we give the Instructions."



    Mashed Potato

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hohoho, that's a good way to wrap things up with the human segment without it being left unforgotten xD.


It also means I could use the human version of Rend's image for her cs and people could just imagine ears and a tail and presto, since she'll be humanoid and all. And since she'll practically look the same as she was human, it'd be more effective when she finally comes across the ones who betrayed her/them.


Will come up with a post either tonight or tomorrow. Hope I guess right. xD

Edited by I-Am-X, 02 September 2017 - 06:05 PM.


The Epic Of X:




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Posted as promised, the tension sets in!


The Epic Of X:


The Illuminati

The Illuminati

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Hurricane Irma is heading our way, so I might not be able to post for a few days if things go south. I'll try to posy later today, but for now I need to secure the house and stuff. <3<3<3

“It's all about Power."
"Grabbing it. Keeping it. Using It."
"Power is our currency, our DNA... Our God.”
"We control the World."
"We provide the blueprint. And we give the Instructions."

Malevolent Reverie

Malevolent Reverie

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Stay safe.



    Mashed Potato

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Aye, stay safe and hope it doesnt head your way/do much to you.


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Alright, I'm in Georgia now and can 'try' to do up rp posts but I'm on a smart phone with free Wi-Fi. So it'll probably take some time to type it out on this this thing and won't be pretty looking.


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Malevolent Reverie

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~bump~ *hoping Naifu is in good health*



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I hope he's fine as well, especially since I honestly dont know if I'll be able to get on again in the near future to see if he's alright since I'll probably be homeless and not sure if I'll find somewhere with WiFi or a place to charge smart phone. When. I posted last message I thought I'd have a more consistent WiFi access. Hope I'll be able to keep In touch.


The Epic Of X:


Malevolent Reverie

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I hope he's fine as well, especially since I honestly dont know if I'll be able to get on again in the near future to see if he's alright since I'll probably be homeless and not sure if I'll find somewhere with WiFi or a place to charge smart phone. When. I posted last message I thought I'd have a more consistent WiFi access. Hope I'll be able to keep In touch.

Take care, X. Hope you find the haven you desire.

Malevolent Reverie

Malevolent Reverie

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-bump- Hope you are doing alright, Naifu.

The Illuminati

The Illuminati

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Not really. Still no electricity at home, and we only got water running just a few weeks ago. The hurricane only broke a few of my windows but ripped the roof off the guys upstairs. Turns out Irma was a record breaker and Maria was just as bad. As you guys might have heard by now, every island touched by them were devastated.

But other than that, I'm fine. Started working on some of the book ideas I've been sitting on for years. The rest will be written as comic books. I can only use my phone's data between 12 and 6 am, which is why I didn't post sooner -- had to buy a new phone, cost me $270 and staying up all night is a pain. There's free wifi at the 'goverment building' but that's about 45 min away on foot (I walk pretty fast) and it's all down hill, so getting back home is all uphill and very exhausting. So how are you guys doing? What's this about X being homeless?

“It's all about Power."
"Grabbing it. Keeping it. Using It."
"Power is our currency, our DNA... Our God.”
"We control the World."
"We provide the blueprint. And we give the Instructions."

Malevolent Reverie

Malevolent Reverie

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Well I'm glad that you are alright. Though this story seems to fall out of participation, I'll certainly like to read whatever you cook.

The Illuminati

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That book will have to wait. We have power now but still no internet. And my mom used to internet to watch tv. Which means my laptop is now her tv. On the days I do get it for myself, my dad calls and asks for help rebuilding his home. So... Well, I have text books with lots of notes and ideas but not much else.

I have started reading fantasy novels to see what the competition's like. To my surprise, it's not as far off from how I usually write. So that's nice. I'm currently reading the 'Wheel of Time' and 'Lord of the Rings' books. With some other stuff. I joined Twitter recently. So that's one way we can stay in touch post-Batoto. ='(

“It's all about Power."
"Grabbing it. Keeping it. Using It."
"Power is our currency, our DNA... Our God.”
"We control the World."
"We provide the blueprint. And we give the Instructions."



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....so much has happened since ive been away. poor batoto =(


Aye naifu, was almost homeless. It was a scary and stressful month in georgia living in hotels with my second oldest sister and her husband, always living each day with the possobility of being on the streets. Luckily in october my mom threw us a life lineand brought us to wisconsin, where ive been since. Got a job and things have gotten better. Right now im posting via my PS Vita ive bought. Confused at what happened to batoto...


Twitter...whycant you just use skype lol


The Epic Of X:


The Illuminati

The Illuminati

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Twitter is my attempt at using social media again -- can't stand them but I guess it's time I grew up. ='(

I also got IG and some other apps on my phone, but no accounts there yet. I'm mostly just waiting for our internet service to come back. If nothing happens by next month, I'll go to the company myself and get some answers.

I'm stuck on my last two books: with the first one, I can't stand the main character (he's a pirate and I want to punch him in the dick everytime I try to read the book -- him and his merry band of assholes), so I switched to the other book (The Fellowship of the Ring) and honestly, I think the author was smoking something when he wrote this, because Frodo and Gandalf are just too ridiculous.

Happy Belated Valentine's Day!

Without tv or internet (I've started listening to the radio again), I've discovered that I can see my neighbor getting undressed at night from my window. Part of me feels bad, part of me wants to marry her, and the last bit wishes I could see her in HD -- damn her certains. So sheer, yet so effective.

So how are you two doing?

“It's all about Power."
"Grabbing it. Keeping it. Using It."
"Power is our currency, our DNA... Our God.”
"We control the World."
"We provide the blueprint. And we give the Instructions."



    Mashed Potato

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Twitter is my attempt at using social media again -- can't stand them but I guess it's time I grew up. ='(

I also got IG and some other apps on my phone, but no accounts there yet. I'm mostly just waiting for our internet service to come back. If nothing happens by next month, I'll go to the company myself and get some answers.

I'm stuck on my last two books: with the first one, I can't stand the main character (he's a pirate and I want to punch him in the dick everytime I try to read the book -- him and his merry band of assholes), so I switched to the other book (The Fellowship of the Ring) and honestly, I think the author was smoking something when he wrote this, because Frodo and Gandalf are just too ridiculous.

Happy Belated Valentine's Day!

Without tv or internet (I've started listening to the radio again), I've discovered that I can see my neighbor getting undressed at night from my window. Part of me feels bad, part of me wants to marry her, and the last bit wishes I could see her in HD -- damn her certains. So sheer, yet so effective.

So how are you two doing?



Eeeep!!! I've been a really reallly really bad potato. Couldn't post a response and I doubt you'll respond to this after over a year lol.

Well, anyways, it's been a struggle for me since around that time I was on the verge of being homeless and just in a real bad situation, but thanks to my mom who gave me another chance, despite me being really shitty to her in the past, I've managed to get back on my feet and I'm in a more favorable position. With me having a roof over my head now, without the fear of finding myself on the street day after day, I managed to get a job (had to start from the bottum and well, still not making a whole bunch per hour), build up good credit and finally, after almost 2+ years without one, I managed to get me a good gaming laptop that, far surpasses my old one, and I'm now able to get back to what I was doing (well, gaming wise and easier time cruising the web since rping seems dead in the water now). HAd to rely on my smartphone for internet and that exactly wasn't ideal. It's a shame we wouldn't be able to RP again but I hope you're doing fine.


The Epic Of X:




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