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Saiko+ Banner Opt Out?

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    Potato Spud

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have no intention of ever closing that banner, am appalled at the actions of the handful of people who came here to complain about that banner in the slightest way.


Do any of you people that came here to complain about getting something for free have any idea what the proverb "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth"  means? What about the "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all" one? Does that one strike any chords with you in light of this conversation/your actions?


Whoa nelly!


There are a whole bunch of schools of thought when it comes to web design.  I"m definitely in the mind that I want as much information as possible accessible in a quick, streamlined, organized sense.  For that reason, I avoid websites like ESPN.com that hide content, obfuscate the locations of content, and don't reliably organize their content... oh, and also plug up pages with massive banners.  I similarly avoid altogether now because of its nonsensical sorting practices in actually getting me feed.  Similarly, I regularly submit negative feedback to Twitter because I can't stand how they've de-chronologized the data.  I'm actually using a third party tool to re-sort my follows.  Similarly, many users, whether it be YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Hockey's Future's message boards, etc. are put off by prioritized content/promoted content, especially when it's not content that they're using/enjoying.  This isn't something I complain about.  If I see promoted content on a platform I use, I ignore it if it's small (i.e. Hockey's Future) or X it out and move on if it's large and obtrusive (i.e. Twitter even on my sorting tool). 


What do these have in common with Bato.to?  They're all free to use.  Any website, any community exists not as a service provided to its users but as a function of its relationship with its users.  Play with an interface enough, and you can drive off regular users or fail to attract current ones.  Do you cruise the IRC channels or visit /r/manga or 4chan?  The immediate reaction to the lack of an opt-out feature on Bato.to was far, far more vitriolic than the more civil request issued within this thread.  The implementation of the feature immediately cooled that down.  From that point of view, feedback, especially constructive negative feedback, is indispensable to the long-term welfare of any site. 


I know you're a fierce supporter of Bato.to, that you do your best to lighten the load of the moderation team when it comes to answering questions in a thoughtful and constructive manner. The last thing you should be appalled by is forthright feedback. 


Cheers.  :)



    Sweet Potato

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I'm not getting into a long, drawn out conversation about this and the all those specifics you've brought up....... you criticized the presentation and the content as well.


Read between the lines a little bit on Grumpy's post and tell me just how it must have made them feel to see the effort they'd gone to (at absolutely no reward or payment) be criticized with "I'm not going to be reading them, so..." and "not that any of those interest me anyway..." and "this is HUGE" and "it takes up too much space"?


 I stand by my comment.




    Potato Spud

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Took my lunch break to address this:  


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Point #2 on reading/not reading:  


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Point #3 on criticism:


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