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What do you think so far?

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    Baked Potato

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My score:
Art: 4/5
Originality: 3/5
Plot/Setting: 3.5/5
Story flow: 4.5/5
Characters: 3/5

Overall a pretty decent manga, I generally enjoyed every chapter so far and kept me interested (rather than leaving with the feeling at the end of the chapter, "that's it?") It has a pretty good potential and the plot isn't going too fast or slow. Now a little bit of criticism: The display of the characters isn't very strong and the story doesn't put enough effort reveal each person's personality. (Like for instance in such cases: how would you judge who to vote for as a favorite character on a poll? If you had a wiki site for the manga, what would you write for the part of the main characters' pages?) The one thing that throws me off is this whole wish to be a hero thing, it's a bit cheesy even for a shonen manga that's targeted towards a younger audience. It would help with empathizing with the protagonist more if he had a more impressive or emotional ideal.
But it's only been 11 chapters I would say overall pretty good and recommendable. =]

Edited by Saphsin, 19 November 2011 - 02:27 AM.

"Once you label me you negate me." - Soren Kierkegaard



    Fried Potato

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you are right. is not that is bad and it's original enought that people will stop reading because they think is rip off og something else, but it those feel that there is something impeding it going from a good manga to a great one.
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    Baked Potato

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um I'm not sure what you're saying.... can you clear up your post a bit

"Once you label me you negate me." - Soren Kierkegaard



    Fingerling Potato

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Personally, I really like it. It somehow reminds me to Kenichi... The guy starts weak as hell and manages to fight off his enemies by learning techniques from an incredible master. If it continues to be this enjoyable, it'll probably become one of my favorites.




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think the "hero" he wants to be is more on "I want to be a main character of my own life, not a side character"
how he is unacomplished in his doing, and transforming into this "hero" person not for others, not for protecting the world, not to get into some girls panties <<< Points up for the manga for not using this...

Last poster said reminds me of Kenichi, I don't think its true..

He reminds me alot more of NODAME!
Everything makes me reminds me of her, and how he is going thru the exact same crash path as her..



    Baked Potato

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hmm I thought of his desire to be a hero was more of becoming someone who can attempt great feats without being a failure, for himself and others; he proclaimed wanting to be one right before he saved Tsubame at chapter 1. Idk but that's the impression I got.

"Once you label me you negate me." - Soren Kierkegaard




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What I see is that other then the "hero" thingy he got no goal for himself.. and no one seem to care about it..
I don't see he doing kendo for passion for it, or enjoying it.. seems like just a chore. I wish he could show trully enjoyment for kendo

Edited by Irecinius, 04 December 2011 - 10:02 PM.



    Potato Spud

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The story is at least somewhat readable, but I would agree would most of the posters above about how Kurogane's "hero" motivation seems weak and unsupported (I don't mind it being a cheesy goal, but at least make the motivation behind the goal clear). The other characters seem underdeveloped too. I would give this manga a 7/10 (I have relatively high standards compared to other people, so anything above a 6 would be acceptable to most people).

P.S. If you really want to know what this manga feels like a rip-off of, go read Hikaru No Go (I'd give this one 9/10).

Edited by renecop545, 04 January 2012 - 03:32 AM.



    Baked Potato

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Hikaru no go was interesting at first, but lost most if it's flavor after half way through the manga. Parts of the plot seemed very incomplete to me and the ending was horrible.... (still recommended though and it's recognized as one of the best)

"Once you label me you negate me." - Soren Kierkegaard



    Potato Spud

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He's a guy who idolizes the captain of a team, or the ace. The one who sets the teams mood. The one who goes " hang in there we still got this" He's weak, has no stamina. He has the eyes but as weve seen they didn't help in sports. He gave up on his dream. He gave it up because it was to hurtful to hang on to it. Then a ghost comes along and tells him he can do it. It didn't have to be kendo, It could have been any sport really. That's why he dosn't seem attached to it like other characters, because he isn't. It's not because its kendo, its because kendo's the only one. His arc will not only be getting stronger, but also comming to love kendo "because its kendo" rather than "because it had to to be kendo".



    Baked Potato

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You could've just said that kendo was his only output for his desire to excel at something lol.

"Once you label me you negate me." - Soren Kierkegaard



    Potato Sprout

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You could've just said that kendo was his only output for his desire to excel at something lol.

Eh, I like the way he said it. Lots more to sympathize with.



    Potato Spud

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not to get into some girls panties <<< Points up for the manga for not using this...

^ This. FTW.

Camillo Iannaccone

Camillo Iannaccone

    Potato Sprout

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I have to agree on the fact that the manganka isn't going for a fan-service base, but is instead creating a truly good manga. As Lowlightt said, the plot of the manga isn't "To be strong" but "To come to love Kendo". This allows for more characters to influence him, such as Ebana, who is the opposite of Kurogane.



    Potato Sprout

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It's all about smug muppet, she's the best character in the manga.



    Potato Sprout

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I give it a 7/10.
It seems to have a pretty good story, it fits very well if you remember the target audience. Although the characters do seem very static, it gives the reader enough of a connection to them to make them semi-interesting. When I say characters, I mean most of them. A few could use work, such as the main girl. She does nothing but act as a foil for other characters.
It needs some work in certain areas, just like my reviewing skills. It's overall a fairly good read.

And in response to prior posts about the motive of the story, it isn't really a motive, but an overall plot. The focus in on Kurogane's growing strength and making the one-strike style the best. But as many writers know, the stated "quest" is almost never the final motivation for the hero, but he comes across one later in the story.



    Fingerling Potato

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I agree pace is nice but the story seems to be lacking or too predictable.It was good in begining but it seems to be dying to me. I just don't see character growth. While I can accept that this manga may be telling the story from a different perspective then normal manga or comics. It's simply too plain. It doesn't compare well objectively to others of the sports genre. Also it ticks me off when an author doesn't do background research. Yeah probably still read it but I no longer would recommend this story. Lastly I think some of us may be reading this only to read something that somewhat decent. I know at the very least I am.
P.s thanks scanlators for your work

Edited by mokata, 07 March 2012 - 11:33 PM.



    Fingerling Potato

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Beeing said that I like this manga, the only "bad" point I can figure out is that the whole philosophy in Kendo has completely been raped. What we see during the fights is very shonen manga, but the real practice of Kendo is definitely something different. Plus I can't imagine myself chatting about tactics with my oponent during a match, I find it already hard enough not to get hit(and hit instead) when I focus completely on attacking. Nontheless I really like the story so far, let's hope it is kept up.