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[Temporary Spoilers] Tower of God Season 2 Chapter 210

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Fairy King Harlequin

Fairy King Harlequin

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Most of my time? This is one thread and it was the first part of one sentence. Honestly I did have some things I wanted to disagree with in your post, but I voted against talking to you because I know how pointless it is. Still though, I will defend my theory. And yes, that's all it was; a theory, a thought, an idea. Rak simply losing to an Arie isn't anything for me to care about, but if I find something I think made a big impact on the fight results I will still point that out. The gaining of an Ignition Weapon for any character in a fight is enough to make such a big impact, and the fact that it was an Arie who gained it makes it even bigger. So yes, I do feel like its possible the results would be different without the addition of an Ignition Weapon. Could Rak have still lost even without that, of course, but it is currently a fact that he lost with the addition of that. As such, I feel like I'm free to speculate on the results that could have been.

It's okay for you to disagree with me, I don't post for likes and agreement........  I don't know why you took a vote, is there more than one person in your head?  My comment wasn't toward your speculation or foreshadowing, it was toward hypocrisy.