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What I think of this manga

Boku no hero academia

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    Russet Potato

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Since I first started reading this manga in August of '14, so many more people have joined this community, and this manga has even gone out to be published into SJ and has even been made into an anime. 


So, so far, what are your thoughts on this manga?


In my opinion, this is a very well structured manga (in terms of character dev, goal, plot, etc), and definitely has the guts to make it a mainstream-like manga/anime. What I have loved for 2 years about this manga is that there aren't as so much "arc"s in the plot compared to other mainstream stuff like Bleach (where you have the SS arc, Arrancar arc, Quincy arc), One Piece (Water 7, Skypeia, etc).  What I'm trying to say is that much of the plot is very free-form, and there isn't a good structure for really where the manga will go in the future. 


and, just like I've done with a sheet load of other forums, who would you date? [I'd date either Hagakure or Urakara]

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    Potato Sprout

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I haven't been so invested into a shounen series like BNHA since Fullmetal Alchemist. I'm surprised how well the mangaka is able to balance the development of majority of the characters in Class A. It's is if you're witnessing the birth of not only one hero (Midoriya), but multiple heroes. With that being said, I enjoy learning more about the students' backgrounds as they progress through the story. 


The art in BNHA is another selling point for me, especially the detail on character designs. 



    Potato Spud

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There are clear arcs in BNHA, the difference from Bleach and OP is that there isn't a clear difference in physical setting since everything revolves around their school.



    Russet Potato

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@makotaco  Yeah to be honest I don't invest this much into a shounen manga like this very often.  It seems like there are 10 some "main" characters, and each panel uses the "all-powerful, god-like" presence and technique. I have to applaud the mangaka for creating this work of art.


@mbaruh  There are a couple arcs, definitely, but it isn't clear to where they form or how they form. In Bleach/other series, it's usually a major occurrence of SOMETHING, in BNHA most of them are unclear. That's the reason for the Orig Post. ^-^

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