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Deviluke arc?

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    Potato Sprout

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Does anyone else find it odd and disappointing that this(or the previous) series has never explored the possibilities of an alien planet?  They could take it in so many different ways.  I'd presume Lala, Momo, or Nana would propose Deviluke as a destination for a school trip.  Other planets are possibilities, but I really want to see Deviluke.


I think it would be really refreshing and different.  Probably interesting and hilarious.  Rito's harem would probably grow as a result and that's fine too.  Also I'm amused at the idea of parents signing a waiver for intergalactic travel.  The principal upon being asked would probably instantly think about alien women.


And you could have some serious story development too.  Rito might actually take seriously the possibility of ruling the Universe.  He is the sort to take responsibility upon himself and may see this as a chance to help people etc.  No later than he starts taking it seriously, moments later he's groping someone... of course.  If he begins to consider this and thus abandoning the idea of living a normal life on Earth, he would probably also consider the idea of the harem. 


But what would Nemesis think about Rito ruling the Universe?  What would Mikan say to keep him on Earth?