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Immortal hounds released chapter discussion thread.

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    Baked Potato

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As we just learned. Everyone only lives to 60. You suppose if they catch mortality that takes their resurrection ability away, they also lose dying for sure at 60 and can live past this?

Here's my theory. Someone made a wish, something like "I wish everyone could at least live till their 60" Maybe they came from a area where death is prevalent and most people die young. The wish could not rearrange the whole world to that degree, so it (he/she) made a new world like the previous one, except with everyone being under a magic spell that resurrects them if they die, but in exchange means guaranteed death at 60.

Perhaps falling in love with someone from the real world, someone not created by the magic, breaks the spell.

The mother character, she might be the mother of the person who made the wish, wanting to make up for what her child did.

I am having a hard time understanding why she wants to break everyones spell though/kill everyone in this world. Or how she's able to grant immortality of a different kind to people. Do you suppose the other kind of immortality also shortens lifespan?

One thing is, why do they kill the mortal "vectors" they catch, or do they even kill them. Well they did try to kill the immortal ones, but doesn't mean for sure they did the same with the mortal ones.

You suppose losing ones resurrect ability allows them to live past 60?

Well it really could be anything with such a storyline though, its only a bit short of tragedy porn genre and those can be super random. They've described lots of weirdness and given little explanation, if anything what they tell us only makes it weirder. Perhaps the author hasn't even decided some of the background for all this yet. I am somewhat close to dropping this, it really is wearing down on me.

Edited by truepurple, 29 April 2016 - 11:46 AM.



    Potato Sprout

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Feelbad that no one posted back, as for me I don't really have any theory, with this genre it's pretty much random and I don't think a lot while watching it, I'm having more fun comparing my friends's reaction and so do they.


So.. Wait and see.



    Baked Potato

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Here is a far out theory that just as well might be shown to be so.


So the chief came to love Rin like a daughter, thus contracted latent RDS, immune to it himself because of his kids, but still a carrier. The chief was loved by his actual daughter, who transmitted it to her fiance.


Nothing was said that only romantic love changed people in this world.