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Space-Time Prisoner released chapter discussion.

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    Baked Potato

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Chapter 8,

It makes no sense. OK, let's ignore the issue of the half vampire student is still a student, someone to protect. And that he is essentially giving into terrorism of some guy shouting a demand from afar without any visible leverage yet.

Why post guards? Why not just take everyone minus the half vampire kid together to whatever shelter at once? Take the girls, and then come back for the boys? Waah? Because kids can't walk down hallways on their own, they need to be within a certain radius of him or their legs don't work, and he can only cram so many students within his magical radius?

Maybe he's a pervert and wants to be alone with the girls. That's about the best explanation I can come up with. And I guess the students are use to mindlessly following senseless instructions.

Edited by truepurple, 21 April 2016 - 01:03 AM.



    Lief, Loev, Caek.

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In retrospect, this post will seem silly.




    Baked Potato

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How do you know? Got a idea what chapter that will happen?



    Baked Potato

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I'm calling it now (and could have called it a chapter ago)

Non optional fight club genre. Where you need to win battles to get points to survive and get benefits, and/or where they have scheduled matches between prisoners/captives. So our pacifist MC is going to be forced into fights, but he's still going to be all heroic and 'all together now'. And/or survival games, like deadman wonderland.

Well if it turns out to be such a genre, I am dropping it.

Also I bet he was set up solely to get him into this "prison". The people were killed so that he would be sent to this "prison". Maybe his dad did it, wanting to investigate and stop the prison. Or the prison itself did it (since I am sure rich people bet on winners, and skilled combatants would be desired) Either way his dad will be contacting him wanting inside information.

(it was the dad who told him where to look for that thing behind the dispenser, right?)

Edited by truepurple, 27 April 2016 - 10:18 PM.