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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles


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    Fingerling Potato

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Ah yes, the magic of game logic.

"See that there? The big dude. How are we going to beat him?"

"Why does he need beating up, even?"

"I mean, he has a health bar. He must be an evil person who is going to attack us on sight. Here—help me get up to this sniper's roost. Maybe we can off him before he sees us."

PItiful Boar

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It's always an interesting choice for humans, pinning down whether a small risk to human life is worth a medium-to-large risk to our entertainment and vice-versa.

I tend to err on the side of caution but even then with the coronavirus there just isn't enough data available to make sound judgements. Though I personally assume the valley is a little doomed in this regard and there's no way we're avoiding a outbreak now, just a matter of how severe it'll be. We'll start to know in like a week and a half, I guess.



    Kraftwerk Potato

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Well heres to hoping that it takes the worst politicians and other rich cunts

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PItiful Boar

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I had a strange dream last night - I somehow got adopted (as an adult) and responsible for cooking (which is strange, because I almost always make semi-prepared food). My new parents are not tech savvy and they run this air conditioning system with the exhaust pumping heat right next to the cold air pump.

The good thing about viruses is that they don't discriminate. The biggest worry (for the powers that be) is that this will trigger a global recession. Already there are some smaller airlines that have declared bankruptcy over the cancellations of travel.


This is actually a good time to go travelling (if you don't mind the possibility of being detained and sent to a military base for quaratine for two weeks or so).



    Fingerling Potato

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A few days ago I had a fragment of dream I remembered. It was one of those zombie apocalypse settings where the zombies are still the same people, just a little zombie-ish and with an occasional urge to nibble on the uninfected. Anyway I was playing soccer or tag or something with a bunch of them, pretty laid-back atmosphere, when their little dog bites my hand. (I hadn't been infected up 'till then). To which my reaction was, "aw, shit, really?". (Downsides were not made clear but it was still something people wanted to avoid, there was probably some coronavirus influence on this dream, I suspect.)

Anyway I seem to recall the local zombies having said they have a vaccine so I head over to the info/first-aid tent (as if this were some sort of athletic event. Incidentally we're up somewhere up near some village in the mountains. Possibly in a foreign country; in keeping with the Warframe-in-dreams theme there was definitely something Ostron-ish about them).

They hand me this little brass folding case that has a tiny syringe in it. The engraved text I see first says "something something FBI". I ask, "Did the CIA distribute this?" (To some part of my brain, the CIA is the overseas equivalent of the FBI). Their brows furrow: "No, I don't think so, it was this man who..."

I read the rest of the packaging. There's a bunch of herbal ingredients... Is this really... Wait, scat from an exotic animal?! (I don't want to inject that!) O-kay... This is almost definitely a scam these guys fell for. (I guess I trust them enough that I them being the scammers doesn't even cross my mind to consider. I don't want to be mad at them because I know it's not their fault). This sort of throws a wrench in my backup plan.

I sit there stressing out on what I should do next. Do I buy the thing just in case it's genuine (who knows, maybe it really is mystic knowledge, though the "FBI" thrown in there randomly is pretty sketch), and have folks back home analyze it? I'm probably going to have to go back home for good medical treatment now anyway? Trying to work out whether I should be panicking.

In the meantime, I observe a young (white? Or at least clearly not local) couple that's taking a walk through zombie-infested mountains, going right past where the (zombie, but not super-obviously so) children are playing. "You think they know?" I remark conspiratorially to the friendly zombie folk. (The implication being that probably the young couple are fools on vacation who had no clue where they were and would probably shit bricks if they learned that the idyllic children playing next to them were all infected). We all laugh. Some of my nerves are eased, though not gone.

Then I wake up.

Mostly the reason I remembered this all is how funny that fake vaccine was in retrospect, after waking up. The totally random over-the-top-ness of it (brass case, citing the FBI to impart a misplaced air of authority, suspicious-as-hell ingredients) actually seems about right, even though those were just random details the dream was generating and only came up with that conclusion at the end.

Being friends with monsters (more or less) always makes me happy in a dream, too, though.

Edited by pokari, 12 March 2020 - 10:28 PM.

PItiful Boar

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i've been sleeping really late so i haven't gotten any dreams, maybe i'll get some this weekend

Edited by Feishy Pit Boar, 13 March 2020 - 07:43 PM.



    Kraftwerk Potato

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I just dont really remember them at the moment,

Even while dreaming I remmeber why I am dreaming of things,

like for example asian dragons because I was reading SubZero,

but I cant remember any context of the dream

Also, that mustve been a really shit injection (lel)

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Man todays dream had just been a massive punch in the dick.

I was going to a class reunion, all my favourite people where there.

Which is depressing cause I havnt seen them in years.

Then stuff happened and I met the grown up version of my first crush.

And I realised if we met Id still have feelings for her.

Which is depressing because even back then she liked someone else.


Silverlining I guess is that Ive always said I dont do changes of heart,

and once again Ive been proven right, for worse this time ...

Edited by Argomundo, 16 March 2020 - 07:17 AM.

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PItiful Boar

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aww damn that's such a heart breaking story mate

what kind of grill was she like



    Kraftwerk Potato

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Ehm ... normal?

We were in secondary school at the time and we had computer classes together ...

... ... ... Im not good at describing people ...

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    Fingerling Potato

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Dreams do seem to have a way of dredging up old feelings or memories from the deep very occasionally. But because of how our brains work I have to second-guess whether these things are still accurate representations upon being dug out from the earth after so long.



    Kraftwerk Potato

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Im stubborn, so i dont doubt it in this case

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PItiful Boar

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i've developed this bad habit of sleeping at 1~2 and waking up around 10 or so... during this self imposed confinement



    Fingerling Potato

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I have somehow become extremely lethargic even though I wasn't really going outdoors before this anyway.

Though in the first couple days I had a contrarian "Well now that you've forbade me, I wish to go outside!" reaction as well.

Fatal Blood

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You been getting hit with a bad case of the sleepies, brotato chip? I feel that. I've got no drive and I always want to snooze.  :batoto_031:



Also, anybody excited about Resident Evil 3 or Final Fantasy 7?

If it ain`t broke... go back and rob it again.

PItiful Boar

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I'm looking out my window when i feel trapped these days... it's surprising what a difference a window view makes... if I ever have to do time I want to get a prison room with a windows view.

ff7 - yes, i want to see the flower girl gets it




    Fingerling Potato

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Remember that you are allowed to go outside for "outdoor exercise". Which means you can walk out and just plod around a bit if you're feeling cooped up, too.

FF7 — yes, I want to see Cloud in a dress in proper high-definition. uwu Once I heard those scenes were still there I knew they had to be on the right track.

PItiful Boar

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cloud is a dumb character \

sephiroth way way cooler