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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles


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PItiful Boar

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I had a rated R dream where I was on some nudist beach... involving a cute girl... getting raped before me... like some nectare hentai ...



    Kraftwerk Potato

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Pretty sure my dream self would be decent enough to conjure up magic that could destroy entire worlds to blow their heads off

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I'm glad I don't have nightmares like that.



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My last nightmare I was in some aperture science like testing facility with wacky as fuck testing rooms, 

I was there with some girl who was literally faceless, and for some reason or another we got seperated,

in front of the "void" room. Completly black hallways with monsters creeping around.

There was a map at the front where they were shown as red dots, and we were supposed to navigate through.


Anyways, seperated, then dream self got pissed off, and went room by room to blow everything up with magic.

Magic wasnt really part of the dream unti lthat point, he just did it anyways.

Pretty sure the only reason he didnt nuke the entire facility was that he didnt know where the girl was at.

So yeah that happened.

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Dammit GLaDOS.

PItiful Boar

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last night I had a couple of dreams - 3 in fact, and I could approximate when I woke up each time - once around 2/3AM, once around 6 AM, and once around 8 something

I don't remember anything other than the fact that my high school mate was in one of them. I was in a post office and he was asking me if I was sure I wanted to do what I wanted to do - commit mail fraud and cheat the government. Eh



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Well I dream quite a lot actually, havnt been able to lucid dream for years now though.

Anyways, problem always is, after about 3 hours I forgot what I dreamt about, so maybe I should keep a dream journal.

But I havnt yet.

On another note.

You know the feeling of when youre playing a game and you can see beyond the "game" aspects and

understand why things are the way they are. Example since this is confusing.

Silent Hills fog is a thing because the console didnt have enough power.

Same thing happens and annoys me in dreams.

One time in a car, my dad was driving way too fast and it was foggy af, because my brain didnt or couldnt generate the surroundings.

Or when im running somehwere, it feels super sluggish and you barely move from your spot.

Or when you for some reason cant keep your eyes open in a dream because your brain cant generate  the room youre moving through.

So many things, too many times. I even notice them now while im still dreaming.

Brain, up your game mate.

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PItiful Boar

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Yes this is called Kobe's last helicopter ride

Jokes aside, I had a dream last night where my old boss and my old colleagues were back - and I actually delegated work to my old boss. Imagine that! I will show you who's the boss



    Fingerling Potato

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You know the feeling of when youre playing a game and you can see beyond the "game" aspects and
understand why things are the way they are. Example since this is confusing.
Silent Hills fog is a thing because the console didnt have enough power.
Same thing happens and annoys me in dreams.
One time in a car, my dad was driving way too fast and it was foggy af, because my brain didnt or couldnt generate the surroundings.

I've rarely had this problem. Instead a couple times I've woken up and gone, "wow that scenery was actually really messed up and vague", (to continue the metaphor, like if the game just left whatever was in the buffer there or had random data, as happens with some bugs) but whatever part of my brain responsible for analysing shapes and objects had been going, "eh, no, that's fine, that's totally what a bowl of bananas looks like," despite obviously objectionable bits being readily apparent upon waking (e.g. "that's just yellow gibberish that my brain was claiming was appropriate for the image of cut-up bananas but that's definitely wrong") at least for those few seconds before waking that I can vividly remember.

I feel like dreams are often a lot like that. The judgement and information-processing sensors are calling out random stuff as they settle down for the night, with only a cursory nod to whatever else is going on.

That said, I do kind of know the sensation you're talking about—try to focus on something visual during the dream and it just won't resolve, because the information just isn't there and the visual cortex or whatever it is isn't feeling chatty enough to answer an open-ended request for more details on "whatever is there". I don't know if I usually go so far as to come up with a good reason why I can't make out the thing, though.

Edited by pokari, 30 January 2020 - 09:50 PM.



    Kraftwerk Potato

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Well the thing with the bananas is quite easy to explain. Take for a second the word banana.

When you read it in text you know what it is, but you dont waste the brain resources to actively conjure up an image of a banana as you read the text.

This happens in dreams too. The concept of what a banana is, still exist in the dream, but your brain only creates an aproximation of the real thing.

"Its a thing that belongs in the fruit bowl"

"Its yellow and elongated"

And in your dream your brain is perfectly fine with calling this aproximation bananas.

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Well well well ... today I had a nightmare

I was in one of my old school buildings and had to piss,

but not a single fucking toilet had funktioning walls.


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PItiful Boar

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these days i actually awaken to piss instead of dreaming of pissing



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Well well well ... today I had a nightmare
I was in one of my old school buildings and had to piss,
but not a single fucking toilet had funktioning walls.

I have questions.

What is a functioning wall?

PItiful Boar

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i presume it's the german equivalent of the anglo saxon flush system



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Well if you have to know I could build it in sims.
But for example, imagine a stall that is pretty much on the coner of a regular hallway.

With both of the walls (made of white bricks) facing the hallway, having holes big enough to throw the fucking toilet through.

Or a large hall where an outtcropping .... thing, has 2 toilets and walls (red brick) all around actually.

Buuuuuuuut theyre about as high as the sitting hight of the toilets.

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Ah, yes. Sounds almost a bit like a variant on the common ancestral "dear god let no one notice that my pants are down" dream.



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So I just remmebered what I dreamt this time, cant explain it thoguh.

I was  dricing through a city with a weird layout, and my car got wrecked in an accident that wasnt really my fault.

It was more like the dream fucking up.

Just ... just imagine gta, youre driving and suddenly a bug, squishes the front of your car.

Was a cool city though, lots of green, jungely in parts, driving those roads wasnt all that good though.

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The worst part was that my radio actually worked ...

because it still doesnt

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PItiful Boar

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feels bad man



    Fingerling Potato

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Jungle-city mix sounds nice. Probably not practical to maintain nor comfortable to live in, but great to drive through.

Imploding car hoods, less so u.u