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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles


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    Savage Potato

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It occurs to me that if I say, "I am not to be drunk," it is ambiguous between whether I am issuing an admonition against my consumption as a liquid, or warning against the possible consequences of my potential inebriation.



    Fried Potato

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Oh man, You, You're still around? NGL I'm surprised you remembered by tag. 





    Fingerling Potato

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The radio's been playing in the background and I'm left wishing the world would just calm the fuck down relax a bit.

I remember when it was the 90's and we were going to have world peace (no doubt older folks remember right after WWI or WWII when we thought the same)

PItiful Boar

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Father’s Day ... will have to talk about this later



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Us siblings ended up making dinner for the family (our father is fond of family dinners but less fond of cooking), each of us chose dishes semi-independently, and everything but the cantaloupe had garlic.

We had fish marinated in soy sauce with garlic and ginger, chicken with garlic seasoning and chips of garlic on top, garlic bread, broccoli tossed with seasame oil and garlic salt—and cantaloupe.

Luckily everyone in the family does like garlic. ~w~

PItiful Boar

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I went to see my friends widow, and met them at church.
The pastor was talking about fathers etc. and the widow was just breaking down.
I actually wasn’t sure if going on Father’s Day was a good idea- originally I wanted to go the weekend before so I didn’t have to witness the emotions. Afterwards I took the two year old to the train ride. I can feel deep down that the child doesn’t yet comprehend what’s off. But when there’s a couple, an adult man walking next to wife and kids, she would just stare with fascination.



    Fingerling Potato

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I'm sorry.

I hope things can get a little easier for everyone over time.



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    Baked Potato

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Wow. I haven't been here for 3 months



    Fingerling Potato

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Heya ^-^



    Kraftwerk Potato

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I always manage to forget my password .-.

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PItiful Boar

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I feel like I owe them something, like a poor stray dog looking at me with sad eyes.
Thank god I live an hour away, because if I lived any closer it would have been much more difficult to avoid the responsibility. But to be honest I’m not sure how much responsibility I owe. Is three times a year enough times for a visit? I’m sure I can do more if I really want to...

PItiful Boar

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My friend's house got robbed... they came in when his wife went out on a weekend afternoon and the house was empty

Ransacked the house and took his social security card? Did you know there's something such as identity theft insurance?



    Savage Potato

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I feel like I owe them something, like a poor stray dog looking at me with sad eyes.
Thank god I live an hour away, because if I lived any closer it would have been much more difficult to avoid the responsibility. But to be honest I’m not sure how much responsibility I owe. Is three times a year enough times for a visit? I’m sure I can do more if I really want to...

Negotiating how much to do for others out of a sense of obligation is hard for everyone.

It's something everyone has to figure out for themselves, I think. There are some basic rules of thumb that seem sound: Don't overextend yourself to the point that you start getting worn down, and help yourself first before helping others in cases where helping others is taxing on your own problems. Beyond that, I think it's just a "try to make decisions you won't regret too much later," sort of thing.

Which is just a fancy way for me to say, "yeah, I have no clue either," I suppose. :/

If one can do the mental gymnastics to act out of a mix of obligation and compassion, without it being about guilt which can be very oppressive and draining (the nasty, self-doubting kind especially), that would seem the most healthy. That's kind of a tall order, though.

But, whatever you do, take care of yourself, hang in there, and don't beat yourself up over it. At the end of the day, shit happens, and there's only so much you can do.

My friend's house got robbed... they came in when his wife went out on a weekend afternoon and the house was empty
Ransacked the house and took his social security card? Did you know there's something such as identity theft insurance?

You've been having quite the week, my friend :/

*extra hugs*

PItiful Boar

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at least these things didn't happen to me personally. problems that can be solved by throwing money at the problem aren't really problems. in that sense, you can solve the difficulty raising kids by hiring a governess and protecting your house with state of the art surveillance systems. what you can't fix are problems of modernity - that anything can go wrong any second



    Fingerling Potato

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problems that can be solved by throwing money at the problem aren't really problems.

I've heard that postulated before and I think it's bull—it boils down to saying "problems that can be solved by redistributing resources aren't problems," but:

A ) that we suck at distributing resources nicely in almost all of our societies is one of the biggest problems we have,

and to a lesser extent ,

B ) resources are finite; not infinite, so the fact that you can solve a problem by throwing more money at it doesn't mean all problems that we can solve by allocating more resources are simultaneously solvable.

...Well, that's mostly beyond the scope of what you were talking about, though. I do think we perhaps tend to downplay the difficulty of resolving mundane, everyday problems sometimes, mistakenly conflating "common" with "easy" and "rare" with "difficult".



    Kraftwerk Potato

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"Just print more money" Has always worked out great

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    Fingerling Potato

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Yes, then everyone ends up with lots of money! Once upon a time you could get roughly 1027 Zimbabwe dollars for one U.S. dollar (that's a lot of zeroes...? Looks to still be in the pronounable range, at least; I believe it's an octillion), a quick and cheap way to aquire quite a lot of money as you will no doubt agree.

Regrettably having a lot of money is more useful if it is worth more than a tenth of a septillionth of a cent, so, not a lot of wealth, admittedly, but still, definitely a lot of money.

Indeed, I challenge anyone to come to me with something that physically exists but for which an octillion units is not "a lot" (without e.g. abusing metric units, like using zeptolitres or something). I feel like something might exist in quantum physics that matches this description but I'm not sure what it is.

Edited by pokari, 02 July 2019 - 07:45 AM.