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    Oui Purée

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I also do but then I can't do it if for example it means killing a whole species like in Mass Effect




    Crispy Potato

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Just do it, they aren't real



    Oui Purée

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They are real to me




    Equine non grata

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I don't get it. Wow I feel stupid. Wait which language is "kasha" now and does it mean buckwheat or groats?
Raw veggies have more vitamins so that's good

wiki: "Groats of many cereals are the basis of kasha, a porridge-like staple meal of Eastern Europe and Eurasia. In North America kasha or kashi usually refers to roasted buckwheat groats in particular." and "In the English language, kasha is a term for the pseudocereal buckwheat"
kasza (pronounced as kasha in english) translates to groats (is more inclusive I think, also including refined grains, but I couldn't find a closer word for it and this translation matches general use; krupa refers to whole grain stuff in particular), without any mention what type it is (saying juice/seeds vs saying orange juice/wheat seeds), or a meal made by mixing these with milk or water (so that part of the meaning is ok). buckwheat is gryka (similar words in other slavic languages), buckwheat groats is kasza gryczana. hence amurican english borrowing the word in a sucky way.

Edited by OMGWTFBBQPONIES, 22 March 2018 - 05:40 PM.




You <3

Whoever decided to delete this was an idiot.

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PItiful Boar

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there are real people in 2d

most "humans" you encounter in 3d are working drones



    Equine non grata

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unless your stats are completely different and you can't make certain choices anymore o:


then again I always pick the old camp in gothic 1 and then join water mages bcs yay two camps in one playthrough, dun liek swamps drug addicts and new camp is mostly chaotic bullies (old camp is full of bullies too but there's some order there and it's in the centre of the map and I liek the architecture more).




You <3

Whoever decided to delete this was an idiot.

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    Crispy Potato

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When a woman* says "Let's meet up tomorrow, but idk if I'll have a headache yet. Don't want to meet up if I do"

This is taking stereotypes to the next level

Didn't even realize I typed "wonan" until I reread it for the fourth time

Edited by Aurum, 22 March 2018 - 07:13 PM.

PItiful Boar

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indeed, you should use that excuse the next time you talk to her so the excuse is gender neutral



    Crispy Potato

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I'm gonna say migraine to assert dominance

wiki: "Groats of many cereals are the basis of kasha, a porridge-like staple meal of Eastern Europe and Eurasia. In North America kasha or kashi usually refers to roasted buckwheat groats in particular." and "In the English language, kasha is a term for the pseudocereal buckwheat"
kasza (pronounced as kasha in english) translates to groats (is more inclusive I think, also including refined grains, but I couldn't find a closer word for it and this translation matches general use; krupa refers to whole grain stuff in particular), without any mention what type it is (saying juice/seeds vs saying orange juice/wheat seeds), or a meal made by mixing these with milk or water (so that part of the meaning is ok). buckwheat is gryka (similar words in other slavic languages), buckwheat groats is kasza gryczana. hence amurican english borrowing the word in a sucky way.

Now it all makes sense. Thanks for explaining



    Oui Purée

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Watching Memento




    Crispy Potato

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Enjoy, it's a great movie

Which reminds me that I forgot about watching BWP. Oh well

Fangirls calling Park Jihoon oppa (he's 15 iirc) really make me realize I shouldn't be watching kpop vids anymore. I'm too old for this

PItiful Boar

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park jihun is 18 turning 19 in june

he's probably older than u



    Crispy Potato

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What, really

He looks 15 tho

You're right

Oh well, 15 or 18, it's all the same



    Oui Purée

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Well that was nice.
Trying to understand things before the movie tells you is pretty complicated.




    Crispy Potato

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Glad you liked it

Then again I think you have to be either a 5-year-old or really have garbage taste to not like it



    Oui Purée

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I watched it with me mum :^)

It really has a very interesting/original structure (?). Going backwards like that.


PItiful Boar

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not really

i thought it was confusing



    Oui Purée

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Yes it's (probably) meant to be confusing




    Crispy Potato

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It is confusing, but it all falls into place at the end



    Oui Purée

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I don't think it was that confusing though

Only felt confused when I tried to guess everything, I'm not smart enough it seems :thinking:
