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    Baked Potato

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I guess since the Road was the last book of his I read it seemed all optimistic and happy

the one about post-appocalytic america and people have to resort to cannabalism? 



    Crispy Potato

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Witness me!

But I'm his PR man ;_; thar should get me something D:
Dats true. I guess I like the more central villian tho compared to the Departed. Also whose baby is it was a dumb plot line

Are you asking me to watch you die ): I'd rather not watch that happening.


But I'm way cooler than you ): I'm sorry.

But I liked how twisted it was who was a villain and who wasn't in The Departed. Baby? I don't remember that. D: In which movie?



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Did anyone here like Taxi Driver? D: I thought it was 2boring and skipped most of it DDD:

you have to be murican and live through the vietnam war and be disillusioned to enjoy it



    Crispy Potato

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I've been through too many movies about the Vietnam

Like one



    Russet Potato

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the one about post-appocalytic america and people have to resort to cannabalism?




    Baked Potato

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Departed was scorsese's remake of a Hong Kong movie with similar plot

I've been through too many movies about the Vietnam

Like one

it's like what happened when germans woke up one day and realize they've been fighting for the nazis 



    Russet Potato

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I also thought it was pretty boring but it did have a few kewl parts

Which ones? At first I thought the movie was doing a good job of showing how boring his life was, but it didn't get much better later.

you have to be murican and live through the vietnam war and be disillusioned to enjoy it

I fought in nam after the french caught me trying to cross the border and sent me there. Half of it still counts.

Departed was scorsese's remake of a Hong Kong movie with similar plot

I read this somewhere too. I haven't watched the other film though. I also read that a plot hole was fixed in it.



    Russet Potato

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Are you asking me to watch you die ): I'd rather not watch that happening.
But I'm way cooler than you ): I'm sorry.
But I liked how twisted it was who was a villain and who wasn't in The Departed. Baby? I don't remember that. D: In which movie?

But I would look so cool with a silver mouth D:

Teach me to be cool ;_;
Eh, I guess. That just seems too much like a who done it kind of like Reservoir Dogs then
The shrinks baby daddy being leo or damon



    Baked Potato

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Which ones? At first I thought the movie was doing a good job of showing how boring his life was, but it didn't get much better later.

its basically a more realistic version of assassins creed, except the assassin is a taxi driver trying to make sense of the world



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    Russet Potato

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But I liked how twisted it was who was a villain and who wasn't in The Departed. Baby? I don't remember that. D: In which movie?

I think he means the part about the psychologist getting pregnat after having sex with dicaprio and damon


its basically a more realistic version of assassins creed, except the assassin is a taxi driver trying to make sense of the world

Both Taxi Driver and Assassin's creed sux, so I guess that's not surprising.



    Russet Potato

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I think his new movie is Jesuits in Japan



    Baked Potato

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Which ones? At first I thought the movie was doing a good job of showing how boring his life was, but it didn't get much better later.

I fought in nam after the french caught me trying to cross the border and sent me there. Half of it still counts.

I read this somewhere too. I haven't watched the other film though. I also read that a plot hole was fixed in it.

me neither except i heard that the other film did not have the two men share the same shrink, the different girls for the two guys



    Russet Potato

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I've been through too many movies about the Vietnam

Like one

which one o:



    Crispy Potato

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Which ones? At first I thought the movie was doing a good job of showing how boring his life was, but it didn't get much better later.

I read this somewhere too. I haven't watched the other film though. I also read that a plot hole was fixed in it.

I liked that scene where he went out in public and that security guard or whatever realized he was suspicious



But I would look so cool with a silver mouth D:

Teach me to be cool ;_;
Eh, I guess. That just seems too much like a who done it kind of like Reservoir Dogs then
The shrinks baby daddy being leo or damon

The black mouth was already bad enough D:


It's a natural talent you have to be born with ):

But it wasn't like that and you know it wasn't. >_>


I think he means the part about the psychologist getting pregnat after having sex with dicaprio and damon

Yeah, true

That was unnecessary like Sack said

which one o:

Tropic Thunder



    Baked Potato

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Both Taxi Driver and Assassin's creed sux, so I guess that's not surprising.




Assassin's creed sux, so I guess that's not surprising.





Assassin's creed sux




    Couch Potato

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I feel like I'm starting to bond with 2h

what has the world come too




    Baked Potato

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the assassin creed set in french revolution is that only one that really sucked



    Crispy Potato

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2hot and Odi should become good friends (:




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where do you want those red lips, baby?

take it all in pffffffff