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A suggestion about series removed from Batoto because of copyright complaints

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    Fingerling Potato

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Then make the filter only available to contributors and "up"? I'm sure that's possible.

Not sure how much work tho...
I write fanfiction
3 SEKIREI stories
1 Nisekoi short oneshot
1 freezing x Sekirei crossover



    Potato Sprout

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I think this is a bad idea since in copyright infringement cases they take into consideration a legal term 'willfulness' in the damage assessment. We are talking triple the damages, and the assignment of attorney fees here. This is an action used to circumvent knowingly infringing activity (knowledge provided via the takedown notice). 



    Potato Sprout

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This is a pretty old thread with a lot of passionate people, but instead of making a post about ill just support the idea in this suggestion. Though im mostly suggesting that when Batoto takes down something for any reason, id like my follows tab to be updated so i know. Ive been using the site for a long time, and have just under 900 manga followed, and to be honest i wont miss if some of them get removed, but id still like to know because occasionally i find out that they are updated way past my previous read and that's not great when im looking forward to something.