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The Battle of Rindhallow : Theory on Strategy

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    Russet Potato

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The Battle of Rindhallow : Theory on Strategy

(Human side, inspired by the Art of War, by Sun Tzu.)





Now that the battle approaches (after all the romantic drama will be over), I want to share my ideas on how the war will play out, or what would be the best maneuver to win.

Now, warning: I’m no expert strategist. I’ve got no master degree on military warfare. The only knowledge I’ve got is war documentaries, history compilation, plenty of Wikipedia articles, google searches and my logic/imagination.







The basic infantry of the Human side are: 1. Magician 2. Gods 3. Fighters.

Long range attack will probally done with the magicians

Short range will be the figthers tasks.

Gods are powerful in both long/short range, but are dependable on their priestess.


Armed Magical forces:

Army: rank B and above. borrowed magic of 11 Gods

Navy: none (yet)

Air Force: Bhavati Kubera, Kasak


I. Laying Plans 

1. Sun Tzu said: The art of war, is governed by five constant factors, to be taken into account in one’s deliberations, when seeking to determine the conditions obtaining in the field. 
These are: (1) The Moral Law; (2) Heaven; (3) Earth; (4) The Commander; (5) Method and discipline. 

(1)The Moral Law causes the people to be in complete accord with their ruler, so that they will follow him regardless of their lives, undismayed by any danger

The current leader on the human side is Saha On. While he does seem to have many followers, thanks to his good looks, long life span, magical power, sense of justice and yada yada, I personally do not believe people would ‘follow him regardless of their lives, undismayed by any danger’. He does have a just and fair cause (save the fucking planet), but from what I gather from the people in Rindhallow, they consider this battle more like an annoyance/chore than an actual war where you fight for your belief/ideals. For God’s sake he had to force them to fight by moving the city to Rindhallow. I believe they would have fled 200% if they had the chance *Claude, I’m looking at you*. Of course, there are people like Airi,Brilith, but generally speaking, people are selfish.

So on Moral Law, human side will score like a C-

(2). Heaven signifies night and day, cold and heat, times and seasons. 

‘Heaven’ can be interpreted as circumstances beyond control, such as in natural forces, fortune and misfortune. It’s a little bit tricky in Kubera. Some magic/Transcendental CAN ACTUALLY CHANGE THE FUCKING WEATHER.  As for circumstances beyond control, Agni and Yuta have Insights: I think this work in their advantages. Human are naturally fragile: they will not survive long if exposed to extreme weather change (intense heat from Agni/Maruna for example).

Then again, the meaning of this quote is all about predicting the unpredictable, and adapting oneself to vicissitudes. They did survive the cataclysm and adapted themselves in a world without Gods/higher Sura.

Then Again, there’s the whole Kubera/Visnu plotting behind the story…

So in ‘Heaven’ human side score a B

(3). Earth comprises distances, great and small; danger and security; open ground and narrow passes; the chances of life and death. 

Human and Sura are fighting in a cold environment. I do think this is more favorable toward the Sura, since they are more resistant. However, the battlefield will be near or inside the cities. These cities are protected by 4 layers of barriers, with magician who can cast spells while being protected inside. Human can attack while being safe.

On the opinion of terrain, human scores an A

6. While heading the profit of my counsel, avail yourself also of any helpful circumstances over and beyond the ordinary rules. 

This part is all about creativity and imagination. Poisoning their water, sending your enemies prostitutes with STDs, infiltrate the enemies by wearing the same uniforms as them and then create mass confusions, etc.  I think human side will have the potential to come up with something quite spectacular. This is actually their best advantage against the Suras. ‘(cause really, they don’t need it. They have almighty brute force. )

So in summary, the human side, while weaker in power compared to the Sura, have much more maneuver opportunities. The enemy is old, their fighting style and reaction are predictable. They are much more united than their enemy, and they fight for themselves much more than the lower sura who are obligated to follow their king.




Here’s some insightful quotes:
1.All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must seem inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near. 

2. If he is secure at all points, be prepared for him. If he is in superior strength, evade him. 

3. If your opponent is of choleric temper, seek to irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant. 

4. If he is taking his ease, give him no rest. If his forces are united, separate them. 

5. Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected. 

6. These military devices, leading to victory, must not be divulged beforehand


Now, I think the best way to win for the humans, is to ATTACK. Because frankly, the Sura will not be expecting it. While Saha look like to have augmented the defense system, I believe this would be a perfect deception, because Suras expects you to defend, not to attack.

Attacking will also separate the forces of the sura. Think about it: this sura army consists of suras of enemy clan who used to eat each other. When the higher Sura need to replenish their vigor, the fastest way to is to consume Sura flesh.  It’s difficult to attack with your full power when you are afraid that the people fighting beside you might eat you after you’re weakened.

Also, attacking now would distract Kubera’s sura summoning.

There are many ways to attack, but I would personally put Agni, Kasak, Yuta and Leez outside of the city. I know, I know, their life expectancy in this webtoon  just shortened dramatically. But hey, this is war.

To be honest, the detailed attacks can not be predicted yet. There are too many rules on magic and transcendentals that we do not know. But my main point would be:

1.       Attack (surprise &does not let them prepare)

2.       Easier to Neutralise threats

3.       Distract and Separate their forces

4.       Attack while in defensive

How I see it (warning, I wrote this at 2AM):

With Brilith save within the city, Agni is free to fight against Sagara.

Yuta and Leez will be the anti-regeneration squad. Now here’s a though. Is Agni immune to the Taraka’s eyes? He is fire itself. You cannot cancel his transcendental or Sura form, because his skills are part of who he is. ?

Saha goes Bhavati Surya and can pinpoint exactly how many enemy is out there.

Leez attack them first, deprive them of their regenerative forces.

Kasak/Agni/the rest of the city attack the sura army

Kasak /Leez kill the snakes from above.

Laila summon Chandra who will deal with Samphati. Heck, if war is based on deception, SHE CAN EVEN THREATHEN THE ENNEMY ON SUMMONING CHANDRA.

Maruna/Riagara/Cloche/Clophe will have to deal with the magicians. Hopefully they can be as baddass as Asha in her Magician’s exam.


Either way, A lot of secret will be revealed during the war. I can’t wait for it to start.


Ideas on how to distribute the army forces or what strategy woud work best. ARE VERY MUCH NEEDED. 

Edited by Pandorally, 24 July 2015 - 03:30 AM.



    Russet Potato

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For the unpredictability, your mention of superior Sura eating inferior Sura brought something to mind. A battlefield littered with weakened Sura, the open gateway to the Sura realm and Yuta's presence make me think currygom might do something unexpected and bring the Taraka clan into play. That would be a huge help to the humans (at first at least) since the Taraka are more concerned with eating the Sura and probably don't have the mental faculties to figure out how to break the barriers (if the Sura haven't already destroyed them and killed all 4 priests and all their priest candidates). 

Edited by Blunt, 24 July 2015 - 03:33 AM.



    Russet Potato

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 A battlefield littered with weakened Sura, the open gateway to the Sura realm and Yuta's presence make me think currygom might do something unexpected and bring the Taraka clan into play. That would be a huge help to the humans since the Taraka are more concerned with eating the Sura and probably don't have the mental faculties to figure out how to break the barriers (if the Sura haven't already destroyed them and killed all 4 priests and all their priest candidates). 


Yes, by all account, I think the Taraka clan would profit the most out of this war. Free food everywhere. And they can ressurect if killed. 


Oh God, bring in the Taraka clan and Yuta and Kali, this war gonna get messy real fast. 


I am extremely curious on how strong is Samphati and all the other superior Sura. 


The Humans might not be able to kill them, but maybe with the sword of Re, they can open a void and get them out of this realm.

Edited by Pandorally, 24 July 2015 - 03:39 AM.



    Russet Potato

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Yes, by all account, I think the Taraka clan would profit the most out of this war. Free food everywhere. And they come ressurect if killed. 


The biggest question would be what the Sura have to gain from all this. Human must fight for their survival, but the Sura...


Everything seems to point towards Ananta's resurrection, which would be an incredible boon to the Sura.


And I don't think all the Taraka Sura ressurect. Just Taraka herself.  



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... Does that means that if A kubera survives past a time X, Ananta won't be able to ressurect. 


IPretty much like 'the last one standing wins'



    Russet Potato

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... Does that means that if A kubera survives past a time X, Ananta won't be able to ressurect. 


IPretty much like 'the last one standing wins'


I don't think there's a time limit. Ananta's death/sealing is somehow tied to God Kubera's name, that's all we know for certain. 


With his comments to Sagara just before locating the Kubera in Rindhallow, the theory that there being fewer other Kuberas makes him stronger was all but confirmed. So I'd imagine rather than a time limit, there's a limit on the number of Kuberas who have to die so the original Kubera can get back enough power to undo whatever he did to Ananta. 

Edited by Blunt, 24 July 2015 - 06:33 AM.



    Couch Potato

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Interesting read! The part I liked best is that you mentioned that the best thing humans can do is attack first. They have Saha's finding abilities, so Saha can pinpoint the locations of the enemies in advance.


Now the biggest issues are:

  • The magicians are holed up in the city for a reason: they are sitting ducks once they're outside. To defend against the suras, they'd need a large number of magicians casting hoti brahma, but then they'd all be lumped together, and the suras would all be swarming them. In particular, a fully-charge Maruna would stomp them.
  • On Leez, as far as we can tell, the anti-regeneration is only from attacks used with the Sword of Re, and she hasn't mastered the infinite vigor trick yet so there's just so much she can nullify. Plus, right now, she passes out from vigor exhaustion after being killed and revived, so if she's killed just once she's a sitting duck. Even if she's with Kasak, we've seen with Agwen that this isn't a sure defense, plus there are swarms of flying suras this time.
  • I'm not sure how much the humans can count on Yuta. He's only interested in killing off that one 5-stage rakshasa that he can't defeat, but beyond that I doubt he wants to fight his brother for example.

A few tactics I think could work would be:

  • Hit-and-run guerilla tactics. Saha would need to map out the positions of the enemies, pinpoint locations where capable groups of magicians can hoti vayu hoti chandra to, attack with spells and quickly retreat. They have to do so fast however, as I suspect Cloche with her Light attributes may be able to find them. Mirha would probably need to cast the spell in person, boosted by many bhavati chandras. Maruna would be quite capable of attacking a whole area to wipe them out even without knowing their location, but I think he won't do so immediately if there are other suras around, giving them time to escape.
  • Dealing with Samphati: I think the best way would be for Kasak and Yuta to pretend to run away using Gate of Crescent (Yuta knows she's after him specifically after all), have her use the skill as well to chase after him, and get swarmed by Chaos suras. xD
  • Lure and fire: I'm not sure about this, but I suspect that with Saha in charge of the most powerful turret, the turret's range may be longer than what the suras expect. In that case, the humans could lure a large swarm of suras to one area and have Saha specifically blast them with said turret.


Kubera stuff: Character charts , Races and Cities , The finite (official side novel) ,
Official English Webtoons: https://www.webtoons.com



    Couch Potato

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A risky but potentially effective tactics would be to take down the barriers on purpose, let some suras enter and then reactivating the barries. Then they should kill all the suras before they can receive reinforcement from the outside

I'm italian, so please excuse me if my english is not very good, feel free to correct me.


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    Couch Potato

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The barriers don't prevent something from leaving, but they Could try to trick suras into approaching then reactivate the barriers, yes.


Kubera stuff: Character charts , Races and Cities , The finite (official side novel) ,
Official English Webtoons: https://www.webtoons.com



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The barriers don't prevent something from leaving


Oh right, I forgot

I'm italian, so please excuse me if my english is not very good, feel free to correct me.


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Now we know Agni is going to handle the Death Barrier. That would change things quite much.



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Now we know Agni is going to handle the Death Barrier. That would change things quite much.


Samphati shouldn't be able to easily broke a barrier mantained by a god... I expect that currygom will come off with something clever for sagara and co, or at least I hope.


Oh and the turrets will attack with agni's power as well

I'm italian, so please excuse me if my english is not very good, feel free to correct me.


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Well, current strategy: 


Sagara attacks Agni, and Samphati takes care of rest. Maruna assists in protecting-ish Sagara and break the barrier. Hura... Erm... Will probably be forced to take a few hits. Maybe he'll block Leez's attacks, which are probably the most dangerous threat the turrets can cause.

Some stuff I made: All's here!


My profile on fanfiction.net is here.


Check Kubera out if you don't know it!

Because it's fun to see Leez dying inside and outside all over the place it's a story of romance, psychology and humor. And horror. A little. 




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I hope that ''she'll take care of the rest'' don't mean literally, instead gets help from others like Maruna or Hura, this suppose to be war, it will be too boring if it's one opponent vs everyone.

I am expecting Maruna to take his brother's shield (Kasak) out of the way and expose him wide open for Samphati xD

Yuta: ''Y-you were supposed to be my side, why?''

Maruna: ''I am on your side, this is for your own good''

Yuta: ''What the..this logic again?''

Edited by salvatore, 22 August 2015 - 10:08 PM.



    Fingerling Potato

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  • Dealing with Samphati: I think the best way would be for Kasak and Yuta to pretend to run away using Gate of Crescent (Yuta knows she's after him specifically after all), have her use the skill as well to chase after him, and get swarmed by Chaos suras. xD

whoa how mean.... but good plan XD


There is this unknown variable that's called Bhavati Yama... I wan to know what it can do to a Sura before I can think about what's the best strategy for humans, after all there should be a considerable number of death magicians in Rindhallow. Actually I will be veeeery disappointed if we don't learn in some badass scene with Claude what the spell does during this fight.

English is not my first language, and its often hard enough for me to arrange my toughts in my first language. I'm trying hard to make sense and to not sound rude.



    Russet Potato

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...Currently in Kubera:


1.Saha On : Dead


2.Lorraine: probably gonna be useless


3.Ran: ...doormat


4. Samphati: Bondaged


5. Agni: Ice-bondaged


6. Yuta: ....kidnapped by ennemy. Only Agni have realized.


7. Maruna: ...strolling across the sky


8. Kasak: ........................................standing.


9. Laila; probably gonna die soon, but can still pack a few punches


10. Claude: K.O. 


11. Chandra:  ....flirting.


12. Asha: on the loose, killed target 1, on the way to kill target 2.


13. Sagara:........... waiting ffor stuff to happen


.......seriously, I think we've seen more blood when Yuta was kissing Leez.  <_<



    Baked Potato

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.......seriously, I think we've seen more blood when Yuta was kissing Leez.  <_<


Did you miss the part where Asha totally eviscerates Saha?



He was just a bloody smear on the floor after this.

That's waaaaay more blood than the kiss...



    Russet Potato

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Did you miss the part where Asha totally eviscerates Saha?



He was just a bloody smear on the floor after this.

That's waaaaay more blood than the kiss...


Ah. Forgot about that. XD


*sigh*  The war barely started and the strongest on both side are K.O. 



    Mashed Potato

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The battle of Rindhallow, more like Asha's battle only.

I noticed that Gandharva was the one who made the battles entertainment for me.



    Couch Potato

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I want to see a squadron of garda flying in formation....
Ob the bright side when they'll fail to kill samphati in one shot she will wake up very pissed XD

Edited by BehindTheLighT, 07 October 2015 - 07:18 AM.

I'm italian, so please excuse me if my english is not very good, feel free to correct me.


Kubera ITA