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Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles

Notifications when quoted in comments and notification if comment is liked.

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    Potato Sprout

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A lot of discussion goes on in the comments sections of each series and I'd love to see if anyone made a reply to me. If there's some sort of way to create a system where a user is notified if one of their comments has been quoted or liked, that'd be great. I'd also like to be able to track my comments much like forum posts from my own profile. I understand that this might be much harder than I think it is but this suggestion is just to get the ball rolling!



    Equine non grata

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A lot of discussion goes on in the comments sections of each series and I'd love to see if anyone made a reply to me. If there's some sort of way to create a system where a user is notified if one of their comments has been quoted or liked, that'd be great. I'd also like to be able to track my comments much like forum posts from my own profile. I understand that this might be much harder than I think it is but this suggestion is just to get the ball rolling!

I suspect comments section is borrowed heavily from IPB's features, so making it track comment IDs and tie it to IPB notifications might require too much work on it (as I doubt it was intended as a discussion platform) that could additionally get lost/stop working on the next security update. Quotes in comment sections work similarly to quotes in PMs, quoting posts also involves post ID tracking.


Likes tracking: I vaguely remember getting notifications for comment likes a long time ago, but can't recreate it now. I may be confusing it with just getting notifs for new comments, or there may be some setting for it that got switched off during some update... if it's not already present in the settings, it might be similarly hard to implement.


Viewing a list of user's comments: already possible (go to profile -> find content -> home -> comic comments). Might not display very old comments for reasons unknown to me (no idea how IPB does the tracking).


 Just explaining stuff from my POV, final word always belongs to Grumpy as he knows best what is possible to be done.

Edited by OMGWTFBBQPONIES, 11 May 2015 - 10:58 PM.




You <3

Whoever decided to delete this was an idiot.

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    Potato Sprout

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Viewing a list of user's comments: already possible (go to profile -> find content -> home -> comic comments). Might not display very old comments for reasons unknown to me (no idea how IPB does the tracking).

Thanks for teaching me this! and yeah, I figured it might be difficult. Hopefully in the future there'll be a new system that'll be easy to implement into the website.



    Fingerling Potato

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I actually would like to see something like that, but I have always felt it would be too much work, as Pony said... well, I can always dream I suppose XD

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