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[RP] Hexscape: A World of Darkness

youre killing me larry ars magica seven paths wod ugh so tired now

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    Fried Potato

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|| Gillard Pollux von Leviathos

 | Ialian Academy of Wisdoms

 | Dallas, Texas


Today, the most curious thing happens to my brother and I. First of all the Sheffield sisters, with neither of whom we're particularly close to, paid us a visit. They do not seem to be the type who would try to sweet talk us into gaining a favor from the House of Tytalus. If anything, they seem to be the earnest types who value actual competence much more than social connections. But the most curious part is the news they brought to us. Through the younger sister's hastily-constructed sentences, and the elder's apt summary, we learned that Hunter Gray is targeting us for something sinister.


Of course, they did not mention any details. In a normal situation, I would just treat their kind warnings as baseless rumor and forget about it. However, the person they were talking about, Hunter Gray, is also acting weird today. He is normally a model student, always taking the lectures seriously. Today, however, he does not seem to be interested in anything the professor said. He was twirling his pen idly for most of the lecture, signalling that his mind is not really there. The more I try to observe him, the more nervous I get.


"What if what the Sheffield sisters said were true? Why would Gray want to cause us harm? What's his motive? Does it have something to do with House Tremere and House Tytalus' rivalry?". These questions keep on popping into my head. It's not that I am afraid of Grey, but on the occasion that he's really planning something bad against us, and we fell prey to his scheme, it would hurt our House's position in the House of Hermes. House Tremere, after all, are considered the weakest of us all. If they somehow managed to foil members of House Tytalus, who are deemed to be the strongest, it will be no laughing matter.


As if answering my worries, Gray threw a glance at us and smirked; something he has never done before. What does that mean? Something is definitely off here. Will, too, seems to share my train of thoughts. Once everybody left the classroom, he told me that he's going to follow Gray to try and gather fresh intel on the matter. A wise move, if I were to say so myself. Information is what we need now, and the more we have, the better. After a short, "try not to get into fights," I part ways with my brother and head off to my next class. But neither the lecture nor the attendance is what I am concerned with.


Upon arriving, I scan the classroom and find Lilah Sheffield sitting on the middle row, right next to the windows. Fortunately for me, the seat behind her is vacant. Ideally I'd like to sit next to her, but beggars can't be choosers, can they? And thus, I take my seat and prepare to make my move. I take out a piece of paper from my notebook, and write a short letter to Lilah, who is sitting right in front of me.



Dear Lady Lilah Sheffield of House Bonisagus,


Forgive me if I sound rude, but I need to ask you a question. Why help us? What's in it for you? From what I see, you are not the type of person to lick up to nobles. And as painful as it is to admit, Hunter Gray and his gang hold more power in this academy than my brother and I. So why help us? Should your information spare us the shame of falling to Gray's plot, and he learned that it was you who foiled his plan, would it not put you into trouble? Why take the risk?



Taking a second look at the piece of note, I too find it to be painfully boorish. But this is not the time to write up beautiful poems. Time is of essence, and I believe someone of Lilah's caliber would understand that I meant no harm in it. Steeling myself for the worst, I fold the piece of paper and pass it on to Lilah.



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Ecaterina had made it several steps her mind already racing with where to go.  She could hear people behind her starting to step in on Minerva Fairchild, but Ecaterina was a woman of opinions and one of those was that it is entirely foolish and stupid to surround yourself with people claiming to fight for the common good who won't step in when one of their members is behaving in a tyrannical and dangerous fashion.   Perhaps it wasn't exactly a fair standard of judgement, after all, Ecaterina had come up in the Gypsy community and they cared for each other no matter the money or the blood ties.  Old fed the young who couldn't, and the young fed the old who couldn't.   And the other street dwellers did their best not to raise a hand to any of the gypsy community for fear it would bring the wrath of all the others.  


Still, Attano had known of this, and he'd sworn several things to her which were right this moment very apparently lies.   She'd enjoyed college very much, and she knew she couldn't belong in America happily.  That meant finding an airport, which meant walking.  She supposed if she followed the road, she would reach a town or city at somepoint.  The only problem she could really conceive of was a lack of water and food, which for her money could be considered business as usual. 


Still, there was no point carrying all these heavy books, she wouldn't be needing them anymore.  That was the reason she stopped and began pulling out books on diplomacy and foreign policy and plopping them on the ground.  It was then that Minerva started in at Ecaterina again shouting after her.    A boy stepped in saying enough, he was sort of cute in Ecaterina's mind, but that wasn't significant at this moment.  She was leaving.  She zipped her pack shut planning to get her suitcase from where she'd left it and replace the books with useful items. 


It was then that she heard Marut, it wasn't unexpected.  If Ecaterina was going to be treated as a second class citizen then almost certainly Marut would as well.   They stood out compared to the rest of this bunch of well-to dos with their delusions of grandeur.   And then he approached her asking her in Romanian about his dance.  She straightened up pulling her pack to her shoulders.  She smiled vibrantly at him, not only because he'd supported her position, but also because when she looked at him she didn't feel scorned for what she was, but appreciated all the more for it.


"No, your dance isn't cancelled.  I meant that of all the people I've met, I've only had expectations on a few, and of those few, he is the only one to have ever disappointed me in a way that mattered.   I don't know you too well yet, but I suspect after our dance I will."  She smiled at him again, "Now, I have just one more thing to say to the tyrants, it would be a pleasure if you joined me on the road."


And with that she was striding back towards Minerva, her movements graceful and her posture upright and proud.   She glanced at Gideon, it was thankful although somehow unimpressed.


"Not Enough.   When a person of small means behaves badly, few suffer.   When a person of power behaves badly, a person intent on gaining more even, it is a cause for concern worth everyone taking up especially those who would paint themselves the watch of the world."


Her gaze turned to Minerva then, " I dare. In other worlds you may be some important daughter with a father run amok, but right here, right now, you will own who you are to me and the actions you took.   You were a ruthless tyrant, devoid of empathy for a person whos life you do not know, but felt fit to threaten at swordpoint because she demanded the truth of people who pulled her from her life.  You threatened me while  I stood defensless.  Maybe those are acts of bravery in the wizard world, but right here, in the world of the plebians, that is the act of a coward and a tyrant."


She paused her gaze casting judgement upon all that had stood by and especially Minerva, "My people have been standing up to people like you as surely as the wind blows and the blood pumps in my veins.   I am not walking away because I am afraid, I am walking away because there are better people than all of you to stand with and if I were to face impossible odds and death, I would rather die besides men and women I believed were the good guys, not the otherside of a dirty coin used to pay for the blood and suffering of those less powerful.  Maybe you haven't heard this while you were learning to threaten the defenseless, but how you do something is just as important as the task to be accomplished.  Maybe your purposes are noble, I couldn't care less, because you behave in a despicable way." Her gaze turned out to the others who hadn't spoken up or didn't address the issue, "And to each of you that stood by while she did that and had the power to speak out or stop her, shame on your houses."   Her tone had remained even and seemingly icy the entire time, it was a tone of final judgement.  


She moved to pick up her card stuffing it into the pocket of her skirt with all the others before she moved to return to Marut.  




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Le Drama Hour


The trip to this magical meeting room of theirs was both dull and horribly boring; it took days to make the drive, all of which was present with Anabelle taking advantage of rest stops to load up on appropriated foodstuffs and gadgets, and trying to see if she could generate enough controlled heat with her hands to make something a bit more edible than the standard junk those rest shops sold. Ugh, sometimes it sucked to have standards for what you considered food but it couldn’t be helped, and it meant that the three of them managed to get some decent food in on the trip.


The actual affair once explained though, well it went about as well as Anabelle expected it to given the mage families general jackass nature of doing things. That didn’t change the fact that the war of words between the loud self identified gypsy and Minerva had lost its amusement within a few seconds of starting, never mind that Anabelle was currently standing back, shovelling popcorn into her mouth from one of those microwave packs she’d borrowed on the way here, a large bag filled with all the foods she'd managed to lift on the way here (hey it was a long trip) on the ground next to her.


“Umm, are you two done with your holier than thou antics? And yes, I mean both of you. Minerva, you should know better than that even if your father getting brought up isn’t helping. We are going to have words about this since there’s clearly some details going on here that you haven’t told me about.”


Her gaze shifted to the gypsy who had been running wild for long enough. “And, you, self-righteous one, need to take your own advice; the first things out of your mouth were a bunch of insults levied at everyone here, without any care about whether they were here of their own will or more or less kidnapped. And a hint; I’m pretty sure everyone in this room was more or less dragged here with varying degrees of force, the mage higher ups are assholes like that. And by your own judgment system, that would make you a highly rude, loudmouthed bitch lashing out at everyone, utterly unreliable if surprised in anyway, and likely to stab people in the back and drag them down to suit your own ends. Like you said, it’s not just what you say, but how you say it and your shroud of the offended people thing isn’t helping your case.”


Right and now for their kidnappers to get some progress going on here.


“Now if we can make some progress here instead of re-enacting a poorly designed drama series, Gideon raises the more important questions; if you’re going to kidnap us all, you could at least give us the truth and not just cherry picked tidbits or outright lies for once. You are asking people to risk their lives for you out of the blue, you do owe everyone in here a proper explanation. At least you could have started by clarifying for everyone here that they are mages themselves.”


Yep, that should have covered everything. "Oh right, anyone wants food? I can promise you it's not poisoned beyond what being at a rest stop did to it. Might not be the best tasting stuff but hey, I only had so much to work with. Trust me, this is either going to be fast or take quite some time depending on the mood of our....let's go with hosts for now."




Diabolical Rhapsody

Diabolical Rhapsody

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Marut Zvijer


He felt his smile widening as Ecaterina replied to him kindly and practically giving accent to the fact that it was his role to play his part perfectly should he stand a chance with her. But, before he could rejoice and calmly leave things on simmer. She decided that she just wanted to have the last word. A lapse of prudence on her part but perhaps he was weak enough to let her go. Afterall, he stood so mesmerized by the strength of her character that he couldn't do anything than watch.


But even as the the brunette remained silent, the tanned beauty decided to add her view after being goaded by Ecky. Her words weren't that kind but she wanted a change of topics and change of pace and Marut, though had limited capability in English understood that much. He firmly held Ecky at the shoulders and pleaded her to wait before approaching the other girl.


"I'm sorry for the fuss. My...English, not good. Her good but she angry, not eat for long time. Bleed from injury and weak. Please give Hamburger if you have. Thanks" he said as he bowed a bit before extending his hand forward.


He meanwhile said to Ecaterina in Romanian. "Please!! beautiful. If not for yourself, at least eat something for me. The trip is long and we need strength. Please let it be at this. Call me selfish, but I desperately want my dance." as he smiled at her before turning to face Anabelle.


"Me...Marut. Marut Zvijer or the Beast of Zagreb." he said introducing himself to the tanned beauty.



If you have the time: 




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The Improv Chef


Surprise, surprise, someone took her up on her offer for food. Given that this person was trying at least, Anabelle responded in kind, giving him a bright smile and shaking his hand. “Aye, one hamburger coming right up Marut! By the way, I’m Anabelle, no last name, don’t ask. I can work with English and French, beyond that we’re both going to be floundering around but food at least is a bit more universal.”


Her personality did almost a full shift now that she was in her element, reaching into her bag of confiscated assortments to see if she’d gotten anything close to that – she didn’t much watch what she grabbed, her hands just…wandered. “Okay, well I might just have enough to work with that, I just need a table…” And one of the tables in the barn was promptly confiscated for that, some multi-coloured blanket going over the top of the likely unsanitary space, cat patterned gloves following for her hands. What followed was Anabelle unpacking her bag, random assortments of breads, deli meats, precooked meat, those fried chicken packs, condiments, one of those mini electric grills…..wow she took a lot of stuff. For the best though given the crowd.


The last thing to leave the bag were two very sharp looking knives, these were all hers (now) and she was downright giddy once they were in her hands. Oh and a metal plate. “Okay, for those still in doubt, watch some basic magic in action! You’ve seen at least two families of magic by now; Minerva showed you the magic of the Verditus, magical weapons basically. Now I’m from the Tytallus family, those are the elemental types, the standard fire and water and what have you.” She grabbed the plug for the mini grill and slipped it into her cleavage, a spark of electricity from her turning on the grill as she turned her random assortment of goods into some approximation of a burger patty. “At some point if you weren’t already told, they’ll probably get around to telling you guys which family’s magic you inherited. There are at least ten others besides what I mentioned after all.”


Patties hit the grill, and with some care and a bit of cardboard from one of those boxes acting as the spatula, she filled the room with the smells of cooking meat. Soon after some bread hit the grill, and a disposable plate started to get gradually filled with various burgers. “I didn’t manage to get my hands on any toppings but ketchup’s always good. Have at them, and leave any requests with the chef and I'll see what I can finagle out of this stuff.”






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Kadence stared wide-eyed at the scene that was unfolding before him. When he took up the call to come join a circle, he didn't have any idea what he was in for. Nor did he expect to see some familiar faces.


"Lady Fairchild!?"


Kadence exclaimed, but the person in question was otherwise distracted by an intense argument with a Romanian woman. Kadence was trying to gather his thoughts on just what was happening, and by the time he made a move to end the argument, someone else had already stepped in. A young man with rather bright red hair had quelled the verbal disagreement with the subtlety and care of a sledgehammer to the back of the head. Regardless, his approach worked, though Kadence visibly winced when he first shouted. A tad bit unnecessary, but he made a few good points. Not asking questions with lives on the line was risky business. Several minutes passed as introductions went out to the crowd, but Kadence's eyes were on the House Verditius noble. She had never been one to talk so much or confront someone so openly, at least, not so far as Kadence knew. Something was off, the Minerva Fairchild he saw now was not the one he remembered from when he first came to the house.


(Flashback inbound)



Kadence smiled internally, happy to have met the noble once again. Though it was a happy memory, there was something about it that painted the background a subtle shade of bitter.


Her Father. That magic she used was her father's, and now she is being told to hunt down and kill him. Shitty.


Kadence felt nothing but empathy for the noble.


Stepping forward into the crowd, Kadence introduced himself with a polite nod.


"Hello everyone, the name's Kadence Carron, nice to meet you all."






    Fingerling Potato

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The Lair of the World Egg

Faerie Realm

Time: 11:32


The rollercoaster of a scenery that Baggins showed them definitely left Lee at a lost for words as he hastily got on his feet but still tightly grasping his firearm that remained hidden in his coat. Listening to the tale of the faerie, conflicting feelings of apprehension and astonishment flooded Lee’s head, but he knew better and kept his guard up, cautiously watching his surroundings. However, despite  being brought to a world told to be a realm different from where they came from, Lee felt that his vigilance seemed out of place given the sudden change in the situation he found himself in.


The sight of the sadness-strucked rabbit creature quelled his alertness as Lee subconsciously loosened the grip on his gun before completely letting it go. His rigid posture and the stoic expression on his face soon vanished as the sound of cries filled the area. Instead of anxiety and fear, Lee just felt incredibly awkward.


Lee remained quiet and simply turned to Yvette. Although not uttering any words or gesturing to one another, both of them agreed that this was painfully uncomfortable. They could easily just leave Baggins there and see if they can find a way out of this “Faerie Realm”. Unfortunately, Lee decided that he would go with the greater of the two evils and attempt to comfort the grieving faerie. Whether or not Yvette would follow his lead, Lee did not actually know.


Slowly approaching Baggins, Lee carefully took a seat beside the tree stump where Baggins was on and leaned against it with his back facing the faerie. Lee remained by its side for what seemed to be several minutes as it continued to cry its lungs out.


As Baggins’ sorrowful cries soon turned to weeping and snivels, Lee finally decided to break his silence.


“I have no idea what tragedy you went through, but to some extent, I can say that I know how you feel.”


With a blank stare, Lee took a few deep breaths before continuing to speak.


“Crying over what had already happened. Being reminded of heartbreaking memories. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that.” He said in a calm and comforting manner as if talking to a close acquaintance.


Lee then closed his eyes, tucked his hands into his coat pockets, and crossed his legs.


“Anyway, I’ll be right here, listening. So just let all those feelings out and give me a tap on the shoulder when you’re done. I’ll need help if I want to get out of this place, and you’re the only one I can really turn to.”


Caring for someone other than himself or at least showing the sligthest amount of sympathy was not something one would expect from Lee. What made him act differently this time, was Baggins. Although he only just heard of the faerie’s past, he couldn’t help but feel that they were somewhat the same. It was as if there was something similar between the two of them that bounded them together.   


Lee couldn’t really say for sure, but it was a feeling he couldn’t just shake off.



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Chapter Five: Spider’s String


“We need the tonic of wildness…at the same time that we are earnest to explore and learn all things, we require that all things be mysterious and unexplorable, that land and sea be indefinitely wild, unsurveyed and unfathomed by us because unfathomable. We can never have enough of nature.”


-Henry David Thoreau, Walden:

 Or, Life in the Woods


Ialian Academy of Wisdom

Dallax, Texas

Time: 13:46


Hunter Gray’s daily activities were as follows: class, hang out friends for that short break, class, hang out with friends once more, class, lunch recess, class, a recess to himself that is called “independent lab work”, class, dinner, class, go find a girl to share the bed with, and then be relaxed for the rest of the night, satisfied with himself. All in all, the typical life of a young adult male whose raging hormones were just beginning to settle, but revived due to the fact that he wasn’t living at home anymore.


In this block of schedule that Hunter Gray followed almost religiously, a new factor appeared: William Leviathos, who was staking out from within the darkness – or at least, tried to. Sad as it may be, but William was not trained in the art of espionage from the shadows; his father did not raise him as a thief or a spy, but as a mage, who would stand proud and announce his presence to his enemies.


Unfortunately, that was also the dumbest thing to do at this moment, so sadly, William was left up to his own devices to try and succeed.


However, fate was on his side: Hunter Gray was most definitely planning something, and he was so caught up in this distraction that he failed to see the stumbling William from behind. Hunter was quiet at first, seemingly walking towards one of the old atelier near the edge of the academy. Although students used these places for meet-ups or hook-ups (leaving others to be disgusted from even entering them), it didn’t seem like Hunter was looking to meet with someone.


The entire time William had been following Hunter from behind, Hunter was on his cellphone, talking to the person on the other end in a hushed voice. At first, the subject of the conversation was of little interest to William, but Hunter’s voice began to rise every minute, until he was literally shouting to the other end.


“You don’t realize that this sort of project takes time! I can’t afford to get caught working on something like this, regardless of the motive behind it! They won’t understand! None of them will understand! This place is so up its ass in the ‘traditions’ that none of those old bastards would ever be capable of comprehending this project! All I need is the final piece to finish the web, and then she, in all of her beauty, will return to this world as you wish. But before that happens, Miss Odette, everything has to be perfect – not one fuck-up can happen, or else all this was for fucking nothing.”


With an incredibly loud yell, Hunter tossed the cellphone into the wall of the atelier, shattering it. Taking a deep breath, Hunter fell onto the ground, holding his head and trying to wipe the sweat off his brow. The young man looked so pitiful, very unlike the paragon of confidence that William was so used to seeing; the contrast was almost shocking. Hunter kicked at the dirt with the soles of his feet, before standing up and quickly moving into the closest atelier.


After hearing the conversation, it didn’t seem like this “project” Hunter Gray was involved in had not only to do with the twins, but perhaps the rest of the city. William was unsure what he could do – was he brave and powerful enough to confront Hunter Gray in his own lair, or should he turn back now and try to recruit people to help him?




Class wasn’t anything special, although the professor noticed the missing William Leviathos, and based on the expression on the old man’s face, Gillard knew that his older brother was probably going to get it. As everyone began packing their bags, Gillard saw a shadow come across his deck, and he looked up to see the smiling Lilah smile at him – it was clear that she wanted him to follow.


Gillard walked behind the tall Sheffield daughter, putting the effort to keep up with her long strides. It seemed as if Lilah wanted to get to somewhere quickly; it was good that Gillard basically had the rest of the day off until after dinner.


They ended up arriving in front of what could only be described as a creepy door: it was double ended, with bolts for locks on what probably appeared to be both sides of the door. The windows on the door were covered by curtains from behind the door, and a song being performed on the piano that Gillard recognized as Bach’s Air on G String was coming from the other side of the door.


Lilah knocked on the door, and the piano variation of the song stopped. Lilah backed away a little bit as the bolts unlocked themselves, and the door flew open. What stood there was a woman that Gillard recognized as the magical engineering teacher: the oldest Sheffield sister, the female twin of one of the most influential mages in magical engineering. Her name was Diane Sheffield, and she looked at Gillard with fairly cold eyes.




“Honorable Sister, this here is the younger twin from the Leviathos family, that you asked to meet.”


Diane measured up Gillard, and turning her back to him, she waved her hand in, inviting Gillard in as Lilah followed suit. The room itself had a grand piano taking up half of the space, with the other half of the room being occupied with two red couches, a bed, and a desk in a corner with a small bookshelf right next to it.


Diana sat down on one of the couches, and her silence was probably an invitation to sit next to her as the science teacher patted the spot to her left. Gillard wasn’t sure if he should sit next to her, and the look she gave him almost made him sweat – what if she meant take a seat in the opposite couch, next to the smiling Lilah? It was a simple choice, but the stare made the situation seem much more complex, and it just might be.

Edited by Serph Sheffield, 14 February 2015 - 04:33 AM.




"Shurima, your emperor has returned."




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Yvette van Rooyen

White Rabbit


Yvette might have been able to understand the creature's indignation at being likened to a hobbit if it had not admitted to be Tolkien's inspiration half a breath later. And now Baggins was crying its eyes out, mourning the loss of its friend, this Criamon. Whoever he had been it seemed that he had met his end as a result of the twisted, glowing tree that had caused her and her compatriot, who had yet to introduce himself (rather rude if she did say so herself, especially considering he was partly to blame for the mess they were now in), such soul-crushing heartache.


It seemed that whatever the man's name was he appeared to sympathize with Baggins to an extent, offering the creature a shoulder to cry on. The display was off-putting, especially since the man had been so cold to her earlier. Although the idea of being complicit in rape had made him uncomfortable he had displayed no qualms with asking his partner to hurry along with her execution. Yvette fixed him with a glare, how dare he act with compassion now after being so calm and disconnected before? Did bawling rabbit creatures appeal to his humanity when a woman in distress did not? In any case although she was no psychiatrist and Baggin's pouring out his feelings to someone who would listen might be therapeutic it would waste time and likely get the rabbit bawling even harder as painful memories were dredged up from the past. Yvette sighed as she strode forward to address the pair.


"Listen...Baggins...I'm sorry to hear about your friend, I really am, but we need your help here," she said kneeling down so that she was at eye level with the rabbit, locking him with an intense gaze.


"How about a trade?" she asked, "I'm a fair hand at cooking, my ouma (grandmother) taught me quite a few recipes, though carrot cake is bit beyond me I do know a few which happen to involve carrots and sweet breads."


"Why there's curried carrot salad and boiled sugar carrots, I could make a carrot stew with vegetable stock and potatoes, maybe a carrot salad with honey dressing and hazelnuts. Of course if you wanted something sweet you'd have to try Malva or Bread and Butter pudding, I'd recommend the first one though, it's one of my favourites."


Yvette cocked her head to gauge Baggins's reaction before she continued with a mournful sigh and hung head.


"Of course all the ingredients and utensils are back at my apartment. Such a pity we don't know how to get home or where we even are at the moment. Why if we could find our way back I'd cook up a feast as thanks."




    Fingerling Potato

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Chapter Five: Spider’s String


“The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown.”


-H.P. Lovecraft


The Lair of the World Egg

Faerie Realm

Time: 11:36


Baggins the Faerie Rabbit had seemingly cheered up quite a bit, and the bipedal bunny started leading the way out of the Faerie Realm. It seemed the idea of enjoying a treat from the human world pleased Baggins greatly, and the once crying rabbit began to hop towards where the supposed exit was. The one-eighty was astounding.


Their destination was rather frightening to look at, though.


In this gigantic forest, the exit seemed to be a tunnel built up by twisted and gnarled branches from the numerous trees. It was very reminiscent of wall of thorns from Sleeping Beauty, and it was very difficult not to ask whether or not there was a sleeping princess being held captive by an evil faerie witch past the tunnel.


“This here is the territory of the Old Witch of the Woods – she was once Baba Yaga, or at least went by that, but you know, she’s a nice person.”


Baggins hopped through the sharp branches, as Lee and Yvette were careful not to get themselves cut up by the numerous, menacing thorns that surrounded them. As all of them stepped out from the long and perilous tunnel, the group found themselves in front of a moor, with incredibly clean water, and a bridge of stepping stones that were somehow dry, sitting on top of the water. In the center of the moor, where the stone steps lead up to, was a house with bird legs lifting it up into the air: the legendary home of Baba Yaga.


Any read person could see the place and know it for what it was – the hut of a witch. Baggins bounced up each step, and as he came closer, the legs bent themselves so that the house became level with the last step, which was bigger than the steps before it. The front door opened and what stepped out to greet the bunny as it jumped onto her chest was a woman with a loaded body.




It was actually ridiculous, and no witch should look that young and yet so adult. Baba Yaga looked at her two guests almost expectantly, as Baggins waved at them on top of the witch’s shoulder.


“C’mon, she can take you home!”




"Shurima, your emperor has returned."




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The Lair of the World Egg
Faerie Realm
Time: 11:36


After breaking out of his comfort zone to empathize with Baggins, who he identified to be somewhat of a kindred soul, Lee unfortunately felt nothing but disappointment towards himself for what he had just done. It seemed that Baggins responded more to the idea of savory meals and confectioneries than Lee’s attempts to express as much compassion as he could for the Faerie Rabbit. The situation just reminded him that acting out of character never lead to anything good.

Letting out a deep sigh, Lee decided to keep his thoughts to himself and not react to the whole situation. With Baggins leading the way, he simply trailed from behind. It was safe to assume that Baggins knew where he was going, but after being brought to a tunnel that screamed nothing but “suspicious forest”, it was hard not to doubt him.

“This here is the territory of the Old Witch of the Woods – she was once Baba Yaga, or at least went by that, but you know, she’s a nice person.”

The word witch was in no way reassuring and only heightened the minutes amount of distrust Lee was beginning to feel. However, they were left with no choice but to follow Baggins. Hopefully, he was as kind and helpful as he showed himself to be.

Through the thorn-embedded they had just passed, was a sight of whimsy and fantasy. It was something one would only expect to see from fairy tales. Although astonishing, Lee continued to appear indifferent as he kept his guard up. As much as he had wanted to believe that this woud help them in returning to where they came from, Lee couldn’t completely trust the Faerie Rabbit.

Another surprise soon followed as Lee found himself in the presence such a voluptuous beauty. She was maiden-like yet seductive at the same time; it as difficult for Lee to keep a straight face. He considered Yvette to be attractive, but the woman in front of them was just in a whole other league.

“Was this the witch he talked about?” Lee thought in disbelief. Based from his readings and from what he had heard, the appearance of this so-called Baba Yaga completely contradicted the image he had of what witches were supposed to look like.

Trying to pay little attention to such thoughts, Lee chose to remain quiet and accompanied Yvette towards the witch. According to Baggins, she had the ability to take them home. How exactly? That they didn’t know, but hopefully, they would soon find out.


As they approached Baba Yaga, the expression on Lee's face soon shifted to one that most would perceive as calm and welcoming. Without uttering a word, Lee greeted the forest witch with a mild smirk and a simple bow of the head.    

Edited by Juro, 18 February 2015 - 12:32 PM.



    Couch Potato

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Temple of the Marduk Covenant

Tokyo, Japan

Time: 19:06





"I’m sorry, Laura, but in most cases, that won’t be possible. Where we’re about to go…you can’t think about that sort of stuff, otherwise the things you value is going to be put into jeopardy."

I see... I don't know anything about what's going on though...

When will I even see my parents again? Will I see them again?

Mom's gong to be sooo mad if I go back...

She then noticed he had taken his cellphone from his pocket.

"But since we’re not there yet, give them a quick call. I won’t tell anyone."

"Thanks," I hushed.

I typed my parents number.

What's France again? Right, 33.

It ringed, once, twice.


"Maman? C'est moi."

"Laura? Où es tu? Tu vas bien? Qu-est-ce qui c'est passé?"

"Honnêtement, je n'en sais rien. Mais je vais bien. Je vais pas pouvoir rester en ligne très longtemps, par contre..."

"Pourquoi? Non, attend. Dis moi où tu es. On va venir te chercher..."

From her voice, Laura could tell her mother was crying. 

"Non. Je ne peux pas rentrer maintenant."

Laura looked up. The train was already slowing down, and since she couldn't be seen with the phone...

"Maman, préviens Papa et dis lui que je vais bien. N'essayez pas de me chercher. Je vous aime."

"Attends! Attends! Est-ce que tu sais où est Mickey?"


"Ton cousin. Il a disparu quelques heures après toi..."

"Ah. Mickey. Non, je n'ai aucune idée... Bon, je dois raccrocher. Bye."

I end the call and give the his phone back to Banri. 

I feel lighter. One less thing to worry about.

Iam and her followed Banri into some woods.

A gigantic temple was hidden inside said woods, at the end of what seemed to be a way too long path. Laura wondered what needed so much secrecy. She'd feel a hell lot better once some explanation would have been done.

“Pretty neat, isn’t it?”

Laura looked up at Banri and even her could tell he was proud of the place.

A car then got to them. A woman was driving, whom she did not recognize.

There were other people in the car, and the travel was held in silence.

Then, as they got to the temple, Laura saw a girl and a boy in front of the doors.

The boy looked familiar... 

Michael? So he was abducted too? Or maybe not... 

Gaah, someone explain already.

They stepped out of the car and Laura smiled to her cousin.

"Never thought I'd bump into you here, cousin..."

But she could say no more, for the temple doors opened.

There was a chaotic atmosphere that made Laura smile, a bit of yelling, and a goblin gave her an envelope. 

“You all will be trained just the way I need you guys to be trained. Banri, you’re taking care of Laura and Iam here, got that?”

He just nodded.

Looks like she'd be stuck with them again.

There was an awkward silence, and then Iam and her followed Banri to his room.

The room was simple, a blue bad, a wooden desk... And shelves of manga.

Which seemed like torture since she was pretty sure they were all in Japanese.

There was also a television and a game console -at least they wouldn't be bored- and Banri just tossed his bag on the bed.

He was silent yet again, but it didn't really bother her.

What bothers her was, when the hell would they get some explanations?!

As he opened his mouth, her hopes went up, but he ended up spouting gibberish about unexpected teaching to initiates -probably her and Iam from what the woman from earlier told him- mentor -him for the matter, but what would he teach?- and Marduck... Marduk... Covenant and House Bjorna... Bjornea... Bjornaer?  

"Hmm.. Just a couple... No, three questions. One, why does a Japanese temple have the name of a Babylonian god? Two, do you know why we were abducted by Mu... a mad pervert? Three, what are you planning to teach us?"

Laura had around a thousand more question, but three was her lucky number, and twenty-seven(33) or even nine (32) sounded a bit too much.

She just hoped she'd get an answer. 

Edited by Nualie, 16 February 2015 - 10:05 PM.



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Chapter Five: Spider’s String


“Because revenge is a very known feeling in American culture, there’s a certain element of an eye for an eye. There’s the saying, ‘Be careful what you wish for, you might get it.’ When you wish for revenge, and you think you’ve gotten it, what happens then? Revenge is just a really good drive for drama and good action.”


-Niels Arden Oplev


The White House

Maryland, North American Empire

Time: 20:09


Emperor Richard Hayes took a seat behind the desk placed in the Oval Office as a handsome, dark-haired man took a seat right in front of him. Standing to the man’s right was a taller man, more rugged in appearance with an eye-patch that hid the scarred eye underneath. Hayes took a nervous gulp, while adjusting his tie and looking onward to the smiling face in front of him.





“No need to be frightened, Emperor Hayes. William might’ve made a bit of a mess in the hallway behind us, but I assure you that he won’t deal the same sort of…ending that those poor men just had.”


Hayes looked at the door that led into the conference room, which was slightly ajar. From the opening, the emperor could see the limbs and heads that had been removed from the torsos, as well as the spray of flesh blood coating the walls. It took all he had to not to whimper in fear as the tall man with the eye-patch who had committed the slaughter stared coldly at him.


“Now, we’re going to make sure the violence doesn’t leave this room if you do exactly what I say. You’re going to push for a bill that would set up a curfew in this entire empire at midnight until eight the next morning. You will not ask about the eight hours and what is being done, but I think you’re a family man, and if you don’t want us to get to that wife and daughter of yours-”


Bright lights began to shine through the window as three helicopters surrounded the White House. Emperor Hayes had to cover his eyes with his hands, blinded by the light that came from right behind him. The poor man didn’t see the handsome man sigh in exasperation and push his glasses up the bridge of his nose. The young man stood up, the smile gone from his face, and as Emperor Hayes turned to look back the young man questioningly, he found his nose a few inches away from the barrel of a pistol.


“Intruders broke the negotiations. Sorry, but we’re going to bring the violence to the entire country, and that means you have no reason to do what I say.


With that, Jacob Morris shot Emperor Hayes between the eyes, and the former Emperor of North America fell face-flat onto the desk, a pool of blood starting to grow from underneath his head. With a sigh, Jacob Morris motioned for William Verditius to follow him, and the giant swordsman simply nodded and followed his companion out of the room.




Prior to the departure of the helicopters (how many vehicles were hidden around the barn where they were meeting was beyond any of the covenant member’s imaginations), William Gorman had briefed them on the details of the mission. It had been a few days since the fairly messy meeting between everyone in the covenant, but the awkwardness of the environment hasn’t appeared due to people keeping to themselves, most of the time.


In the short time they had prior to this operation, the magical equivalent of “cramming” was performed on the members of the Thoth Covenant: Information Compression. The brain can be synchronized with those of a higher learning through an apparatus designed by Gorman – two capsules lined with runes that transfer information between the two people in the capsules. As a result, even those who were just introduced to the magic world could use the very basic forms of their family magic.


However, even by “cheating” the system, the powers that everyone gained was relatively small – using such a machine wouldn’t be able to raise their abilities even to the next level, but it did open up the latent magic that was asleep in everyone’s bodies, and it was a start. However, Gorman had his doubts about whether or not the initiates were ready. After all, a lot of them had just been thrown into this mix, with no understanding of the situation. Everything was moving too quickly, and it was like God was too lazy to fill in the holes for those unfortunate people.


But there was no time for pity. The helicopters were beginning to take off, and Gorman watched as the barn disappeared from sight, and they made their way towards the capital of the North American Empire.



The targets were Jacob Morris and William Verditius – Gorman was, if anything, an expert in what a man like William Verditius would do, and deduced that the emperor and the cabal were the most likely targets of the magician pair. William Verditius already had an expert in William Gorman, but it was Jacob Morris that proved to be incredibly difficult to investigate.


As the helicopters began to land in the yard, a gunshot rang out from where the Oval Office was, and a window shattered into pieces. Two shadows quickly departed from the room, and Gorman shouted out orders to chase after those shadows.


The first to run across the yard from the helicopter was Minerva Fairchild, quickly followed by Kradence and Gideon. The man who was once her “father” was so close, and it was about damn time that she ran this blade through that man’s neck. The three of them crashed through the first floor windows, and found themselves in a long hallway. To the left, a white tailcoat from a dark-haired man turned the corner, and Minerva chased after it, with her party of two following suit. All three of them turned the corner and saw the backs of two men, one of them Minerva recognizing as belonging to that of William Verditius. Turning his head back slightly, Jacob sighed once more and turned forward once more.


“Oh, the peanut gallery decided to leave their seats and actually do something. William, do stall them, kill them if you like, but I should get Plan B rolling now that Emperor Hayes has a bullet in between his eyes. TAYLOR! REN! GET OVER HERE!”


From the other side of the hall, two young girls dressed in military uniforms appeared, one with light hair and the other with dark hair. Both of them drew their swords, and they dashed forward, stopping on both sides of William Verditius, who reached into his coat and drew a Japanese sword: a sword different from the one he had used in the past – to leave your weapon aside for another one in a duel is nothing less of an insult to those of the Verditius family.





With a smile, Jacob Morris continued down the hall, as Taylor drew the azure-colored Vorpal Sword and Ren drew the crimson-colored Jabberwocky, and both of them stepped away from William, Taylor facing Kradence and Ren facing Gideon. Words were not exchanged between any of them as Minerva, Kradence, and Gideon all drew their own weapons. With a battle cry, Taylor and Ren both disappeared from sight – their speed was beyond either Kradence or Gideon’s sense of perception, and as Taylor appeared right behind Kradence, aiming for the neck of her opponent, and Ren appeared right in front of Gideon, thrusting her sword forward towards his stomach, neither Verditius mages had more than a second to react to the attacks.


William simply stared at his daughter with a look that showed no hints of recognition or acknowledgement. He simply stood there, sword drawn in both hands, standing still – it seemed he wanted Minerva to make the first move, but he would also never allow her to pass him. Minerva could see it – if she even tried to get behind William, the sword would simply cut into her torso and end her life. The only option was from the front, but William Verditius was definitely the more experienced warrior.



The Quaesitor mages jumped out from the second helicopter, landing right in the center of the yard. Anatoli was the newest addition to their group, and the four of them looked up at the helicopter to see Meera waving at them, yelling out her wishes for their safe returns.


The Verditius mages had already crashed into the middle of the fray, and now it was the Quaesitors’ turn. As all four of them, knowing that they didn’t have that much of an option when it came to going AWOL or not, all ran forward when a shriek rang out from above, stopping all four of them in their tracks. From the roof of the White House, a gigantic shadow stood there, a massive sword in hand. The shadow leapt from its rise and landed right in front of the White House, barring the path of the Quaesitors’. Meera’s voice rang out through the magical communication system set up between the Quaesitors. The behemoth stood at least triple of Marut’s height, making it around twenty feet high.




“That’s an Undead Champion, the revived form of a hero from the past! I can’t tell which hero was revived, but be careful!”


Meera’s voice was cut off once more as the Undead Champion roared its challenge to the mages in front of it, and lifting its weapon over its shoulder, the massive zombie ran charged forward, swinging the weapon down, causing everyone standing there to jump to the side and effectively cutting the yard in half – where the sword had struck was now a gigantic ditch, incredibly deep and dark, to boot. It seemed as if the sword had actually cut deep into the earth, much deeper than the blade’s width would suggest. The chasm was probably around fifteen feet deep – falling in there wouldn’t kill them, but it might cause a sprain or break a bone, limiting movement considerably.


Of course, the zombie towered out of the ditches, and roared as if to mock the mages.


The Undead Champion continued to swing the weapon with surprising speed and not-so-surprising strength, and Anatoli and Ecaterina found themselves isolated on one “island”, with Draga and Marut stuck on the other “island”, and deep ditches in between them, with the Undead Champion raising its sword once more, intent on cutting pieces of the islands until the four mages simply had to fall into the deep pits that surrounded them.



The third helicopter couldn’t get close enough to the ground as the Undead Champion took to the field. The zombie was preoccupied, but the helicopters would definitely have to land on the roof of the White House now. As the helicopter made its way right above the rooftop, Anabelle, DeShaun, and Eva all had to jump onto the cold roof, with the bright helicopter starting to ascend into the skies once more.


However, the darkness itself seemingly wrapped itself around the helicopter, and the surprised pilot, Jack Allen, had only a second to compose himself and use his wraith abilities to disappear from the inside of the helicopter before the shadows crushed it, causing the helicopter to land on the edge of the roof as a burning wreck. Jack was nowhere to be seen, but what was more frightening was what stood before them.


A “woman” dressed in a military uniform reminiscent of the Nazi party several decades ago stood there, with the shadows taking form around it, the bloody of skulls of its past victims appearing in the miasma that surrounded the creature. This was an enemy that all three of them had been told about at once point or another – a Banshee, a demonic witch who feeds off the misery of the dead.




The Banshee opened its skeleton-like mouth and shrieked. The explosions, roars, and screams coming from the yards of the White House began to draw in a crows, who were frightened upon seeing the Undead Champion – however, what they didn’t see was the shadow that appeared right behind them, and many innocent people were devoured by the darkness. The Banshee cackled, and then burped, as if finishing up a satisfying meal.


Blood poured out of its empty eye sockets as the Banshee raised its hands high into the air, and the miasma turned red, with three skulls popping right out of them. Unfortunately, two of the mages present only had the very basic level of their magic down, and the last mage wasn’t too sure if electricity would be useful against the enemy right in front of them. The Banshee slithered back a few yards, and launched the miasma-covered skulls right at her enemies, much like bullets fired from a gun.


Should they simply dodge the skulls and try to close the distance, or perhaps even see if their magic can possibly deflect the magic or nullify the shadows holding the skulls? Time wasn’t on their side.




"Shurima, your emperor has returned."


Officer Judy Hopps

Officer Judy Hopps

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Minerva Fairchild


Shattering Temperance


Scathing words echoed outward from the Gypsy again, and Minerva paid absolutely no heed to it whatsoever. Gideon had snapped her back into her senses with an utterance of a few terse but civil words. For the duration of the meeting for the Covenant however, she simply retreated to the back of the crowds as Gorman went about explaining why they were brought here, for what purpose and reasoning. Why they were here was simple.


The world was in danger, millions of lives were in danger, everything that lived and breathed now stood upon a precipice. The tip of a sword no less, and if the gathered company here did nothing, all would perish. Forces bearing a greater reckoning than any that had ever assembled had drawn together, twisting and torturing their way to greater and more perilous heights. Great Magi, Men and woman alike had fallen before this coup of merciless souls, and if this small covenant did not act now, more would follow.


No one was safe.


Perhaps vindictively, Minerva smirked at the revelation of these facts and the gravity that now sat upon the shoulder of every magus there. Not only was their lives on the balance, but the consequence for simply running away like that Gypsy had wanted had far more dire consequence than she would like to realize.


The Compression bore some pain to her, but not terribly much. Most of what she had learned was all that she had gained. Only small hints could be revealed. After all, the only one to use the Magic she now bore was the man she was currently pursuing. There was no other who had fully discerned William Verditius' ability besides his daughter. A fact that she bore both proudly and gravely, as she knew then that she only held one purpose in the family that had 'gracefully' tolerated her presence. She was to be her father's opposite.


So furious was she, that she did not even utter a word while they boarded the helicopter and made for their objective. A bitter, harrowing silence.


Dismounting from the Helicopter and swiftly sprinting towards a window, a slash of her blade caused the class to divide and shatter to allow them entry. Charging into the hallway from there, the scene that stood before her was too perfect. Two backs stood to face her, but one of them was familiar. Durendal's resounding hum through the air brought them to slowly turn to face her while Gideon and Kadence caught up. For the first time in hours, she finally spoke with a trembling voice.


"You..." The man she was referring to was more than obvious, across the mild distance stood her father. Not even reacting in the slightest as two others joined the fray. Two young women who immediately attacked both Gideon and Kadence alike. Her trembling hand steadied, as did her blade while she found her senses again. A glorious opportunity now stood before her. This man, this horrible, cruel man had not only killed many members of her family, but his abandonment had brought about the death of her mother. Suddenly, there was a massive buildup of Magic in the air.


"You bastard. YOU FUCKING BASTARD!" She roared furiously across the way, white magic filling her eyes, the sheer magnitude of her magic arcing across her cheeks as she grit her teeth in both grief and anger. All civility she held, all of the poise she had once possessed had been lost in a hurricane of spiteful loathing. "Because of you, I have been treated like garbage for the past six years! BECAUSE OF YOU, MOTHER DIED. YOU COULD HAVE DONE SOMETHING. But no. You let your child and wife starve almost into nothingness. DAMN YOU." She took a step forward, and even magic crackled malevolently about her legs and feet, leaving arcing burns across the carpetry.


In misery, tears streamed down her cheeks while she took a second step in advance. Both fury and misery had joined within her heart and soul to play a heartrending symphony. In their native tongue of French, she spoke the words that bore an even worse notion.  "I won't let you hurt anyone else. Not anymore. I pray however, that I die in the process. So that your filthy bloodline comes to an end."Slowly, Durendal raised so that its pointed end was aimed for its former master's heart.


If someone blinked, they would miss the first burst of her movement. In a beeline, she made straight for her father with her blade raised on high. With the vicious increase to her physical and magical traits, Minerva surged forward in a rage-filled assault with such speed and deftness that almost anyone would have difficulty keeping track. Each strike she lunged forward with against her father made it seem almost as if each were made of lightning while she sought for her own father's blood.

Edited by The Hawk's Eye, 17 February 2015 - 04:37 AM.


Me, according to a Hero:




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Not the best singing voice


Well at the very least their kidnappers/guardians decided to give some form of rundown on what was going on. She still didn’t properly believe that they were telling them everything, but it was more information than everyone started with and their roughshod magic training did give her enough pointers to figure out just why she couldn’t get the whole lightning throwing working before. Now if they weren’t dealing with Minerva’s nutjob of a father (given what she’d managed to gleam and she still needed to beat some proper info out of Minerva) and his friend who was likely just as dangerous. She’d had to go and furnish her fellow compatriots in various fuzzy headphones and epic sunglasses she’d gotten through means not needed to be mentioned, that she told them to keep handy just in case and annoyed them until they kept it.


Evidence of this? It might have something to do with the banshee currently running wild on the rooftop that they had to make an emergency landing on, thanks to said banshee. “A Nazi demon, really? Didn’t anyone tell these people that invoking Hitler is an automatic loss?” And of course their helpful teachers left them to save their own skins. And people wondered why she wouldn’t cook for them. “Do remind me to Jack Allen some food poisoning later.”


She might well forget given that the screeching would not be kind to her ears or avoiding a headache. She adjusted her sunglasses and put on her earmuffs – because even at night, she wanted the style and also for something very new that she’d come up with, which might prove handy given how they were dealing with the undead here. “Time for those accessories I got you dears~” As casual as her warning was, she made sure to speak loud enough for them to hear clearly and she hoped they listened. She ran forward, tossing three glowing orbs of electricity at the skulls. Obviously, these weren’t at all ordinary and as soon as those daggers got close to the skulls, they let out massive flashes of light, the sound of thunder crashing filling the roof from her flashbangs. She didn’t know if banshees were affected by stupidly loud noises or bright lights but it was as good a time as any to find out. If nothing else, her companions should have all the time to do what they wanted after that.






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Kadence Carron
After a short round of introductions among the members of the circle, things moved fast and furious.
Via the use of Information Compression each of the "initiates" were crammed with knowledge from those of a higher skill level than theirs. After his time in the strange contraption, Kadence was ushered along into a helicopter with the rest of the House Verditius members. The entire ride to the White House was rife with tension, mostly coming from the brooding Minerva, her chance to finally end William's life almost upon them. Kadence simply wished for a successful completion to the mission, and for the circle initiates to return alive. When the White House came into sight, all he felt was a deep foreboding that gnawed at the back of his mind. The icy chill of the evening air did little to placate the uneasy stirrings in Kadence's heart as the House Verditius squad hopped out of the helicopter and started sprinting as soon as a gunshot echoed through the empty night. Were they too late? Was the Emperor dead, or did he yet live? Kadence uttered a silent prayer to whatever deity would hear him for the safety of his fellow initiates.
Minerva took off like a bolt, with Kadence and Gideon not far behind, chasing after her target with focus and aggression that he'd never seen before. After a winding chase the three from House Verditius found themselves face-to-face with William Verditius, the monster himself, as well as two young girls in military uniforms brandishing fearsome-looking blades. Jacob Morris turned and continued his march down the hallway, the Verditius Three's second target getting further away, but they didn't mind. They all had only one true target in mind, and one that was of a personal nature within the House.
The young blonde haired girl was the one who was across from Kadence, her azure blade poised to strike. As he was observing his opponent, Kadence unwittingly let his guard down. In that moment, his opponent had all but disappeared, the only thing that gave him so much as a hint to where his opponent had gone, was a gust of wind passing him by. Kadence's instincts screamed in urgency; danger was upon him.
"SHIT!", Kadence's composure was lost in the moment as he shouted the expletive.
Kadence dove to the floor, bringing his shield around to cover his torso when he hit the floor, and then evasively rolling backwards into a stand. Clearly outmatched by his opponent's speed and too close to use a francisca, Kadence knew he'd have to utilize the rune he placed on Joyeuse after the Information Compression. "Tiberius", A rune with it's roots in the language of ancient tribes of the arctic, was the one Kadence chose. Kadence brought Joyeuse in a low swipe, frosting the ground and extending the blade of Joyeuse with ice before it dissipated after the swing. This wasn't a battle Kadence could win easily. He was going to have to go all out from the start.




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William Castor Von Leviathos


Ialian Academy of Wisdoms

Dallas, Texas

On the tail of Hunter Gray, William started to half wonder how he hadn’t been noticed yet but thankful that Hunter was too busy to notice the one horribly failing to hide in the shadows… Its a problem, beauty isn’t meant to hide out of sight. William was now watching Hunter walk while on the phone, at first he couldn’t hear anything.. but after a while he didn’t even have to try to listen in as he started yelling into the phone. Will listened intently to every word he could hear before Hunter completely lost it and shattered his phone before falling to the ground.


The first thing William thought after the shock of watching Hunter crumble was pitiful, one such as Hunter shouldn’t look so pitiful, he almost felt like confronting him openly, something he would not often do. But William was fully aware of his lack of power, for it was the reason he even came to this academy in the first place. In a one on one even in Hunters state Will doubtless his chances of victory, so he did the sensible thing and backed away planning to retreat and put the fools who suck up to him to use.

After he thought he was a safe distance away William pulled out his phone… Yes even nobles carry phones what did you expect? he scrolled to his brothers number and sent a text.

followed Hunter

he is up to something

doesn't involve just us

sounds large scale

remember the name Miss Odette

seems Hunter is working for her

William wasted a bit of time making sure the text held no spelling errors and conveyed everything important… How he saw Hunter wasn’t on the list of importance.

Realising he wasted precious time he broke out into a run while starting to contact some suck ups that he considered useful.


I encountered you.....

This world has chosen the reality and future that shouldn't have been chosen

That's Why I'm here



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Evangeline Strauss

Washington D.C.


When they said they didn't have a whole lot of time they weren't kidding. She thought with a suppressed laugh at she looked out the window of the helicopter. After the cat fight that following their kidnapping they were given a detailed explanation, though, to the lot of them it, they were still a bit bitter over the whole exchange. Eva was one of those in that category but it quickly dissipated. She became more and more interested as things continued to developed, suffice to say, her irritation was quickly forgotten. Not only because it delved into the occult but the fact there was many more things she didn't know. So many new characters appeared as well, plenty to entertain herself with, beats the slow and boring life she was leading before. Looks like her interests weren't so crazy after all, Heh.


They surely gave a new definition of 'cramming'... Referring the the apparatus that was placed on their heads that was literally like downloading a whole mass of data to the brain. Quite a pain that was. Given the amount of time they were given, they weren't able to accomplish much in time for the mission except the bare essentials of magic. Not that Eva minded at all, as she sat there running her tongue slowly across her teeth as she continued looking out the window....Washington D.C...Capital of the American Empire.... It was a strange start to the mission as one of the members of their team 'convinced' them to each hold on to a pair of fuzzy headphones and sunglasses. More like she wouldn't shut up until we complied... Rolling her eyes as she recalled the headache she gave them annoying them about it.


Eva honestly didn't know why she thought those were necessary but if they got her to stop, she was fine with it. Soon they found themselves being made to jump from the helicopter and onto the cold roof of the white house thanks to some demon wearing a nazi uniform. Being a German with English blood, she could only shake her head in disgust. "Some things should stay dead. Honestly, Now I'm wondering if Hitler himself will be joining us as well." Laughing at Annabelle's comment regarding their kidnapper, she prepares herself to fight. Eva could now sort of understand the meaning of the headphones, but sunglasses, at night? She reminded them about putting on the items and it wasn't until she seen something glow in Annabelle's hands to where the meaning of the sunglasses comes in, in which Eva quickly put them on.


As the glowing daggers neared the nazi demon, they let loose massive flashes of light accompanying by loud thunder-like sounds. The move was quite a fortunate one for Eva, since the bit of magic she was able to learn/accomplish in such a short time frame involved her literally getting close to the target. Other than that, she only has her physical skills which obviously won't do much, if anything, to this monster. Taking advantage of Annabelle's move, Eva dashes into the light and makes her way towards the target. While she doesn't know whether this gambit will work or not, she doesn't really have any other choice. She must get close.


Time to bite the bitch and take that power of hers for myself. Though, The taste surely won't be pleasant...


The Epic Of X:




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Chapter Six: The Traditions


“Magic was defined under nine names, nine schools that would branch out into smaller concentrations. The knowledge of shaping reality itself would overlap with each other, but each school was unique, for magic is versatile – there is no one way to achieve the desired effect. The Council of Nine Traditions became the overseer of the nine different sects of magic, with the Hermetian Theory developed by Bonisagus being the first of the nine to be named, and still remain the most popular and influential theory of magic to study.


Next was the Marauding, a collection of clans made up witches who see the ancient “magical example” as the god – that is, they do not believe that Bonisagus is the first existing magi, and turn to Simon the Sorcerer, whose feats were listed in Biblical literature. Many of them were wiped out during the infamous witch-hunt in Europe and America, and to find a member of the Marauding is a rare sight – many have fled to the Faerie Realms, where man cannot touch them any longer.


The third was the Western Church of Light,that followed a separate “Western Hermetic” theory that the Order of Hermes, under Bonisagus, developed. From the man that was called “Thrice Great”, the Western Church once came into the public in the late 1800’s under the name “The Hermetic Brotherhood of Light”, under the leadership of Max Theon, who was later branded a heretic for breaking the most important rule of the Council – to never involve those outside of the world of spells.


The fourth was the Nexus, a small group of radicals who believed that magic was universally defined, and sought to find the connection between all the theories, through whatever means – they were notorious for their inhumane experiments on living beings to see what different organs sorcerers and ordinary humans seemingly had. Although the Nexus had been admitted into the Council, the other eight Traditions do not see them as anything else but mad scientists, and while the members of the Nexus were no doubt brilliant, their “claims to magic” has often been the subject of skepticism, since no one actually saw them perform any spells in front of the Council.


The fifth were the Dreamweavers, who believes in the formation of magic of connecting to the spirit and faerie realms during slumber, and that imagination was the ultimate battery for magic. A mysterious and reclusive group, the Dreamweavers kept to themselves so often that a joke in poor taste was made about them – in order to maintain their theories, the members must be like cheetahs: inbred and slowly dying out. The levels of magic performed by the Dreamweavers were also difficult to measure, although the prophetic ability of the few Dreamweavers to have revealed themselves seems to measure a level of magic that could possibly contest as the most powerful magic within the Council.


The sixth tradition was dubbed the Fellowship of Iron, a thought of magic that came around when the Industrial Revolution began to revolutionize the numerous empires and kingdoms around the world. They were the first to push for the study of magic in relation to the advancing technology of the West, and while House Mercere of the Order of Hermes would eventually back up the Fellowship in this ambition, they were commonly mocked as fools – magic was natural, industry was not. As such, many of the magical inventions developed by the Fellowship of Iron were looked down upon when compared to the trinkets and weapons that the Order of Hermes have produced, but the Fellowship continues to survive the years without support – after all, their inventions lead to the creation of the steampunk genre, and Wild Wild West certainly revived the interest in the genre. There are no known members of the sixth tradition who are currently alive.


The seventh tradition was the University of True Alchemy; while Mercere was generally accepted as the father of modern Alchemy, a large group of alchemists rejected Mercere’s approach. Mercere had worked with a Middle Eastern alchemist who went by the name of Geber in the magical world, and the University greatly dislikes the “laboratory approach” – they believe in the philosopher’s stone and the elixir of life being created not through the test tubes, but in a hidden dungeon elsewhere, and they reject the lab work of Mercere and Geber’s alchemy in favor of seeking out the clues left behind in history regarding the location of the Philosopher’s stone. Many famous people such as Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein were a part of this organization, and most successful scientists were members of the University.


The eighth tradition was the Monastery of Eastern Mysticism – the tradition had been existing just as long as the Order of Hermes, but those of the Oriental countries had no desire to join in the Council until much later, after World War II, where it’s generally agreed upon that shared knowledge of magic may be able to cut down motivation for battle between countries, and by extension, sorcerers. There had been so many different concentrations within the libraries of the Monastery that even after several decades, the Council has yet to compile a complete list of the focuses.


The final tradition, Horus, joined just five years ago with members of this tradition being spread out between South Korea and Japan. The charisma of their leader, who simply calls himself as “The Eye of Aleph” (named after the supposed source of magic), was enough to convince the Council to allow his beliefs in drawing power from a single being, in gathering the energy from a source that would never run dry, to be included in the traditions. Upon the announcement regarding Aleph’s terrorist activities, Horus was investigated with intense scrutiny to see if the “Eye of Aleph” and his tradition had any relation to the terrorist. No conclusive evidence was found, and Horus was simply left alone after that, although little activity could be found or heard from them.”


-Anonymous, The History of the World You Didn’t Know


Roppongi Hills

Tokyo, Japan

Time: 23:41


The center of all entertainment was right here, in this strip of land found in the Minato area of Tokyo. Comparable to Las Vegas, which in itself is just its own strip of land in the middle of a desert, Roppongi was an island in the urban ocean of Tokyo, but the lights that shined from the streets only confirmed the rumored nightlife activities that Roppongi had to offer.


One of the highlights of Roppongi was an area of property known as Roppongi Hills. Purchased by a wealthy Japanese businessman, his goal was to develop property that could raise the standards of living within Tokyo, and the centerpiece of this urban development was the Roppongi Hills Mori Tower, named after the businessman who had started the development of the area.


The fifty-four floors that made up skyscraper were the pride of the Roppongi Hills area, but in the magical world, it was only the very top floor that held any real value – not that most people knew. The elevator would never head up to the fifty-fourth floor without an elevator key, which was unique to a select few – Akira Mori made sure of that. The aging businessman slipped the key into the elevator, and felt the elevator carry him to the very top floor. It was a trip that took around two minutes and six seconds without stops, and soon enough, Akira arrived on the top floor – it was almost completely empty, except for a single desk that had three computer screens on top of it, with a monitor underneath the desk.


Sitting in front of the desk in a gigantic gaming chair was a young man with numerous tattoos and piercings on his face – this person was Gakuto Mori, the son that his older brother, Minoru Mori, had from a fling in the early stages of his marriage, a child he had no knowledge of his entire life. Gakuto turned his head and looked rather lazily at the grim-looking Akira.




“Ah, old man. You didn’t let me know you were coming.”


Akira trembled with rage. His face growing red, the old man tried very hard to hold his temper, and after a few silent moments of anger, the old man took a deep breath and began to speak in his quiet yet powerful voice.


“Gakuto, these ‘security guards’ you hired went out again and brought back the homeless people and animals and bringing them to the lower levels of the tower. We do not have the means to keep them here, and the company is starting to see a decrease in revenue because of these little projects of yours. Explain yourself! I have been patient because of my older brother’s legacy, but I will have you thrown out for the sake of this company he built!”


The young man simply sighed, and flipped the computer screens on once more. It revealed several different security cameras, placed all over the tower – the rooms and angles revealed that these cameras were installed without Akira’s knowledge. The surveillance focused on the sleeping homeless populace, placed in “cells” all around the upper floor.


“Do you know what a formicarium is, old man?”


“An ant farm, Gakuto? You’re building an ant farm?”


“Well, something like it, but this homeless vivarium is for something bigger. All you have to know is that the useless people and animals out there are without a roof for a reason, and that nobody in this world is going to think twice about the fact that they’re missing.”


Shutting off the monitors, Gakuto relaxed on the chair, turning away from Akira, who couldn’t hold his temper for a second longer.


“THEY ARE LIVING BEINGS, GAKUTO! YOU MUST HAVE SOME SORT OF COMPASSION! I do not care for your ‘Horus’ games, you do not bring in people and use them for your own amusement!”


Taking a deep breath, Gakuto sighed once more. This was a moment he knew was going to happen one day, and it looked like it has finally come. This was going to be a terrible night to sleep through.


“Old man, you are a traditional person. You resect heritage, and had this floor reserved for me because you felt as if my father was unable to leave anything for me. In many ways, traditions can shape a good man, and for that, I am grateful. But you can’t recognize progress, or anything outside of what I am trying to do. I am going to make Tokyo, Japan, and the entire world a better place, with the help of my ‘friend’. I’m sorry, old man.”


Standing up from the chair, Gakuto walked towards Akira, who was dwarfed by Gakuto’s impressive height. Drawing out what appeared to be a ceremonial dagger from one of the inner pockets of his jacket, Gakuto raised it before Akira could react, and plunged the blade straight through the top of the old man’s brain.


Akira could not speak, but surprisingly, no spurt of blood was leaving the wound. The only sound to escape the dying man’s lips was a moan, but not of pain, but of surprise. The moan disappeared, and then returned as a scream. The dagger began to glow green as blue light shout from inside Akira’s body. The wrinkles on his face slowly disappeared, returning Akira to his youthful appearance from just after World War II: a handsome, excited young man looking forward to the successes of life despite the hard conditions his country was in. Black blood broke through his back, where the shoulder blades were, and shot out and quickly solidified into wings.


The homunculus breathed heavily, like an animal, and Gakuto removed the dagger from Akira’s head – there was no blood to be wiped, and there was no wound to cover. The homunculus, while appearing human, was also very imp-like and demonic in nature.





“This is my gift of gratitude, uncle – an eternal life, in a new and superior form.”


The homunculus did not respond, but Gakuto didn’t need it to respond. Hiding the dagger within his clothes once more, Gakuto snapped his fingers, and screens went down to cover the windows. Faced all appeared on the screen as Gakuto sat down on the chair once more, smiling at his ‘friends’.


“This is your leader, ‘Eye of Aleph’, speaking to the Horus tradition. No doubt you all just saw what I did – I used a tool given to us by our god, and I say it’s about time we go ahead with the next step in our plan. In order to bring in an age of true order and peace, we must re-introduce something to the human heart: terror. Now then, to begin…”



It was rather late at night, with Banri shivering. Being a teacher was an interesting job, and he could see the rewards for it – but Takeda was probably the most unreasonable boss out there, because what man would send a high school kid to take his two students to Roppongi Hills, out of all places? The Roppongi area used to be much safer, with the Yakuza losing quite a bit of influence and more or less leaving the bars and clubs alone.


But homeless people around the area had started to disappear. The government didn’t care too much about it, and the general population also didn’t care much for the bums, but not caring isn’t enough for rumors to circulate, whether it be on the street or through the internet: a group is taking these homeless people in for god knows what, but the purpose can’t be anything promising.


And that was the mission: to find something regarding these disappearances. Takeda said it himself when he briefed everyone on this investigation – they were working with the Thoth Covenant in America to try and located Aleph, and that they are the last two operating covenants. The rest of the covenants had been wiped out, and while Takeda agrees with the Thoth Covenant’s leader William Gorman regarding the trails to hunt down Aleph, he disagrees in making the hunt the bigger priority; the people that were suffering because of a rogue magician should always come first. As such, Takeda suspected that the disappearances were probably a magic-related matter, and if it wasn’t, it couldn’t help to confirm it.


Banri bought Iam and Laura a steaming takoyaki from a late-night snack stand, and as all three of them sat on a bench, Banri looked up at the towering Roppongi Hills Mori Tower. It was a place of quite a few scandals – Banri was fairly young at the time, but a boy once had his crushed in the revolving doors around ten years ago. For such a magnificent building, the security was fairly shitty.


“Banri, find anything?”


Banri looked to see the approaching Abramson with his own cell of novice mages, Frederico and Maximilian. Apparently, all three men had been going around the cheaper cabaret clubs to see if any homeless men had been frequenting them, and to see if there was any information that made anyone stand out. The hosts and hostesses all said the same thing – they only allowed gave their services to these “customers” because they had the right price, and sometimes were rather good-looking. Of course, every single one of them smelled bad.


Banri shook his head, and Abramson simply nodded. Results were definitely more difficult to come by, and many of the officers were starting to think that Takeda might be off the mark on this one, which would be a first – Takeda was only elected as a leader because he was pretty much guaranteed to make the correct move.


Brynja’s voice rang out through the aether communication system that was set up by Koshima – thoughts that wanted to be shared were broadcasted, a very useful thing to have in these sort of situations.


“Jamie and I just dropped off Alicia and Omer to their spot – they’re going to be entering the tower and we’re going to follow soon enough. I will be arriving just about…now.”


A black van pulled up, with Brynja in the driver’s seat, and Jamie seated shotgun. The door opened up, and everyone present piled into the shuttle. As Brynja drove down the street to make a turn at an intersection and head back towards the Roppongi Hills Mori Tower, Yukina’s voice shot out through the aether system.


“Christian and I got through the service entrance to this tower – we’re going to look around and see if there’s a dungeon or something here. If Takeda is right, then we should look for a large space as to where they might be keeping the prisoners.”


In response to Yukina’s message, Rebecca’s voice rang out as well.


“My boys and I have the area around the towers almost completely roped off. These guys learn quick – two barriers already! I’m going to send Jonathan and Rudy inside once I finish the side of the barrier the shuttle is arriving from, and I’ll find a place to hide so I can keep the barrier up during your investigations. No one will be coming in or out.”


Not even a moment later, the shuttle passed by the silver-haired woman, who winked and held a thumbs up with left hand, before raising her right into the air, and bringing it down, as if she was bringing down the blinds over a window. There was no noise, but for a split second, a shining wall was visible as it sealed off the area surrounding the tower.


Jonathan and Rudy were just a few hundred yards down the street, and they entered the shuttle as well – with the passengers having to shift around for the two rather large men – and Brynja continued down the way, with the tower appearing in sight.



It was safe to say that Omer really did not like the current situation. To backtrack a little, Omer had prepared his coffee for Alicia when she did wake up, and although the white-haired woman did not usually drink coffee, she accepted the drink as a token, and instantly enjoyed it.


But alas, she did not see Omer as anything more but a stuffed animal, and she would hug him as she slept. She barely spoke, and Omer did not get much out of her, but the weird thing was that she kept a cat that she did not name, and the one thing Omer got out of her was that she wanted him to name the cat, which began to vomit a rainbow-colored fluid. So it was up to Omer to name the cat. How Alicia was going to be a mentor to him, he had no idea.


But now he was playing the agent to a porn star – and Alicia was his “porn star”. Her regular, skimpy dress was enough for her to pass off like that, and she never seemed to change out of it. Omer had to wonder why the clothes continued to smell so good, and Alicia looked beyond attractive with her hair brushed over the flower-shaped seal over her right eye.


The security guards had let them in without asking too many questions – escorts were common, especially leading into the weekend. Of course, the men were fairly jealous they couldn’t afford their own overtly sexy porn star to sleep with, but it was beside the point.


The elevator was directing them to the office of one Shigeo Coda, who was the primary consultant in regards to company organization and structure – if anyone was worth questioning, it was either this man or Akira Mori, who no one has been able to track. The door opened up at the seventeenth floor, and Alicia walked out with a long stride, causing her dress to flow. Omer could only try to follow and not look so shameful as he held the cat in his arms.


They opened the door to what was assumed to be the office they were looking for, and a nameplate that read Shigeo Coda was on the desk. The man they were looking for was entering his forties, and was currently making out with a topless woman, who looked slightly older than half his age, on top of the desk. Alicia and Omer could only stare silently at the scene in front of them, before Alicia reached into her dress and pulled out a pistol, firing a shot right on the bottom of the desk.




Alicia pointed the gun at the call girl, who was so terrified that she didn’t bother trying to cover herself. Alicia shook the gun to indicate that the girl should leave, and gathering up her wrinkled clothing off the floor, the girl ran off. Alicia pointed the gun back towards Shigeo, who was zipping up his pants at this point.


“Where are you keeping the homeless people?”


Shigeo began to stutter, presumably an insult, but whatever statement he had to make was shushed as pressed the gun against his chin, her eyes menacing.


“Ten words, Shigeo Coda.”


“I…I only know about those in the basement.”


“Two words left. Any guesses as to where the other ones are?”


“Ah, um…”


Shigeo’s brow revealed a line of sweat, and he took his time contemplating an answer – after a few moments of pondering, Shigeo whispered in a terrified voice.


“G-Gakuto knows…”


The fear in Shigeo’s voice was not of Alicia, but of that name: Gakuto. Nodding curtly, Alicia raised the gun over her head and smashed the butt of the gun against Shigeo’s chin, knocking out the poor man as he fell over his desk and to the other side, out of sight. Tossing the gun towards Omer, Alicia walked out of the room with her second order to her pupil, something golden in her hand.


“Pocket the gun, there’s no bullets in it, so don’t worry about having to shoot yourself.”


Omer snugly placed the gun underneath the waistline of his jeans, hidden in sight by his jacket and shirt, and he followed Alicia back to the elevator. In Alicia’s hand was something of a key card, and she placed it in the keyhole underneath all the floor buttons – the fifty-fourth floor, previously unlit, began to light up, and without a moment’s notice, Alicia pressed that button, and the elevator door closed.


Around a minute later, the elevator door opened up, revealing an empty floor. Nothing was in the room: no furniture, no equipment. The only thing that stood there was a shadow, and it turned to face them – the shade of a human, with black wings sprouting out from the back. The homunculus roared a challenge towards the pair, and before Alicia could react, the homunculus swiftly appeared right in front of her and jabbed at her neck, causing Alicia to collapse on the floor of the elevator, unconscious. The man-made monster grabbed Omer by the collar and tossed him out of the elevator, causing the young man to slide across the floor and close to the window.


The homunculus approached Omer rather menacingly, its fingers turning into claws. The gun that had previously been in Omer’s possession was now between him and the monster – there were no bullets, but Omer bet that in whatever pocket Alicia had, there were probably bullets.


It didn’t mean much though – Omer doubt he could take on the homunculus in a straight battle, and while he did make have a thermos of his coffee in his bag, which he was sure would wake Alicia right up, he would still have to go past the enemy in front of him. The cat hissed at the approaching homunculus, and Omer knew he didn’t have much of a choice – either try to wake Alicia up, or try to find the bullets and try and shoot the homunculus.



Christian could say for sure that he would never ride in the back of a moving truck again, and even more, in the space of the removed bottom of an office couch. The bottom had been removed so that he and Yukina could fit through the bottom, and after the workers left the couch in the holding docks, Yukina lifted the couch up with ease, and Christian rolled out, with Yukina crawling out soon after she held the couch up with one hand.


They snuck around all the late-night workers, who looked as if they wanted nothing more than to return home, and checked around the gigantic room filled with boxes. It felt like an Indiana Jones movie, where they were essentially going through Area 51, with the crates surrounding all of them.


A clatter could be heard behind them, and claws grew from Yukina’s nails as she snarled, looking around for the source of the sound. The sound of steps could be heard, but where from? Christian and Yukina looked towards the direction from whence they came, but when they turned back once more, a dark-haired man with a Japanese sword on his back was standing there, quiet. His face was more or less expressionless, and it said nothing of his thoughts, but when the man, with one of his arms slung into his clothes, used his free arm to draw the nodachi from its sheath, it was fairly obvious that he was looking for a fight.




The sword was incredibly long, and looked fairly heavy, but the swordsman held it with one hand easily. Brandishing the weapon, he issued a silent challenge towards Yukina and Christian. Growling, Yukina’s face began tot run fairly animalistic, and her frame began to grow larger – a moment later, what stood there was a brown-colored werewolf, which howled and then charged the enemy standing in their paths.


The swordsman and Yukina could not seem to hit each other – they were too fast for each other, and the exchange between them was a storm of claws and steel. Christian could change the advantage of the fight, but should he try to make Yukina’s attack more powerful, or should he try to make the swordsmen weaker? He wasn’t sure about what the effects of this “double-edged magic” could perform, but depending on who he directs the spell towards and what intentions he had upon casting the spell, the effects would differ.


Might as well test it now.



The van pulled up right in front of the entrance, but what was strange was that the security guards were nowhere in sight. Brynja slowly drove the car forward, circling the tower until she neared the entrance, and then a spurt of blood splashed itself onto the windshield, causing her to stop. What was thrown at her disappeared from sight, but Brynja feared the worst, and as she stepped out, she saw the crushed remains of a human head.


“Oh, a redhead! I quite like the redheads, you know.”


A gigantic man stepped out: dark-skinned, with sunglasses and other gaudy ornaments, he appeared to be the stereotypical Asian representation of black people. However, what stood behind him were several bodies, all of them missing a head. When Brynja looked at the rings on the man’s fingers, they were coated with blood.




“You want to enter the building? C’mon, try and enter it. I dare you.”


Brynja was silent for a moment, and she stepped inside the shuttle once more, turning to everyone.


“Abramson and I are going to drive this vehicle straight into that man. All of you are going to step out and make a run into the building. You’re the leader of this group, Banri. On three.”


As Abramson began to count down, Brynja quickly set up a kit for Jamie, and then she placed it in her student’s jacket pocket, much like a fussy mother. She then hurried Jamie out of the vehicle, and Abramson directed everyone to step out. The man stood there silently, grinning all the while – he didn’t care who got past him, just as long as he got to deal with somebody. Abramson hopped into the shotgun seat, and both of them buckled their seatbelts once more. Brynja took a deep breath, and then floored it, smashing straight into the gigantic man while screaming TAKE THIS, MOTHERFUCKER!” as the shuttle continued down the street, pushing the man down.


Banri wasted no time to speak; he ran into the building, followed by Iam, Laura, Jamie, Max, Jonathan, Rudy, and Frederico. As they all ran into the gigantic lobby, what appeared to be a clown stood in front of the escalators leading up to the balcony, where the elevators to the other floors were located.




“Oh my, the Professor sure knows how to take the fun ones for himself, isn’t that right, darling?”


And the clown seemingly split in two. His body did not deform, but rather, from the shadows, a clone just appeared right next to him, with the same infuriating pose, and the same cocky smile.


“Certainly, darling, but for these um, initiatives, I’m sure we only have to go to, say, eight? You should take the high school boy though, he looks like he knows some magic.”


Both of them cackled, and from their own shadows, more of the clowns appeared, until eight of them barred their paths. The original clown cracked his beck, and stretched his arms, and upon closer inspection of the arms, there were two runes similar to those of the Quaesitor magic. Banri understood those runes – perfect human athlete and mirror images. The original than ran towards Banri, and Banri had little time to transform into his bear form before taking the charging clown, both of them crashing through the revolving door and into the streets once more.


The other clowns split off, and began to skip around in a circle. It was as if they were playing musical chairs, without the chairs, and it continued to annoy those who were watching. Without warning, the clowns quickly returned into a line, and all seven of them cackled once more in unison.


“We like to call ourselves Flea Circus! Now come, enjoy our show, as we show you the moves we ripped off from Chinese wuxia films!”


With a sound mocking Chinese martial artists, the seven clones of the clown leaped into the air, all of them lifting their right leg up to bring it crashing down on the heads of the seven mages in front of them. Block, counterattack, run, all of these were options, but some people weren’t prepared for battle, whether it be skill-wise or mentally. Either way, Flea Circus was the enemy, and their first real foe. Their battles have begun.



The shuttle continued down the street, as the Professor was pushing against the weight of the speeding vehicle. After holding this position for about half a mile, the Professor shoved the car backwards, causing it to swerve and crash into a toy store from the rear. Both Abramson and Brynja were dizzy from the impact, and the Professor slowly made his way to the dazed mages.


A wind began to blow, and the Professor stopped: what stood between him was a beautiful, dark-haired woman: Sierra Milton, who looked at the Professor rather sternly. Michael and Alaina landed on both sides of their teacher, looking at the Professor right in front of them – the reinforcement squad, which was making sure that nobody from their side dies tonight, found their battle: to protect the wounded mages behind them.


The Professor covered his face with his large hands, before giving out a loud laugh. Without warning, he began to run towards Sierra, who quickly moved out of the way, as well as Alaina, leaving only Michael to stand between the Professor and the comrades in the shuttle. The Professor had every intention to run Michael into the shuttle and probably smash him as he kills the other two mages, but Michael was going to stop him – whether it be a blow with his magic, or even his fists, he was going to make sure the Professor will not make it to his objective.




"Shurima, your emperor has returned."




    Fried Potato

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  • Location黄金の郷

|| Gillard Pollux von Leviathos

| Ialian Academy of Wisdoms

| Dallas, Texas

When they say an academy is a place of learning, I was not expecting for there to be this much learning. Magic lessons are challenging, I agree, but at least they have a certain guidance on what to do and what not to do. This kind of situation where you are faced with a lady whose face simply hold no emotion? Now that's my definition of walking in the dark. I seriously have no idea on what to do. She waved her hand: she invited me to go into the room. She threw a cold glance upon me: probably she's gauging my caliber. Sitting and patting the spot right next to her? That's way above and beyond me.

Let's review the facts, shall we? First, she was not particularly close to me. I respect her as a professor, but to my knowledge, she's not even aware that I exist outside the class roster. Second, the Sheffield Sisters are of a good upbringing. As I know it, such upbringing would dictate them to keep their distance from members of the opposite sex they are not familiar with. Third, the room I am in. From the decoration alone, I would say the owner is a bit of a recluse; and introverted people tend not to like strangers.

So far, all the clues are telling me not to sit next to the eldest of the Sheffields, Diane. Yet, the gesture of patting the spot right to her left repeatedly is definitely an invitation; an order, even, for me to sit next to her. Hence, my aforementioned confusion. What is it that she's thinking? Is she testing me? Am I misinterpretating something? Or am I simply that intimidated by her, that my mind asks me these pointless questions to stall me from taking actions I'd regret in the immediate future?

Well, whatever.

"Well then. Pardon my intrusion," I stated as I decided to just go with the flow.. And take the seat next to Lady Diane. I am not going to lie, this is the most nerve-wracked state I am in ever since I entered this academy. The silence was excruciating, and I feel extremely awkward just by sitting still. Truly, I should have stayed where I am: standing by the doorsill. Before I know it, I could take no more of the awkwardness and started talking.

"Just to be sure, allow me to ask one question: we are still talking about Hunter Grey, right?"

Edited by fayrine, 20 February 2015 - 12:00 PM.