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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles

(OOC) Prosperity

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    Fingerling Potato

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Uh yeah I just forgot to include you. For some reason you didn't register when I was looking through the names. 


You are there with them. I'll add your name. 


Führer Itulhu

Führer Itulhu


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i picked water too, is there no lovin for the cat?


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    Fried Potato

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Ok, thanks vaffie :D



    Fingerling Potato

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What do you guy want to do? I think, maybe, we could drive them into the water by positioning ourselves to give them no where to run, and have Viska pick them off as they try to swim.


Isn't it just a small watering hole in the middle of an otherwise dry plain? Regardless I'm not seeing a problem with the one-shot one-kill method. How many zebras can you carry back on foot?

Edited by Inumori, 10 February 2015 - 05:50 AM.

The Dog's Woods


An Adventure by Mischief



    Fingerling Potato

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You also have 20+ people to feed. Oh, and provisions for the road ahead. 


Unless, of course, that number whittles under your watch. 


Johnny Paradise

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That's no way to start a company. We need as much capital as we can get, otherwise we run out of product. ;c

here's to a long life and dead friends




    Fingerling Potato

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Ever the homo economicus, I see. 




    Potato Spud

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Well, with twenty mouths to feed, we need to bag more than one, ideally all three.


How large is the watering hole?


Crimson Century: Bratumił

Edge of Destiny: Geraint



    Fingerling Potato

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We're going to need to hunt regularly anyway. Moving a group of people that size will be slow and taxing on resources. I just recommend taking what you can get, then trying again later. Don't risk coming back with nothing in the hope of coming back with more. There will be more hunting to do regardless, and still being hungry is not the same as actually starving. It's harder to catch more food when you hit the wall on your energy reserves.


Again though my biggest question is how the hunters are going to bring back three horse-sized entities on foot. I also wonder if any of those dried-out plants are edible? Gotta take your nutrition where you can get it, and Zerhorse-shrub stew could be a decent meal if team water meets with success.


That's not to say I'm not all for taking down all three. If you think you can do it and have some method of bringing them back, then that is the better option to be sure. I would suggest Matias set a trap using his defense drone while Vilka skulks into position to spook them towards it. If she gets within Bow range, then that's one less bullet spent for the kill on top of that. Martin could be the flank that helps direct them into the drone's fire. It being solar, any kill it makes is entirely renewable for the Summer. Plus it's not like Martin can't shoot if he has to. If one panics under laser fire and rears back he could easily have time to fire a shot into it while within range. His kills require bullets however, and it would be preferable to not have to use them when avoidable.


Frugality ho!

The Dog's Woods


An Adventure by Mischief

Rainbow Dash

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I rate you 2 bears out of 10




    Fingerling Potato

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So, team Water. I'm taking stock of who we have available, after which I'll propose a strategy here for you all to review. Sound good?



Myself, as told by a Hawk;


Officer Judy Hopps

Officer Judy Hopps

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Doc reporting in for #TeamWater


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    Fingerling Potato

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I rate you 2 bears out of 10


Much shame. Will earn more bears spotting for Vilka with special eyes.

The Dog's Woods


An Adventure by Mischief



    Fingerling Potato

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Okay, so. Here's how I look at it; we have ourselves a Voyageur, 2 Soldiers, and a Medic. Fay gets a bonus to scouting and talking to people, so my plan is this;


Fay moves forward, scouting out the encampment as he goes. DR moves just behind him, staying out of his way but close enough that she can intervene if needed. If this place empty, they signals us and we move in. If there are inhabitants and they are willing to talk, he uses his diplomacy to try and convince them to be our friends. If they aren't willing to talk or the talks go bad, DR is right there to cover Fay while Missy and I get down there to back you up.





Myself, as told by a Hawk;


Führer Itulhu

Führer Itulhu


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i picked water too, is there no lovin for the cat?

don't really care what group i go in...


I encountered you.....

This world has chosen the reality and future that shouldn't have been chosen

That's Why I'm here

Rainbow Dash

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Much shame. Will earn more bears spotting for Vilka with special eyes.

Viska already has special eyes
She can also spell her name




    Fingerling Potato

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Viska already has special eyes


So she does.


She can also spell her name


Hey, wait a minute...


*checks quote*


*checks INFO*


*checks quote again*


... oi.


Oh wait I typoed it first up above. My bad.


It bothers me how long I took to realize that -_-. I should sleep. o7

Edited by Inumori, 10 February 2015 - 09:06 AM.

The Dog's Woods


An Adventure by Mischief

Officer Judy Hopps

Officer Judy Hopps

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Sounds good to me, Colonel.


Fay, DR, go with that strategy? Or might you have something else in mind?


Me, according to a Hero:




    Fried Potato

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I am planning to do just that, dear slice n missy :)
pretend dowsing ahoy!

Officer Judy Hopps

Officer Judy Hopps

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Well hop to it then! GOGO post.


(And don't get shot.)


Me, according to a Hero:
