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[OOC] The Crimson Century

#vampire #werewolf #fantasy

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    Potato Spud

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Waaay weird.


But in a good way.


You guys have the oddly most odd conversations while I'm asleep/getting ready for work.

That's interesting.


why? Erin's a lycan. Lycans are dogs. Dogs are to be on a leash or the owner is to get fined.

Because Erin is a humanoid being. And therefore leashes/collars can be seen in many different ways. 


Aka sexually.


Yeah I went there.


♥~Cause your love I adore~♥



    Potato Spud

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Ok, Let's negotiate the terms and agreements.

If I want Erin to be collared and on a leash, what are to be the terms to get him to subject himself to such a thing?


Off the top of my head I'd say several years in a relationship (friend or otherwise) with a good amount of trust, no need for him to be responsible for your care, a few less children to take care of (or more people to take care of them), and about 100 more skill points for each of you. Then there's an off chance it could happen in the confines of a private space. Though considering you keep talking Zeph up as a hard M do you think she'd be able to pull it off?


This is getting a bit weird.

Getting? Since when have the conversations the CTL has undertaken been anything but weird?


Officer Judy Hopps

Officer Judy Hopps

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What's interesting, Hime? ._.


My God, this conversation is getting in depth. <.<;


Just. Wow.


Me, according to a Hero:





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Deeper than an orphan's butthole.


"The sun is new each day."



    Potato Spud

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I'm just lookin' for love in all the wrong places. ):



    Potato Spud

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Off the top of my head I'd say several years in a relationship (friend or otherwise) with a good amount of trust, no need for him to be responsible for your care, a few less children to take care of (or more people to take care of them), and about 100 more skill points for each of you. Then there's an off chance it could happen in the confines of a private space. Though considering you keep talking Zeph up as a hard M do you think she'd be able to pull it off?


Getting? Since when have the conversations the CTL has undertaken been anything but weird?

And CTL stands for?


Deeper than an orphan's butthole.



♥~Cause your love I adore~♥

Kind of a Manly Man-chan

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That's interesting.


Because Erin is a humanoid being. And therefore leashes/collars can be seen in many different ways. 


Aka sexually.


Yeah I went there.

Oh god, Eww. Get your mind out of the gutter! I was talking about it considering Vampire law would probably dictate Vampires to leash their Lycan slaves because of all the recent developments. 


Off the top of my head I'd say several years in a relationship (friend or otherwise) with a good amount of trust, no need for him to be responsible for your care, a few less children to take care of (or more people to take care of them), and about 100 more skill points for each of you. Then there's an off chance it could happen in the confines of a private space. Though considering you keep talking Zeph up as a hard M do you think she'd be able to pull it off?


Getting? Since when have the conversations the CTL has undertaken been anything but weird?

But in this scenario we have enslaved Erin. It's not like he has any say in this. But then again, chances are small of that actually happening. Guess you win this time.
To be a True M one has to first understand the world of S. 

Edited by Kawaii~ Dragon girl, 17 February 2015 - 07:43 PM.




    Potato Spud

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I entertain all theoretical possibilities. Makes for better writing to know how my character would interact in any situation people could throw at him.


@Hime- stands for the Culling Timewaster's League. I'm making it a thing.


@Mafia- fair enough, in that case just domination and torture. Anyone breaks eventually.

Edited by Siderealmidnight, 17 February 2015 - 07:44 PM.




    Potato Spud

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Oh god, Eww. Get your mind out of the gutter! I was talking about it considering Vampire law would probably dictate Vampires to leash their Lycan slaves because of all the recent developments. 


But in this scenario we have enslaved Erin. It's not like he has any say in this. But then again, chances are small of that actually happening. Guess you win this time.
To be a True M one has to first understand the world of S. 

I mean you guys keep talking about romancing each other so it's quite easy to come to my conclusion.


♥~Cause your love I adore~♥

Officer Judy Hopps

Officer Judy Hopps

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Isn't the sadist the one who puts on the leash...


And the Masochist who enjoys being leashed? ._.


Just making sure I have my terms right here.


Me, according to a Hero:




    Potato Spud

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Actually leash is when you pull the buff out for the jungler.



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@Missy- you have it correct. Though in the broader sense the masochist enjoys pain and the sadist enjoys hurting others.


Kind of a Manly Man-chan

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I entertain all theoretical possibilities. Makes for better writing to know how my character would interact in any situation people could throw at him.
@Hime- stands for the Culling Timewaster's League. I'm making it a thing.
@Mafia- fair enough, in that case just domination and torture. Anyone breaks eventually.

Would he consent to the insertion of unspecified objects into unspecified locations? You know. For the "understanding" part of the deal. You know. We have to check him for infections and such.

I mean you guys keep talking about romancing each other so it's quite easy to come to my conclusion.


Edited by Kawaii~ Dragon girl, 17 February 2015 - 07:55 PM.




    Potato Spud

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He wouldn't consent, but that probably wouldn't be the event that caused him to fight to his death either. It would take some cajoling.


Kind of a Manly Man-chan

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He wouldn't consent, but that probably wouldn't be the event that caused him to fight to his death either. It would take some cajoling.

K, I just thought it would be interesting considering Erin looks like he's the toughest guy around. To have him wimper in a subjective position.
That's all I wanted to know. Getting quite a clear picture of what kind of person Erin is.
Considerate and kind. Knows his boundaries but doesn't shy away from trying out new things if correctly persuaded. He's a secret S.

Edited by Kawaii~ Dragon girl, 17 February 2015 - 08:06 PM.




    Potato Spud

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Yeah I'm getting that feeling myself. That's part of why I enjoy branching tangents like this. Nothing better for creating a character than being posed the oddest hypothetical scenarios for him and thinking through how he'd deal with it.


The concept I started with was way less fleshed out than the character I have now. Here's hoping he lives through this mess.


Kind of a Manly Man-chan

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Yeah I'm getting that feeling myself. That's part of why I enjoy branching tangents like this. Nothing better for creating a character than being posed the oddest hypothetical scenarios for him and thinking through how he'd deal with it.
The concept I started with was way less fleshed out than the character I have now. Here's hoping he lives through this mess.

Yes. Let's hope he survives so our fanfiction can become canon instead of just randoms thoughts being thrown around without descretion.




    Fingerling Potato

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Isn't the sadist the one who puts on the leash...


And the Masochist who enjoys being leashed? ._.


Just making sure I have my terms right here.


@Missy- you have it correct. Though in the broader sense the masochist enjoys pain and the sadist enjoys hurting others.


A masochist calls a sadist and says "I want you to come over here and hurt me."


Sadist says "No." and hangs up.



Myself, as told by a Hawk;




    Potato Spud

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So... when will this start moving again? 



Kind of a Manly Man-chan

Kind of a Manly Man-chan

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So... when will this start moving again?

Pitou likes to see us suffer as we ponder.
