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Cleaning a manga

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    Potato Spud

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Greetings fellow Batotonians

After waiting for a manga/s i have come to realise i have an abundance of spare time due to my virtually non-exsistent social circle outside the online community and not having hobbies/ any obvious skills i decided to take up possibly helping scanlators, that said i deicided to try cleaning a manga first of all(  learning a language is hard when your allready bad at your native language)  

Rate my first try out of 10 potatos please and any criticism are welcome (and needed i have no idea what i am doing)




Attempt 1




    Fingerling Potato

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Faithfulness is paramount. Levelling (white white and black black) is important, but you lost a lot of the lighning information here. Shadows have been eclipsed for the most part in your clean. Look at the contrast between the girl in the back and the "white" background around her, then the same area in your clean: contrast is way down. Shouldn't be. Looks like the art has been bleached (art loss).


Second, bleeding. In the raw, you can see bleeding (the other side of the paper). Most apparent in the raw is the 3 horizontal white lines, probably separating frames on the other side.

You did correct bleeding top-left and bottom-right (wall and girl's leg), but not elsewhere.


Noise from artifacts (probably). Most apparent is the black haired girls hair.


No score, I don't have enough experience to have a fair or useful scale.



    Sweet Potato

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The first thing I see is the "blacks" aren't really "black" in your finished copy, I think that's why it's got so much of a faded/washed-out look to it (my opinion). This is what I'm looking at...this is at I think 400%, on the blacks I always tilt my screen forward (the reverse for whites) or lower my head a little bit to really see the contrast between my stencil and the area behind it 




You can see all the grey's in the two girls hair and in the dark area of the ceiling? Those areas should be much more predominantly "black" I'd say. 


This isn't the easiest image to work on, I think it's lost a substantial amount of quality in the scanning process, not the least of which is, as Doonge says, that bleed-through to contend with as well. 


This is (probably, I really did it pretty quickly) what I'd turn in as "about as good as I can probably get it".....but, as always, a good part of this is subjective too.



Yeah, substantial lowering of the grey and raising of the black in leveling (while doing it incrementally and comparing to the original to try and avoid losing detail), a pass-through of the remaining noise (grey flecks where they shouldn't be) with paint, and I passed over the areas with the most noticeable remaining bleed-through (mostly straight looking lines in the center of the image in the girls legs and such) with the clone tool to basically just cover them up.


Yeah, make the blacks black and the whites white and then kinda wing-it from there, but you've got a good start on it I think  :)





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@HunterMaou The raw is crap, so I recommend you try using good raw instead. 


@svines85 Yours version looks burn to me though but given the bad raw it's hard to make it looks good.


So to HunterMaou, try get better raw when u try to learn hwo to do editing, it will be much easier and u will enjoy it more than working with crappy raw and try to make it looks good.

Posted Image



    Baked Potato

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People pretty much already mentioned the most important parts. The blacks are grainy and the grays are too pale in the cleaned version. But then again, the raw you're using isn't quite optimal.


Here's a better raw page for you. See what you can make of this.

Edited by Horn, 25 September 2014 - 08:27 PM.




    Sweet Potato

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Yeah, given the raw that one's only ever going to look so good.


But once again, a very subjective thing to appraise  (without having a pristine copy of the original in your hand to compare the after-scan/image-editing version to that is)   :)

Edited by svines85, 26 September 2014 - 01:00 AM.




    Potato Sprout

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I did and cleaned the manga page on the first post.


As for the steps I made: (Make it black and white first. Try "Ctrl+Shift+B" in Photoshop.)

1. Resize it to 4000px height (Constrain Proportions)

2. Sharpen it 2 times. Go to filter->sharpen->sharpen

3. Surface Blur. Go to filter->Blur->Surface Blur (Radius:10; Threshold:20)

4. Level it. "Ctrl+L" for the shortcut. Follow input levels.


5. Use Topaz Clean. Click the spoiler tag for details.


6. Resize to 1200px height. Or any height you want...*


As you can see, the patterns are lost at this point. Now, we could either recover it by redoing the whole stuff or create a pattern for it ourselves. I chose the latter since I'm lazy and a cheater. :D

Here's what I did:

7. Create a new document (Ctrl+N for the shortcut). Follow the input on the picture below.


8. Go to Filter->Filter Gallery. A window like this should appear. Follow the inputs and click OK.


9. Resize it to 1200px height. (*See step #6)

10. Select the whole layer and copy it. Paste it above the manga page. Set it to Overlay.

Finished manga page:


Other version:



Hope that I helped. Also, don't always apply this cleaning method on every manga page that you'll encounter since there's sooo many many ways out there to clean a manga. The method varies based on the condition of the raw manga.

Edited by clustwest, 29 September 2014 - 10:55 AM.



    Potato Sprout

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People pretty much already mentioned the most important parts. The blacks are grainy and the grays are too pale in the cleaned version. But then again, the raw you're using isn't quite optimal.


Here's a better raw page for you. See what you can make of this.

