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'in the zone'

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    Potato Sprout

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So I have been wondering, I can understand that the readers can see people enter the zone through the white lines that come out of their eyes, but how exactly is there any indication for the players? As soon as one person enters the zone, everyone thinks, yep, that guy has entered the zone. I can understand the generation of miracles as well as kagami and the serien coach know when people in the zone, but what methods do other people use to know?


This recent chapter makes me think was akashi the one who triggered everyone to become 'the generation of miracles (the sudden increase of abilities within the second->third year i think, not quite sure when their abilities started to bloom) like how his 'special generation of miracles ability' allows everyone else on his team to enter the zone.



    Potato Sprout

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I'm guessing that people can actually see the lines that come out of their eyes because the moment somebody gets in the zone, everyone goes "He's in the zone!!". I mean, this manga doesn't even make sense anymore. The author said that he wanted to make the abilities within the limits of physics but Akashi's power is totally magic. -__-



    Potato Spud

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If you have ever played basketball (or any sport) against someone who is "in the zone", then you just know from looking at them. They move differently. It's the same as a player having "presence". Such a thing is completely realistic, just exaggerated for the manga. Akashi's new "power" isn't: make everyone generation of miracles level. It is simply the exaggeration of a Point Guard Floor General at his peak. Akashi's own style of play is now bringing out the strongest in his team. Yes, it's still an exaggeration but its based in a common basketball ability. 



    Potato Sprout

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It's pretty much what Shem said. It's the same concept as sensing 'danger' or 'killing intent'. It probably works differently with everyone too. But if you notice, average fans do not notice the zone. It's only people who have played basketball or are closely linked to the sport in some way. Riko though probably can actually 'see' the zone because of her ability to see how a person's muscles are working so well.