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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
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[RP] The Lion's Roar

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Johnny Paradise

Johnny Paradise


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Mathias Crane


After delivering the automaton to the ship's engineers, Mathias retired to his quarters until he received further orders. He exhaled sharply as he sat down, the weight of what had just happened looming over him. His mind wasn't on the kidnapping of the young doctor they came to retrieve--though if asked, he would later mention that that, too, was a tragedy--but on Mikhail, who died without even understanding what was going on. Mathias had been unable to save him, unable to even make an attempt. He was dead before Mathias even understood that there was a threat in the vicinity.


He wasn't cut out for this battle shit. He barely managed to keep Annaveya and Clare in fighting condition, and couldn't fight himself--what real use was he in a real battle? On the sidelines, sure, he had his uses. That's why he was here, and that's what he had anticipated when he accepted this job. Even then, seeing the wounds of soldiers coming back to him for care made him ill. He had seen a lot on the rivers, but nothing compared to the scars of battle.


He stared longingly out his window to the horizon, wondering if he had made a mistake, if he should have stayed on the river.


Annaveya's orders came in over the intercom. He didn't even have the time to be wistful.


Meeting up with Annaveya and Clare, he stood silently. He had nothing to add, except maybe some sort of complaint about the nature of this mission. He didn't want to go into a danger zone, and he wasn't even aware that he had signed up for that type of mission when he took this job. But he stayed quiet.

here's to a long life and dead friends





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Skoll did not tarry he immediately leapt into action, as he replied to Ag’ahs jibe, with a smirk..


“Hveodrungr favors no one…”


By then his perosonal guard rallied to him, their twin blades drawn and gleaming in the sun. The rest of the men were all in the process of getting into position. The first thing was to manouver such that their backs were towards the mountains and not the open, and then to take down the trolls.


“ Men fall back, shield bearers forward. Sickle formation !keep your distance! Rotate to the mountains “ Quickly the commands would pass down the lines, and his men would rally. He expected the trolls to rush them.


“Archers draw!, aim for the legs!” He said his voice commanding and carrying across the plateau.


“Crows, Draw! aim for the Eyes and Neck!” He continued…


His battallion consisted of several of the elite platoons of the Baraki forces, so he didnt have to worry as much of them being shaken at the sight of the trolls, however he could not afford to lose men to them either. Though medium sized battalion, he would need every man later….


The with a roar “FIRE!”


At the same time with a pulse of power from his staff, he casted Lokis Fist, aiming for the trolls crotch...

Edited by Jodgod, 01 July 2014 - 11:59 AM.
