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Yuta and Asha

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    Russet Potato

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I'm just going to keep this short cause I'm so tired lol.


Have any of you noticed that Yuta and Asha have this weird bond, idk, it's like they are super close bond that's based off of secrets lol. Out of allt he characters that we've met Yuta and Visnu are like the only 2 people that truly understand Asha (If brillith  confided in Asha more I'm sure she would be more close to her as well)


Also I know that Yuta knows what Asha is trying to do but does Asha know about what Yuta wants to do (other than leez HAHA)? But seriously what does Yuta want to do, is he just going to hang around with Leez 24/7?


I want currygom to really get into more detail/expand the relationship between Yuta and Asha, idc if they become a ship or not (but I won't lie, if they do become a legitimate ship I'd enjoy the hell out of it).

Edited by Burgerboner69, 01 June 2014 - 10:37 PM.




    Couch Potato

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Actually, as I've noted in my structure essay, this is just one example of how Currygom uses the diversity of interactions to flesh out all the characters at once. ^^ The relationship between Yuta and Asha (non-romantic) is quite interesting in that.

In Yuta's case, Asha brings out the older, more experienced and benevolent side of him. He's a 300 years-old Sura who saw many things after all. Whereas he appears to be a little kid around Leez and Ran, around Asha he reminds us that there's an older and wiser side to him.

In Asha's case, these interactions reveal Asha's more vulnerable side. To Ran and Leez, Asha appears more like a jerk who refuses to talk, but Asha isn't actually that strong. She is suffering in silence while prevented from talking, thus unable to share her burden with anybody else. However, Yuta is a being who is not caught in the details of what humans are up to, and who probably has a bigger picture of what's going on with the Gods and Sura. After Asha brought Yuta back with Hoti Visnu, Yuta also showed that he is very worried about her.

Thanks to this, Asha has come to see Yuta as one of the few (the only?) people she can trust and confide in. Unlike Leez and Ran who view Yuta as a kid, Asha views him as a peer. Even though she still can't share the details of her information, at least she can share enough of it.

This is also a sad relationship for her, though, since she knows that even though Yuta is friendly to her now, he'd take Leez' side if forced to choose. Because of the changes that Yuta is going through, Yuta is gradually drifting away from Asha too. I'm pretty sure that these changes are very sad for Asha (and possibly a little alarming).


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