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Anime that you'll Recommend

Anime you recommend

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    Potato Spud

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Name 1 anime that is not popular that you'll recommend and why. Most preferably one of your favorite/top anime.

Kemono no Souja Erin
I've been a fan of animes where the MC starts from childhood to adulthood. Basically, where they grow up. I was looking for some anime that was airing back then when I saw this one. The art was new to me and I saw a kid. With these two things that I started watching and hoping for the girl to grow up. Kinda scary the way I say this but fear not as I was curious if the MC will grow up and how. And this is the only anime that made me cry really hard. Yeah... Other animes, like Clannad, just makes me sad and tears. This anime also have some of my favorites in an anime: School life (Not the modern school that you're thinking but I really like it!), Adventure, Unique MC (Where the people are like "Wow! How can she do that!" "I can't believe what I am seeing"... w/out magic or anything alike), Fantasy, War, etc. I also like romance but it have little to it but am satisfied with it ;) and you'll probably know why.

I do recommend watching Kemono no Souja Erin. You'll love how she grows physically and mentally and her adventure is great. She'll be the top of her class, the only known person to do things that other people can't do and the OP and ED are catchy. --Try some episodes and you might like it--

Edited by Jopat, 21 April 2014 - 03:32 PM.

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Will of NGE

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People, please. Recommend 1 (ONE) anime. Not animes, not lists of animes, not top 5... 1, only one anime.


Having said that, I won't be recommending "Serial Experiements Lain" and "Texhnolyze" as I haven't seen them yet, but know that they're exceptional.

Instead, I'll recommending Shiki.

Shiki... it starts slow, and builds up, and builds up... and builds up... and then BOOM!!! It explodes into your face and you start to question a lot of things, all the while shedding tears, feeling disgusted for the actions of the characters. I, who am usualy impervious to feels, actually at one point felt like my stomach will turn when shit started to go down.

Characters are not stupid for the sake of moving the plot, all characters (and there are tons of them) feel fleshed out, worked on, and most of all, beliavable.

Shiki does sport some extreme examples of hair styles, to the point where fanbase gave them all name.

Still, it's a dark, dark supernatural story that won't leave you feeling indifferent.

It's good from the start, but it gets better and better and better as it goes on.


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    Fingerling Potato

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Name 1 anime that is not popular that you'll recommend and why.

Dunno about "not popular" part, but I will recommend this:

School Rumble
Story follows Harima Kenji (typical strong and stupid deliquent) that has fallen in love with girl Tsukamoto Tenma.

Apart from those 2, there is incredible amount of side characters. You won't find any mediocrity here, each character is unique, and that's no exaggeration (one can read minds of others, another is super honest and cannot lie, another is super pervert, etc. etc.)


Let me say this clearly: DON'T expect typical boring romance storyline that drags on.

Each episode is totally random, even though it still manages to follow main storyline. And as the story goes on, it becomes more and more hillarious. Expect huge twister of love triangles and really really comical situations (some even to the point of being silly).

Beside good story and epic comedy, it even looks good, each character is drawn in really nice way.


If you enjoy comedy genres, then go for this. As far as I remember, I have never laughed as much as I was while watching this.

Edited by PsychoMantis, 06 May 2014 - 11:08 PM.


Seira J. Loyard


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Oh, that one does look good, I'll have to add it to the list   :)


So, just one and one that's "not popular" eh? Hmmm, well, I can't swear about the "not popular" part, so I'll just have to guess on that..........and I guess any hentai series are right out too, eh? Well fine, I'll just play this one straight then.......


Asatte no Houkou, an excellent slice of life/drama with fantasy/supernatural overtones........really, really good. Of course I like this kind of work, nothing but story, characters and settings...........in other words there's no T&A or action, just thought I'd give everyone a heads-up    :D
