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[Resolve]Other group uploading the same manga after me

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Heaven of Temptation

Heaven of Temptation

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Hi, I was wondering, if there's a special feature in the configuration to avoid someone uploading the same episode in the same language. Or I just have to "unapprove" the chapter? How can I do to be the only one uploading chapters in a specific comic?


I started wondering because I uploaded a chapter for the comic "Chou yo Hana yo", and as you can see here http://vatoto.com/comic/_/comics/chou-yo-hana-yo-r11349       few minutes later, a group names " H!jacked" uploaded the same chapter with my group as Contributor, the only thing is that there's no comic, it's just the name. 


How should I proceed in this situation?

Edited by seyrine, 11 March 2014 - 06:41 PM.
moved to comic forums.




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We allow multiple groups uploading the same comic/chapters and you cant really do anything to prevent that. You also do not have to remove your chapter if you dont want to.

It's up to the readers to choose which group's chapter will they read then. :)


Edit:  Wait, I just noticed it was "you" who uploaded the both chapters. Are you sharing your account with the group? And which group did actually release this chapter?

Edited by powha, 11 March 2014 - 06:55 PM.



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I'm seeing chapter 1 by HoT and chapter 2 by hijacked; both display normally; both uploaded from your account (contributor = user who uploaded it).
If you use this account as a shared one (i.e. other ppl in your group know login and password for it), maybe ask them if they uploaded anything? Possibly a mistake when picking your group from the list?




You <3

Whoever decided to delete this was an idiot.

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    The Head Maid

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As the way to make sure only you are the one to upload releases is by  set the delay in your group info page to yourself.


As I had already done for you : H.O.T   You may edit the delay as if needed.




Matter seems to resolved.  Heaven selected the wrong group as she/he upload the release. O/

Edited by MarchClover, 11 March 2014 - 07:18 PM.

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